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Roleplay Title: It's Time for a New IC Champ!
People Used: Jeff Jarrett
Win-Loss-Draw 0-0-0
Next Match: IC Title-Jeff Jarrett -vs- Misguided Angel -vs- Steven Richards(c)
Accomplishments: None Yet

The following is a roleplay done by XcW eWrestler Jeff Jarrett and has nothing to do with the real Jeff Jarrett, J Sports & Entertainment, NWATNA, WWE, XPW or any other Wrestling Promotion. Please ask first before taking this layout if you like it. My email is If you feel like stealing this Roleplay turn back now because if you do then that must mean you suck..and it is true! So Choke on THAT SLAPNUTZ!

The scene opens backstage at an XcW House Show. Many XcW wrestlers are showing off their mic skills, running their mouths off to their opponents and matches are going on as well. Jeff Jarrett is seen sitting in his locker room backstage. He sits on a chair, and watches the television monitor. The Camera focuses in and we can see that what is on there, is Misguided Angel cutting his promo. Jarrett sits back for a while, listening in on the words Misguided Angel says. Jarrett then hears him begin to talk more crap on him, and sits forward. Jarrett turns off the monitor,stands up leaning against the wall, and looks into the camera and begins to speak.

Jeff Jarrett: Ya know Misguided Angel, you are something else. I just don't understand how you can continue to run your mouth, even though I proved you wrong. You said I was scared, but I proved that I wasn't when I made my presence felt the other day. And now you come out and try to act tough, but yet I can see right through you! You think that I am trembling in my stomach? Truthfully? Well listen up slapnut, the Chosen One is not the one that is tremblin', its your ass! Just admit it punk, you are scared sh*tless by the thought of getting into the ring with someone as good as I am. When you said I have never faced someone like you, you are wrong there boy. Ya see, I've faced plenty of punks like you in the past, who just acted tough but could never get the job done. You will end up just like all the rest, flat, on the mat, in your own blood, all thanks to Double J..Jeff...Jarrett.

Jarrett pauses for a second, sits down, and begins to talk into the camera again.

Jeff Jarrett: And whats with that punk Steven Richards saying he isn't gonna defend his god damned Intercontinental belt? What a wuss, that punk better be on the look out for me especially, because he is gonna get an ass whoopin'. How dare him even think of not defending his title. That right there pisses me off, and haven't I said it before.. DON'T P*SS ME OFF! Steven Richards you are gonna get what you deserve boy, and thats a good ol' fashion ass whoopin'. How can you even say that I don't deserve a shot? Just because I'm new to this fed, does NOT mean I am new to wrestling. I have done more than you will ever do boy, and that's the truth. Just like I will hold that IC Title longer then you, after I BEAT You for it this Saturday on XCW Mayhem. From now on, just shut your mouth and don't say a word. And to Lance Storm, your little buddy, you stay out of this, or you too will get layed out. You wanna know why I am getting this shot at The IC Title Stevie? Well, I can tell you its because the Chosen One. I am the man that has come to the XCW to rule supreme. And yes, just because you eventually ran me out of WcWz, does not mean you can do the same here. Over there, everyone was a bunch of slapasses who had no clue which way their ass was from their face, and half the time you had your face in your ass. Just like now, ya still do. Please, get your head out of your ass slapnut, because I can't understand a goddamned word you are saying. You just need to shut up, and take a chill pill. If you don't then maybe I should shut you up myself.

Onto another person by the name of Mick Foley. Mr. Commish Foley, who in the hell do you think you are and what do you think you are doing putting yourself as the Guest Ref. in MY Match? I don't recall Double J requesting any such thing. And now, you say you are going to be in the match to make sure Richards defends his title, well please damnit. For all I care I will MAKE him defend his title one way or the other, so your presence, is not needed.

Jarrett stands up again, and walks towards the locker room door, but first speaks some last words.

Jeff Jarrett: Oh and guys, remember who it is you are facing, I am Jeff..DAMN JARRETT! Do you understand me? Do you understand, that the Chosen One? Do you understand, that one day I will be the top man in XCW? Do you understand, that you are nothing, you are nobodys, do you understand that you are stepping stones? Hell, you ain't even stepping stones, you are little pebbles. You two slapasses, Richards and Angel Boy, are just tiny specimens waiting to be stepped all over. Well guess what? Your time is up here in the XCW as far as I'm conserned. Step over, and wait your turn because there is a newer, better, and badder person here in XCW now. That person is your next XCW Intercontinental Champion...That man is J E Double-F J A Double-R E Double-T, Jeff..Jarrett.

Jarrett flings the locker room door open, and walks out as the scene fades to black.