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"F R E A K Z I L L A"

Role-play Title: "We will DESTROY!"

Role-play # : 44Next Match: V.Slam V SD V Revenge Wargames
Won: 1 Lost: 13 Drawn: 00


The time has come for Matt Morgan to show the world and the rest of WME what he is all about. WAR GAMES wow what a stage to set a fire upon the greatest wrestling federation to date. Matt Morgan has Head lined DownFall and fell short at accomplishing a dream he has for the most of his wrestling life and that is to hold the glimmering glory every single wrestler battles threw pain and agony. This week Matt Morgan was notified about he will be his own brand at War Games why who knows really maybe Heyman has a personal vendetta against the One Man Army. Whatever it is Morgan will be going into that cell with one thing on his mind and that is to KILL he is sick of being looked at by Orton, HHH, Nash, Steiner, as if he is nothing and its going to change, it has be reported that Tyson Tomko is having a hard time restraining the One Man Army, Morgan is on a tare and he is willing to rip the best WME has so that he will not be made an example of. Maybe Downfall was not for Morgan was not the odds on favorite and now once again it seems like every single high roller in the world has either placed a bet on Slam, SmackDown or Revenge and Morgan would not have it any other way he enjoys being the under dog. Its like the song "YOU HAVE NO CHANCE IN HELL" many may think that is directed to Matt Morgan well on the contrary "SLAM-SMACKDOWN-REVENGE YOU HAVE NO CHANCE IN HELL"

The scene opens up to a dark cloudy Sunday afternoon, Rain pours on the ground makeing the dirt a muddy texture. The trees are swaying back in forth makeing a soothing Swishing sound the sun has fought a battle it cant win it seems the storm has come and it is only going to get worse. Thunder echos out the sky what a roar too. There is a man standing hunched over in a cematray but it is not like the cemetery where Moms and dads go, oh no it is the place where unknown soldiers go when they have been killed on the battle field in the wars that this world seems to be effectuated in, The Unmarked graves are in rows and rows as we get closer to the man that is dressed in All black from his boots to his gloves he is drenched in black clothing no pure color is seen on this beast of a man, We see the face and it is none other then The One Man Army Matt Morgan. Matt is holding a rose in his hand as he stands in the field of white crosses hmmm has Matt Morgan become soft. Matt plucks off a petal from the rose, It faintly falls to the ground so softly it hits the top of the cross and plummets to the ground

Matt Morgan: As i stand here and look at the many men that have been stripped of there youth there memories. For what to have there lives taken away what a world we live in

Morgan shows a little remorse for the soldiers that have passed

Matt Morgan: I am sick of living my life as if it is my last and July 11 people think that my life will be ended because 3 brands will destroy me ooooo I'm scared who thinks that I'm gonna lose at War games

Suddenly the a faint voice speaks up

Faint Voice: I do

Morgan spins around trying to find out who said that as fog and mist begin to roll over the field of crosses, The voice begins to laugh

Matt Morgan: Tomko this is not funny where the fuck are you

Faint Voice: Silly boy shut up your worthless, I mean at War Games you think you have a chance wow you must be delusional. I always said to your father you wernt all there in the head

Matt closes his eyes not believing what is going on

Matt Morgan: What Mom it cant're......your....dead

Morgan opens his eyes and he is not the 6 foot monster he is just a tiny little boy as if he is 12 years old and the field is not the rows of crosses it is the old house Morgan grew up in

Matt's Mom: Now Matty you fucking idiot why do you think you can even win a match when your room is a MESSS DAMMIT I TOLD YOU TO CLEAN IT

Matt Morgan: Mom but iam a grown boy now please your dead

Matt's Mom: Oh look at Mr Grim Reaper here he is killing off his own mom before she's dead you FUCKING FOOL. Matt War Games your Dead not only will you be wrecked by the Slam Smackdown and Revenge roster you will be up against another odd that you have not thought about and that is the Cell. Matt it will abuse you and i will enjoy it i will be laughing at you as you feet your head being tossed against the solid steel and then when you bleed i will be cheering the loudest

Matt Morgan: But Mom

Morgans mom picks up a 2x4 and swats matt in the face mind you he is only 12. Matt falls to the carpet bleeding from the lip

Matt's Mom: Don't you ever sass me again you little runt

Morgans Mom sparks up a cancer stick (Cigarette) as matt begins to get all tearied eyed and lets out a little whimper as he holds the welt that has now consumed his face

Matt's Mom: Look at you your not my son you're a joke your crying over a little swat HAHA i knew i should have drowned you when you were a baby Geez my son is a big baby BOO HOOO i was hit in the face

Morgan interrupts jaw shaking a little as he yells


Morgan begins to rock back and forth hitting him self in the head as he mumbles "Wake Up...WAKE UP...Oh please God Wake Up"

Matt's Mom: Oh Mr. Preacher here (Mocking Voice) "Oh Please God" hahaha think god would spit on you if you were on fire NO Matt you dumb fuck snap out of it this is your life look around you if i live in poverty then well i am going to make you life a living hell. Think i like living in this rat infested hell hole NO i don't and why do i stay well cause i don't got money your dad and his hooker Girlfriend took every thing and left me with a worthless son like i could have handled a 3 some i would have let your dad have to wives but after having you my tits and ass have become saggy its your fault you haven't even amounted to nothing YOUR WORTHLESS YOUR GARBAGE AND AT WAR GAMES YOUR DEAD

Matt is panting he is getting enraged at how his mom puts him down. She continue's on how her life is all shit because of him he just loses it and springs him tackles her to the ground and begins to bash her head against the floor blood squirts and flows out of his moms head agaist the once white floor

Matt Morgan: DIE DIE DIE

Matt is out of breath as his mom stops breathing. The young Morgan collapses against the fridge clothes stained in blood. Matt Closes his eyes once again and but this time when he opens his eyes he is back in the field of unmarked graves but they are now marked with either a RIP SLAM, RIP SMACKDOWN or a RIP REVENGE, all the markings are in blood his hands are soaked in blood as there lays a graveyard attendant dead laying motion less, Morgan begins to chuckle

Matt Morgan: 3 Brands 15 deaths all at the hands of MATT MORGAN

Died At the Hands of the One Man Army:
Rene Dupree-Konnan-Jamie Noble(2X)-Booker T(2x)-Hardcore Holly-Road Dogg-Sandman-Jindrak(2x)-Rodney Mack-Mark Henrey-Scotty 2 Hottie-Charlie Haas

RP By Justin Gibbons