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This will be fixed soon enough folks. Actually the wisemen and the prez have planned to move the entire site to a personal server which idiots like Apoc, who only know how to cheat systems rather then actually hack will be unable to effect.

Now most of the site was useless anyways so we were going to rebuild most of the site overtime anyways. This just made it so we had to hurry up and start building. We'll update you all on the upcoming events soon.

Oh and Apoc, I think I speak for all the wisemen when I say You're fucking fired.

This message was brought to you by wiseman Bruce. Any questions and complaints can be sent to The Brucemeister

And Apoc you can fuck up the website all you want now, cause i can just re-upload this message over and over again u piece of shit. Vaya con dios mother fucker. And I'm out.