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Wassup guys, whoa....where the hell did the main page to the WCCW go???? That answer is simple, I deleted the bitch and there is a reason behind it. Everynight when I had some extra free time I would come on the computer here and update the site here and there, create new things to make the site fun, bust my ass to recruit guys and to give you guys the best damn bios and shit to make you look good and what do I get in return....lazy ass roleplayers. Now I am not saying all of you are lazy ass roleplayers but the ones I am talking to know who they are. You know the ones, the guys who avoid you when you send them emails....the guys who avoid you when you send them IM messages. The WCCW is closed plain and simple and the reason behind it is just as simple. I am tired....tired of busting my ass creating logos, downloading themes, making your wrestlers look good....tired of creating a page that is pleasing to all....tired of getting no respect and nothing in return. Hell all I asked for is that everyone throw up a roleplay here and there and I even change dates on cards hoping you guys would answer the call. 2 weeks passed and only 2 roleplays were posted and I hate to say it but that is some sorry ass support for a fed. To those of who disappeared off into the sunset somewhere whether you just joined or been signed for awhile and never heard is a big "Fuck You" for your New Year's Gift...yeah you know who you are.

Now I do need to give a few shout-outs here....To Hardcore Hulin, Bad Boy, Anarchy, and Tyler Davidson...thanks for the support guys and the roleplays you guys did, it is just too damn bad that it was never put to use thanks to the lazy ass roleplayers.

To White Tiger, Too Xtreme, and Lord guys are the best when you do roleplay. I know holidays were a factor for you but I would have hoped for more from you after seeing guys roleplay for others fed like crazy over the holidays.

To Dimitri prayers are with you man like I said before....I know what you going through cause I been there too so if you need someone to talk to man you know how to reach me.

To the newcomers that had joined.....I am sorry that your talent couldn't be put to use but I know it is hard to display that talent when no one roleplays against you.

Well I guess that is pretty much it. To those I gave shout-outs to I wish ya the best of luck with what ya do. This may be my last fed then again I may reopen another one sometime in the future. To those who wasted my time with the fed....hell I got nothing to say to you because you guys are probably too damn lazy to even come to the fed to read the post....probably afraid might break a sweat or something. Until the next time or the next fed we cross together...adios amigos....

Billy Rhodes
Owner of the WCCW