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Wins: 0
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Upcoming Match-up:

WCF Raw is War
Christian vs Matt Hardy
for the WCF European Championship

*Scene fades back to the arena, as it circles around the arena, seeing all the fans with their signs. Scene cuts to JR and "The King".

JR: "Hi, and welcome back folks, to the WCF Mayhem! And it's surely going to be an huge night! I'm Jim Ross, sitting next to none other than Jerry "The King" Lawler!"

The King: "Hey, how come you get to start! But your right JR, business here in the WCF is going to pick up, with all the matches set for Mayhem!"

JR: "A huge night indeed. With the first round of the WCF World Championship, featuring Austin, Goldust, RVD, Y2J, Angle, Michaels, Triple H and The Rock! 8 men with one goal, to be the WCF World Champion!"

The King: "But remember, JR. Not only does the winner between Rock and Triple H move on, they become the next WCF Extreme Champion!"

JR: "Folks, a lot is on the line at Mayhem, and who knows who could come out next here...."


*Christian is seen on stage, as his pryo's die down. The fans already start to boo, as he makes his way down the ramp. Christian continues to walk down the ramp, pointing to himself and mocking the fans. He gets to the stairs, where he climbs them to enter the ring. He quickly goes over to the ropes, and climbs the turnbuckle for a quick pose.*

*Christian jumps down, and grabs a mic.*

Christian: "You people totally have a lot of nerve to be booing a winner like me, you know that? I mean, I'm totally better than most of the WCF superstars here, yet I am the one that SO gets booed? Well, it SO doesn't matter, since I signed up to be a WCF superstar, and I'm totally going to stay, so why don't you boo about that, okay?"

*Crowd boos*

Christian: "Yeah, well whatever, 'cuz I totally don't care! But as some of you SO want to know why I came out here, before the WCF Mayhem gets underway. Not only did I sign up, but I'm totally in a match! Yeah, it seems that Bret Hart couldn't take it here, so instead of Matt Hardy going against Bret, it's Christian! vs Matt Hardy! Yes, we totally saw a boring speech by Matt already, so I thought that I would let all you dumb fans know. 'Cuz you see, the WCF is going to get hit, and hit hard by an era. Totally, an era of awesomeness! No, no, Edge and I aren't teaming up again. You see, it's SO a one man era of awesomeness. And with that awesomeness, it's SO going to spread here in the WCF, and there isn't anyone can totally do about it! Soon, soon the era of awesomeness will totally reek of greatness, as I win matches, and SO prove that I am a winner! And I will totally prove it against Matt Hardy. The Hardly Boyz I see aren't a group anymore, ahhhh, to bad, that SO reeks of coolness! I mean, it's about time that they SO spilt up, since they were just totally bringing each other down. Like Edge was to me, I was totally left going down teaming with Edge. But again, Edge is SO not my focus, it's totally Matt Hardy. Since you are the first one Matt, your totally unlucky, since I will SO beat you at Mayhem, and prove that I should be a champion! And Matt Hardy is totally going to get his kester kicked all over this ring! Yeah!"

*Christian nods his head, and smiles. The fans boo loudly, as Christian raises the mic back up.*

Christian: "Yeah, boo all you SO want, but there is nothing you chump-stains can do about it! I'm SO here to totally show that I am the better man, that I am the better brother, and I'm totally going to do it starting at Mayhem! I see that the WCF was able to sign a loserbot, Edge to the roster, which totally ticks me off! I mean, how can an awesome reeking federation like the WCF sign a dorkchop like Edge, huh? Edge has totally no skills, and I SO carried his kester in the WWE. But since I'm not with the WWE, I'm totally a free man. Free til Edge has to show up, and totally take my fame! My spotlight! My glory! Edge is a SO totally nothing more than a jealous man, who takes pleasure in taking away some elses work! Edge, I know you can SO hear me, and let's totally get one thing right. I was here first! And your SO not going to get in my way! I am the one that reeks of awesomeness, not you! And after Mayhem, I'm going to prove that I am the best, by beating the living stuffing out of Matt Hardy! 'Cuz Matt, when you mess with the awesomeness, your SO going to get your kester kicked!"

*Christian's music hits again, as he drops the mic. The fans boo Christian, as he begins to leave the ring. He begins to point and yell to the crowd, as the scene fades.*