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Caesar is by Ch. Damaria The General - UK Import (Huegenes
Golden Apollo ex Damaria Princess Rhyanon) out of Ch. Storm
Dixieland Delight (Ch. Peersleigh Storm Sherman ex Ch. Storm Babe
of Lazy Hill). Caesar was major pointed, however, we co-owned
him and he lived as a pet with young children so everytime
we showed him, the family became distressed at his absence.
We compromised by agreeing to not take him away to shows,
provided we could disrupt the family on occasion to breed him.
Caesar had only a few litters, but he made them count, six of
his kids are champions and he sired the 1991 MCOA National
Specialty BOS Winner (who was owner-handled)! Caesar proves
the old adage that it is quality that counts and not quantity.

The above picture is included because of the color of Caesar.
Both Olof and Dixie, Caesar's sire and dam, are registered
fawns and, indeed, fawn in color to the eye. Dixie, comes
down from tightly linebred apricot going back to apricot
through both of her parents. Caesar was one of four puppies
in his litter of 10 that stood out early on as reddish in color.
Lazy Hill took two of the four and registered them as apricots.
As adults those two became fawns. Storm Mastiffs took the other
two and registered them as fawns, thinking they would
"fawn" out. One turned fawn, "Tia" who is in our girl's
pages. The last of the four reddish puppies is Caesar, who is
registered as a fawn.

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