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Sylvan Glen's Defender Tournament !!

July 7th,8th, and 9th

At the end of the trail to the frontier of AEthelmarc lies the fair Shire of Sylvan Glen, set alone abreast of the mighty northern baronies of Atlantia .. It is to this shire that we invite noble fighters from all lands to come celebrate feats of arms in a Grand Festival of tournaments ..All tournaments are for prizes , as well as a Defender Tourney for the Defender of Sylvan Glen .

On July 7th, 8th, and 9th the Shire of Sylvan Glen will open it's borders for a weekend of fighting, feasting and frivolity.

Three heavy weapons tournaments will be held . A random weapons tournament , a shire defender tournament, and a torchlight tournament. An impromptu fighter practice will probably be held on Sunday for any interested fighters . We also hope to offer authorizations on Saturday morning . So , fighters of all lands , come and show us what you're made of .

Archery will be available on Saturday for any interested gentles , as well as A&S activities . Saturday night following the Torchlight tournament will be a bardic activities around the bonfire, so brush up on your verse ! Also during the event there will be an ongoing competition for most chivalrous event attendee . This will be a secretly judged competition open to all at the event .( No entry required)

A wonderfull feast for 100 gentles will be prepared by Akeru Thunder and served Saturday Evening .

The site is located at the Lashley residence ,(Job Corp RD, no street address) Site opens at 1:00 PM on Friday and closes at 12:00 PM on Sunday . The site is wet and the only restrictions being NO PETS, and no individual fires .

The site is located approximately 5 miles outside of Charlestown, West Virginia . Take your best route to Interstate 81 .. Get off at West Virginia Exit 12 . If coming from the North make a left , if coming from the south , make a right . You should drive past a Mcdonalds and a Sheetz immediately after getting off of the Interstate . Stay on this road ( Rt. 9 ) until it turns into a dual lane highway(Approximately 10-15 miles) Look for an exit marked Flowing Springs Road. Get off at this exit and get onto Flowing Springs road (left at the four-way stop) . Drive approximately 3 miles and make a right onto Job Corp Road. The entrance to the site will be the first driveway on your left. Look for the SCA signs during your trip ..

Site fees are $5 off-board and $10 on-board . Please make checks payable to SCA Inc.-Shire of Sylvan Glen . Pre-registration is required and may be sent to :

Event Registration

835 New York Ave.

Martinsburg, WV 25401

Cut-off for registration is July 1st ..

The Autocrat for the event is Cynrig Wyn (mundanely- Chris Kackley) and any event concerns may be addressed to him :

Cynrig Wyn (Chris Kackley)

Rt. 2 Box 220G

Inwood WV 25428

(304) 264-9471

Merchants are welcomed and encouraged, though we can not supply tables . Any merchants wishing to attend are of course encouraged.
