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My Homepage of.....Yeah Like You Care.....

If you're here, it's probably because of these things:

Links Within This Website

The Section of Big Daddy
Homemade Comics
Final Fantasy 7 No Materia Guide
My LiveJournal Account

Welcome one and all to anyone who has found this site. Please note that this is more of a database for myself, rather than a place to visit. Of course, if you have found something in here that intrests you (such as roleplaying, comics and final fantasy), this isn't such a bad place to be after all. But, I will include other things on this website in due time, just you wait.

Just so you know, the Blog leads to, since it's super easy to use. I'd rather have it there than on this site.

Oh and just for the record, this site will probably never have anything to do with me, meaning don't look forward to a pic of me on this site, EVER!!! (unless you all ask nicely, then I'd do it)