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XWD vs WuW

Kimberly Armstrong sat in her luxurious apartment suite in the UK as she went over figures for rebuilding XWD. Not even ready to air its first show, There is already doubt that XWD will even be able to get promotion or talent to even have WuW take them seriously. Kimberly is determined, however, to run XWD and prove WuW is not invincible. As Kimberly worked, the doorbell rang. Kimberly’s maid, Janice, entered to answer the door. Moments later, Janice returned and stood before Kimberly.

Ms. Armstrong, there is a Mr. Damo Chasez here to see you.

Damo Chasez?

Would you like for me to tell him you are too busy for any meetings?

No. There will be no need for that Janice. Let him in.

Janice exited the room and returned moments later with Damo Chasez behind her. Janice exited the room, closing the door behind her. Damo just looked at Kimberly with that cocky and arrogant grin of his.

And to what do I owe this unexpected visit? Are you here to try and convince me to participate in a WuW Bra and Panties match? Or maybe you’ll pay me to pose for the next WuW Magazine. Is that is Damo?

You don’t know me as well as you think. I’m actually here to bring you these...

Damo pulled a bouquet of roses from behind his back and presented them to Kimberly. Kimberly stood up and suspiciously looked into Damo’s eyes.

What are you trying to pull Damo?

What? I’m just showing me admiration for what you pulled at Devastation. Very smooth and bold on your part. You definitely have a take charge attitude your brother lacked.

Try leaving Blake out of this okay?

Kimberly called for Janice to enter the study. Janice entered and stood before Kimberly again.

Janice, would you please take these roses from Mr. Chasez here and put them in some water.

Damo handed Janice the roses and Janice exited the study, closing the door behind her.

Do you mind if I have a seat so we can talk?

Kimberly motioned for Damo to sit and she sat across from him.

Now exactly what do we have to talk about?

Business. I want to talk to you about the future of XWD.

The future of XWD is none of your concern.

It is if XWD will have any affiliation with WuW whatsoever.

What are you talking about?

Kim, I want to first apologize for what I said about a woman not belonging in this business, especially as an owner. You helped me change my prospective of that when you walked in and took a few WuW superstars right from under me. I think if XWD and WuW were together, it would be an unmovable force in the world of wrestling.

So let me get this straight because I want to make sure I have all the details clear. What I am hearing from you Damo is this. You see what I am capable of and its got you a little worried. So to keep your game face on, you want me to go into business with you like my brother did. Is that correct?



I actually want to buy XWD from you.


You see, by merging the two companies into one, I’ll be able to change the entire outlook of wrestling altogether. What do you think?

You’re joking right?

No. This is a serious matter that I thought you would take seriously.

What about what you just said about how you were sorry for misjudging me and I changed your prospective about women leadership in this business?

You did and I’m grateful, but this is strictly business. And don’t think I’ve forgotten about you. You will receive top recognition in WuW’s new form.

WuW’s new form...And what about XWD’s form?

It’ll be part of that whole mold. So what do you say? Are we partners?

Damo extended his hand for Kimberly to shake. Kimberly just looked at him and laughed to herself, much to the dismay of Damo.

You’ve got a lot of nerve coming here in hopes to buy XWD away from me. I’m not a sellout like Blake. XWD will never be your company.

Are you turning down my offer?

Exactly. At least you still have some sense left in you. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll escort you to the door.

Kimberly started walking towards the door leaving Damo seated and speechless. Kimberly opened the door with the indication for Damo to get out. Damo got up from his seat, fixed his suit and started walking out of the apartment.

You’re making a mistake Kim. I’m just trying to look out for your best interest and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes Blake made.

The only mistake my brother made was working with the likes of you. XWD doesn’t need your help whatsoever.

Use your head Kim. You don’t have the superstars to pull this off. You stole a few WuW superstars. Big deal. Even they can’t help you in this. Do the right thing. If not for yourself, then do it for them because in the end, they will be the ones who suffer the most.

I’m doing the right thing Damo. The right thing was getting them out of WuW in the first place and before this is over, more will follow their lead.

For their sake and yours, I hope not. Until next time Kim.

Damo walked away from the door and Kimberly closed it once he disappeared around the corner. Damo pressed the button for the elevator and once the doors open, Sean Graves stepped out and bumped right into Damo.

What are you doing here?

I thought I would ask you the same thing.

I came in hopes of buying XWD from Ms. Armstrong, but she’s tougher than I thought.

I know. Always has been.

You know her?

If I were you, I would forget about Kimberly and XWD. You’re not going to break her.

Well if not me, I’ll give Blake a call. Have him knock some sense into her.

Sean grabbed Damo by the collar and slammed him up against the wall.

You and Blake stay away from Kim. Got it?

Why are you protecting her?

Just stay away from her. The both of you.

Fine, but I suggest you take your hands off of

Sean released Damo and backed away.

Just remember this Sean. You are still under WuW contract meaning you belong to me. If you even think of leaving me for her, you’ll regret it every day of your life.

Whatever you say Damo. Just make sure you and Blake stay away from Kim and XWD.

Damo pressed the button for the elevator and once the doors opened, he stepped in, turned back around and glared at Sean, who just gave him that trademark grin. Once Damo disappeared behind the elevator doors, Sean made his way to Kimberly’s apartment. He knocked on the door and Janice answered.

Mr. Graves. Ms Armstrong is waiting for you in the study.

Thanks Janice.

Sean entered the apartment and found Kimberly back where she was earlier, sitting with her nose in paperwork. Sean just gave that trademark grin of his.

There’s something about this that awfully familiar...I just can’t put my finger on it...

Kimberly looked up at Sean and smiled.

Well maybe I can help jog your memory.

Kimberly stood up, walked over to Sean and the two embraced in a passionate kiss.