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(The Camera focuses in on a door plaque. It reads "ESW Vice President". The plaque directly below it reads "Star DeWilde". The door opens and reveals Star sitting at her desk talking to one of the ESW wrestlers and another young man. Eddy "The Face" and Marino enter the office. Star looks up from the desk and motions for them to sit.)

Star: Hi Eddy. Come, have a seat. We've got quite a bit of news here for you.

(Eddy takes a seat and the camera focuses on Star.)

Eddy: So Star, let me start by asking the one question everyone here is wondering...Who are these two guys here? The one looks like a freak!

(The "freak" looks over at Eddy with a deadly glare. Eddy shifts nervously in his seat.)

Star: Oh, don't mind him, Eddy. He's my pet. I was going to go introduce him to everyone in the ring later tonight, but I guess I can get it done while you're here. His name is Storm. Storm Ziven. He's going to be getting ready to join the other kids in the ring very soon. Once I get the finishing touches done on his contract. He came with a lot of paperwork. You see, he doesn't talk to anyone he doesn't trust. Luckily for me, he trusts me. So basically I do all of his talking for him.

Eddy: So this is Storm? How long do you think it will be before we see him in the ring? And, the other question I'll get fired if I don't ask...Who is this guy here? He looks familiar...

Star: This is Pain McDermott. He was here a few years ago, but tragically Onyx decided to fire him. I thought he would be an important asset to my team, so I brought him back. (Star looks into the camera and begins to speak.) Yes Onyx, he's back. So try not to be a complete prick about it this time. I brought him back because Prez Skary made me his Vice President again. And while you might be the owner, you have absolutely no eye for talent. And look at this...(Star holds up a piece of paper that says "CONTRACT".) You see this here? Basically what this beautiful pile of paper says is that no matter what, YOU can't fire him. I hope that doesn't bother you TOO much. You'll be stuck with him until I decide to terminate the contract. You like that?

(Pain stands up and looks into the camera with a huge smile on his face. He whips off the camera and walks over to the other side of the office and takes a seat behind his own desk.)

Eddy: Didn't you already almost get fired for this? I mean, come on, Star. If you already KNOW Onyx wants to fire you for it, why would you do it?

(Star hands a stack of papers to Eddy. He reads them over and looks at her with nervous smile.)

Star: You see, Eddy, I got to write my own contract. Prez Skary has been so busy getting everything up and running again that he signed it, basically without reading it. There are a LOT more things that I can do now without getting fired for them. I don't want to give away all of my surprises...I wouldn't want to ruin all the fun yet. You'll see. That's about all I'll say about it. Basically, Pain will wrestle when he wants to, but he's also contracted to help me get Storm ready for the ring. See, Storm is just a little...too violent for the ring right now. We've decided to try and tame him a little before we send him in with any unsuspecting contenders. He's a savage. I mean, look at him. Storm, stand up and show yourself.

(Storm stands. He keeps his eyes focused on the ground. Star stands up as if showing a new car to a prospective buyer. Storm is tall...7"1'. He has long black hair, with one white streak in the front that falls to the left side. He has one bright blue eye and one greyish-white colored eye. He wears a black T-shirt and black jeans with white lightening streaks up the side. He has leather laces tied around his wrists and neck. On the leather necklace on his neck, there is a star charm. He sits down again, slowly.)

Eddy: Well, why doesn't he talk? I mean, the trust thing, sounds a little fake to me.

Star: He doesn't talk to people because he was one of those..."freaks" all through life. He's been ridiculed and harassed all his life and he just doesn't feel the need to talk to anyone who would potentially hurt him. For example, he won't talk to you because you've called him a freak a few times now. Chances are, when you go to leave the interview and the cameras are off, he'll make you understand. I hope you can follow the map I'm drawing, Eddy. Don't keep acting like an ass.

Eddy: I'm sorry. I just, he's creepy looking to me. Let's just put it this way Storm, I wouldn't want to meet up with you in any alley way, dark...or otherwise.

(Storms flashes an evil smile at Eddy and nods, as if to say "You're safe...for now.")

Star: Well, those are my two new pets. Pain will be in a match very soon, but he'll also be helping me to get Storm trained for the ring as well. Pain is also going to be working along side with me as my assistant. He'll be helping me keep everyone in line...

(The door flies open and Onyx McDermott himself storms into the room. He walks up to Star and they stand nose to nose. Onyx pushes everything off of Star's desk, breaking many of her things. All you hear is a crashing sound and then Onyx's pissed off breathing.)

Onyx: You listen here, you little bitch. I already told you once that I'm not going to allow that little sonofabitch to be involved here. I don't care what Skary told you or what you think you may be able to do here...I'm the owner of this federation and I'll do whatever and fire whomever I want!!!

(Onyx grabs Pain's contract and begins shredding it.)

Onyx: Like that, Star? I can shred your contract just as easily! I don't know why you don't get it! You think just because Skary didn't read your contract that you're in the clear? I'll make your life HELL until you quit! There aren't any rules against that in your precious little contract are there? I didn't think so. And for all you out back in the locker room and hotel rooms that are seeing this right now...Let me give you some insight here. You see, a LONG time ago, Prez let my son come here to wrestle, not really understanding that I hate the little sonofabitch. After some discussion and some arguing with Star here, I got him fired. Now, she seems to think she's got some power over me and THINKS that she can hire him back on. Well I have news for ALL OF YOU!!! No one crosses Onyx. NO ONE! If any one of you, even so much as THINKS you'll get away with any sort of're dead wrong.

(Star steps in front of Onyx and tries to calm him down. Onyx back hands her and sends her tumbling to the floor. Pain and Storm jump up and crowd Onyx into the corner behind Star's desk. Pain grabs Onyx by the throat and Storm rushes over to help Star up. Her mouth is bleeding badly.)

Pain: You dirty bastard! I've told you to keep your hands off of her! You woman beating prick! I'll kill you if you ever touch her again. I'm not here to cause trouble, and you may THINK you've won, but you're dead wrong. Dead wrong! You'll feel the pain...sooner than you think!

(Pain drops Onyx on the ground. After a few moments, Onyx stands and gets back in Pain's face. Star gets between the two and tries to push them apart.)

Star: Guys, come on. Listen, I am absolutely not going to stand for this in MY office. Onyx, you act like such a baby. Because you're jealous of your son? What? Is his SIZE too much for you to handle? You have to come in here and act like a chump because you're jealous of your little boy? Give me a goddamned break! I'm sick of your shit! I am trying to do my job, which is to keep our viewers entertained. It's a little hard to do that if you're constantly in here throwing your weight around. Why don't you just let me do my job? If you weren't such a power hungry jack ass you'd probably be pleased with what I have to offer...

Onyx: You have one month...if he screws up ONCE he's done. Do you understand! ONE MONTH!!! That's it.

(Pain grabs Onyx by the throat and pushes him out the door. The door closes behind them and we hear yelling, but it's impossible to understand or hear exactly what is being said behind the door. Pain comes back in, his eye is swelling and his lip is bleeding. He smiles at Star and takes a seat on her desk. He looks at Eddy, who right now, looks just like a deer in the headlights.)

Pain: Well Eddy, as you can see, my father still has some issues. But I'm here to stay. We'll get rid of him before I get put out of here again. One way or another...

Star: I'm sorry you all had to see that. I just basically wanted to introduce myself and introduce Pain and Storm to you. I'm going to go get cleaned up...I've got blood all over my frickin' shirt! Eddy, I think I'm going to end this interview with a challenge. (Star looks into the camera as she tries to whipe some of the blood from her face.) Onyx, honey, I challenge your ass to an Extreme Bra and Panties Match. I already talked to Prez Skary, and you'll be there...just like the little woman you are!

Eddy: So there you have it folks, we now have a challenge for Onyx to meet Star in the ring for a Bra and Panties Match. I'm not sure if I'll tune in that night, but for all you other sick bastards out there...tune in! This is gonna be one hell of a match! And that's about all I have for you today, thanks for watching!

(The camera fades and we see Star, Pain, Storm and Eddy the Face laughing in her office about the challenge that was just made. Tune in to see if Onyx takes Star up on this challenge or if he acts like the jackass he is and tries to get out of it!)