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  • Height: 5'5"
  • Weight: 90 lbs.
  • Finisher: The Blazing Fury
  • Career Highlights: Only backyard wrestler known to wrestle with a pacemaker


From the short amount of time that this man has been in WhW, he has already proved that he can hang with the big dawgs. His first match against Macc was a success for him as he plowed his way through Macc to pick up the victory. This man is crazy, he wrestles with a pace maker and all but he does it for the love of the game, No matter what he will always prove he can hang with WhW no matter what kinda physical capabilities he has. He has a long bright future holding for him in WhW and thats the truth! So expect to continue to see this man surprise you everytime he is on TV. Blaze hasn't won any WhW titles yet, but excpect to see him do so in the future!

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