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«·°¤°·» Molly Holly «·°¤°·»
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..::|[Disclaimer]|:::. This Layout Was Made By Nikki... Feel Free To Contact Her With Any Questions... Ok So Sometimes She May Be In An Evil Mood... So Proceed With Caution...:::|[End Disclaimer]|:::.

"A Day in the Life.."

( ( SCENE ONE "Molly has a surprise! And a surprising outcome!" ) ) ///(The scene opens to Johnathan Coachman standing in the lobby with none other than the wholesome and pure, Molly! Coach gets ready for the interview as Molly waits. The cameras start rolling as Coach begins talking)\\\

||(Coach)|| : Molly, it seems as of late that you and Jazz have some sort of freindship, you helping her in her matches, and well, shes helping you! Come on Molly, whats going on here?

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : Johnathan, me and Jazz don't have a freindship! We just agree on certain things! And those things i have already made clear to the world!

(Coach's eyebrow raises and starts to laugh almost)

||(Coach)|| : Molly, how can you say you and Jazz aren't quote "freinds!?" I mean the cameras found you and Jazz talking in a ally! What was that all about? (looks confused) Molly, its quite obvious you and Jazz are friends! All this bonding proves that!

(Molly backs up and has a distraut look upon her face)

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : Coach! Me and Jazz are not freinds! We just have plans, big plans if i add! Because not only will me and Jazz be the last two Queen Of The Ring contestants! But one of us will be Women's champion come SummerSlam! And that is one thing Coach, that me and Jazz can gaurantee! Because anyway you see it, Tylene will be just another dog, on the leash! (smirks)

||(Coach)|| : So this relationship between you and Jazz is to end Tylene's reign as champion?...(gazes for a second) You're kidding right!?

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : (smirks) Does it look like me and Jazz have bene kidding around the past few weeks? No, i didn't think so! So if Tylene thinks she has the title in her grasps, she is wrong! Because sooner or later, it will find it's place back around my waist! And that time, is soon! Soon as in SummerSlam!

(Molly smirks and crosses her arms staring into Coaches eyes)

||(Coach)|| : Well, if you say so i guess? (shakes head) But enough of that. Im actually here also, to ask you something that i heard in the back, that you have some sort of surprise you wanted to show the world? Um may i ask what it is? (smirks)

(Molly turns her head away then back, smirking)

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : Surprise? (smirks) Well, lets just say its coming down the hall now!

(Coach looks down the hall to the left and see's nothing, he turns back and see's appetizing Jackie Gayda standing next to Molly smirking with her arms crossed.)

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : Coach! let me introduce you to my, manager! Jackie Gayda! (Coaches eyes widen)

||(Coach)|| : Woa, woa! Jackie Gayda is your manager!?...(Molly smirks) But, why!?

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : Why you ask? (smirks) For the plain and simple fact, that she knows exactly where she belongs! On the pure side of things! And not that disgusting, Diva-side! Jackie and I have plans, just like the ones me and Jazz have. So Jackie why don't you tell Coach why you chose this side!

||(Jackie Gayda)|| : Men!...Coach, sweety! You see me and Molly, have alot in common! We hate the diva's! And for someone to hate diva's, well that means you don't want them around! So me and Molly, are set to do that! And do it the way we know best! By hook, or by crook! Because anyway you see it, we will make this divison as good, as clean and as worthy as it should be! Now Coach, did that sink in? (smirks)

(Coach looks mind-boggled)

||(Coach)|| : So you hired Jackie as your manager for a double back-up? So you can get your win by fair pin or by cheating? Molly, come on! I don't think that is morally right!

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : No one asked what you thought, now did they? No! So Coach why dont you just sit back, relax and watch the women's divison fall in our, hands! (laughs as Jackie smirks)

///(At this time Coach's eye's get bigger as Jazz is seen standing behind Jackie Gayda and Molly. Coach leaves the scene leaving Molly stumped. Jackie backs up a bit and is startled to see that Jazz is behind her. Molly then turns around and has a big smile on her face)\\\

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : Jazz, what a wonderful surprise! (looks over at Jackie) I would like you to meet my new manager, Jackie Gayda. (Jackie extends her hand)

(Jazz looks at Jackie's hand and then smirks at it. She looks down at the hand a little more and then looks at Jackie and Jackie pulls her hand away.)

||(Jazz)|| : You must be new around here Jackie. I am Jazz and its nice to meet you I normally dont do the handshake things the first time i meet with someone sorry about that.

||(Jackie Gayda)|| : Completely understood!

||(Jazz)|| : So Molly Holly you have a match tonight right?

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : Yeah! Didn't we discuss about Jacqueline already! (rolls eyes) I swear im going to make that woman beg for her life! And then im going to make her wear something a little more suberb

||(Jazz)|| : Well dont get to full of yourself there Molly.Jacqueline is a very good wrestler and she has beat the best of the best. You are going to have to be on your top shape or else she will beat you and thats just a warning. You will need more help then this Jackie Gayda here but I am not telling you what you dont already know!

(Molly smirks and steps closer to Jazz)

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : That's why we made a deal Jazz! You help me, and i help you! That was the deal, wasnt it!? (Molly crosses her arms)

(Jazz looks at Molly and then smirks and then walks closer to Molly Holly.)

||(Jazz)|| : Yes that was the deal but the deal never included me taking out Jacqueline. There are certain people I have plans for in this fed and well she is on the list so you will not see me in any of that action. Its going to be up to you to defeat her and if you dont beat her then I guess you will not advance on with the tourney Molly. Now Molly you can set up your arms as much as you want but you need to step back a few feet because you are way to close to me.

(Molly smirks and doesn't move)

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : So that's how it is huh? Well if it wasn't for me! Ryan Shamrock would have beaten you! You can deny that all you want! But it still isn't going to help you to beleive the truth!

(both Molly and Jackie smirk)

azz begins to laugh at them both and then stops.

||(Jazz)|| : Molly Holly if it wasnt for me you wouldnt have a name in this company right now. If it wasnt for me you wouldnt even be any where near a tourney you would be in the back cleaning out the girls locker room. Now thats not the point of this whole thing, the point of this is that you nor Jackie are going to stop Jacqueline from getting what she wants and she wants the womans title badly and I know that. Now if you do some how defeat her the better to luck with you. But its not going to be a stroll in the park that you think its going to be.

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : Jazz, i made my own name in this business! Not by the likes of you! (smirks) Im a former wMe Woman's champion, just as you are! And i did that on my own! A amatter afact, i did that before you ever stepped foot in this business! So i think you should rephrase that! But as far as Jacqueline is concerned, i don't need Jackie Gayda here, to help me beat her! Because i can easily do it on my own! So no hard feelings Jazz! This is all business and thats what im all about! (smirks)

||(Jazz)|| : Well Molly Holly I have to get going but before I leave I just want to wish you the best of luck because I am sure your going to need it. And for you Jackie I would like to welcome you to the WME..its a great place and I think I saw a long line in the back of people that want to kick your ass from one side of the arena to the next. I could be mistaken though, but anyways good night to both of you and Molly you should stop smirking because someone might hurt you..sooner then later.

(Jazz begins to walk away from Molly Holly and Jackie Gayda)

(Molly pulls Jazz back, Jazz has no expression on her face)

||(The Pure And Wholesome *Molly*)|| : Good-luck! But as far as your last comment goes, (smiles) Well, lets just say don't ask what you wish for! Because you just might get it! (Molly signals for Jackie and the two head off down the hall)

///(Jazz stands back and smiles while shaking her head. The cameras fade out)\\\

( ( SCENE END ) )