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Record: Achievements: People Used: People Mentioned: Roleplay #:
??? Being The Game and being THAT DAMN GOOD! ??? ??? ???


The Game


What a long day here in the ECW. So many wrestlers have been piling into the federation in the last days. Wrestlers like The rock, wrestlers like Chris Jericho. And the next superstar set to arrive here in the ECW is none other than Triple H. The one man everyone is expecting to take this federation by storm. The one guy that every superstar in the back must fear because when he gets here he will take over and he will be come the champion. And by the schedules on the walls and in the hands of the announcers it was said earlier that Triple H may just bee arriving here tonight to make his debut to the people. Question is WILL he.. and if he does WHEN will he. Everyone is expecting him hear tonight and hopefully The Game will be here soon to make his impact here in the ECW.

Jr and King are sitting at there announcers booths close to the top of the rampway when hte cameras come back from a commercial break. They are laughing and talking about current events and the superstars and divas here in the ECW..

JR:So King, tonight has been good so far right. I mean lets see The rock has finally debuted. And also we have heard that Triple H, THE GAME will be back in the ECW tonight. I know i am excited as everyone in this arena. We havent seen the game since the WWE and im hoping that he is ready to fight...Then again when isnt he ready for anythign that comes his way?

King:Your absolutyly right. The Game is going to make a huge impact here in the ECW. I can feel it. Im just wondering who will he be going after first and who will he align himself with, if anyone.

JR:What about Stephanie McMahon too King? She has also been signed into this federation. Thast his EX wife and im not sure what to think those two will have to say to each other when they find out they need to work together..Coudl be bad..

King:Very Very true.. i just wish he would hurry up and get here soon so we can all see him..


Then on the titantron in the arena, the backstage area is shown. Wrestlers are walking around and Coach is trying to catch up with Chris Jericho, but his attempts fail as she brushes him off and goes into her locker room. Coach then turns around to find a huge man in his way. Coach smiles as the man leans into him...

Man:Jonathon Coachman i presume...

Coach nods his head still a little uneasy at the fact of this huge guy in his face...

Man:I was told by the owners to tell you to get your ass out into the parking lot because HE'S here.....

Coach:Whos here?

Man:Who else... Triple H! The Game. He is finally arriving at the arena. Boss says get out there and get an interview with him...

Coach:OK well *shoves him a little aside* I better get going then. God knows Triple H wont wait for me out there. See ya

Coach then walks fastly down the hallways towards the outside of the building> As he opens the door to the parking lot he sees the long white limo pulling up the building right on time. He gulps and then starts to walk over to it...

King:JR! The Game is here! And we are going to see him after the break. Stay tuned ladies and gentleman....

Cameras go to a commercial break..





The arena is all quiet when the cameras come back from the commercial break. The titantron is black as teh announcers talk..

JR:Well King apparently during the break, Triple H arrived to the arena. Coach caught up with him and that is how it stands now. Take a look..

The titantron the shows outside in the parking lot. Coach is standing there with none other than Triple H. Triple H looks a little on the mad side as Coach stares at him and starts to talk..

Coach:Well Triple H youve finally arrived here in the WWE> Im so happy to be able to be the first to interview you he..

The Game cuts him off..

Triple H:Your happy that you came out here. Happy that you were running your little mouth the second i came out of the damn car. Damn it! I dont like it one bit. Because i didnt come here to talk to people like you. I didnt come here to be askeed questions the second i came to the arena..

Coach:Im sorry, i was just asked to come here and interview you when you got here..

The Game: *in a mocking voice* OH i was just coming to interview you when you got here.. *Normal voice* SHUT UP!

Coach:Triple H i am really am sorry its just that ..well.. Mr.McMahon sent me out her..

Triple H:Did you just say Vince McMahon.

Coach nods his head and Triple H rubs his chin and then starts to laugh...

Triple H:So i guess i didnt hear the whole story when i came here..

Coaach:What do you mean...

Triple H:What do i mean. I mean that they didnt tell me that Ol' Vinny Mac would be in control of the ECW fully... If they had it would have changed my decision possibly. No matter..

Coach:So i see you and Vince arent on good terms still.

Triple H:Lets put it this way. The hatred i feel for Vince, no one could ever beat him .He is a lying asshole simply put. All McMahons *smiles* Well.. there pretty much all the same and if i see Vinny here, i wont hesitate to...

Coach cuts him off..

Coach:Well i think you will..because *Triple H looks at him in the eyes* because.. well after all he is the FULL owner of the ECW...

Triple H laughs..

Triple H:Like that will stop me..

He then walks away from Coach as Coach stands there a little calmer now that Triple H is gone. Triple H goes into the building walking down the narrow hallways of the WWE. He puts on his cocky smirk as he steps into the wrestlers hallway, which is loaded with superstars. Triple H walks down and unlocks the door to his locker room and goes in as it goes to another commercial..

Commercial break




Cameras come back from commercial break..

JR:Well we have seen the Game ladies and Gentleman and it appears he has changed none. Still the same old guy from the ECW.

King:Yah thats right... and did you see his face when he heard that Vince McMahon was here running the ECW. Not good at all..

JR:No it isnt. I take it that Triple H and Vince McMahon still have pure hatred for each other. And i dont think that Vince should be pissing off the Game at all no matter what his power is...

King:But JR He is the owner. Shouldnt it be the other way around.

JR:Put it this way, do you think The Game cares if he is the damn owner. Like he said backstage.. he dont care is he is the owner, if he pissed him off.. well.. he will be getting what he deserves..

King:Ill give Stephanie McMahon what she deserves JR..

King laughs as JR looks at his friendly partner beside him with disgust..

JR:You just are unbelievably pathetic..

Suddenly, the lights dim in the packed house arena and then BOOM! "TIME TO PLAY THE GAME" BOOM! BOOM!, the green lights flare everywhere and the people cheer as Triple H walks out into the arena...

He smirks as he then starts to walk down the rampway and down to hte ring. He then gets onto the ring apron and take a last drink of his water and throws the bottle in teh crowd.. He then looks around at the people as they cheer and at that point then spits the water out. Triple H then gets into the ring. he jumps onto the turn buckles and poses flexing for the crowd. The cheer louder as he then jumps down walks to the corner and gets a mic..

Hunter then goes to speak but is overheard by the crowd cheering..He stops for a moment to hear them all cheer for him..

Hunter:NOW! Just by your cheering for me out here i can tell that you are all happy that the game is back in the ECW!!

They scream and cheer again..

Hunter:And you see people. I know why i am here. I know why they signed me here. But first let me tell who i am.. for those of you who dont know me..i am THE GAME!! And now that we have gotten that cleared up.. back to why i am here. You see this federation NEEDED me. They need me to be there main eventer. They need me to bring the crowds in and they need me to headline hte PPVS. And everyone knows that is what i do best. Because there is noone better than me and no one that can beat me. Because i am what i have always said i have been and that is.. i am that DAMN GOOD!

Triple H:And whether the people in the back or all of you out here want to admit it or not, everyone knows that the facts dont lie. Hell i have been WWE champion and other champions more times than you can count. And that simple fact that stands alone right there proves that i am the best. But i also have beaten every damn guy in teh busines..Stone Cold.. THE ROCK.. Mick Foley.. name them all. But you see there are so many things that are great about me. And if you dont like me.. hell that is fine with me but you better respect me. Because like i said like it or not i am the best. and i think here in the WWE i will be treated like the best. And soon enough i will be the champion...But thats only when i find an opponent. And as i was in my limo on my way here today i noticed the first guy that will play the game..

Triple H pauses..


The crowd cheers and Triple H looks around again.....

Triple H:Yeah how did i know you would cheer for a person like him. A no talented.. asshole!.. So this is where i find it so funnt because Chris and.. i.. ya we go way back in the WWE. I mean i kicked his ass so many times he must remmeber. So when i heard about the Card.. i just couldnt help but laugh my ass off. I mean i THE GAME am facing Scott Steiner another person i have given several ass kickings too and Chris Jericho in a triple teir match for the title. What an opportunity. You see because like it or not i will walk out of there as the next champion and the ONLY champion. thats teh only way it could happen. Because you all actually think that any of those two could beat me. Lets face it they are no bodys. Jericho has his stupid highlite real which he should stick to instead of wrestling. And the facts dont lie Jericho and they all say that you have been MY bitch more times then i can count. Last time we met in the ring i stole the undisputed title from you.. I believe with Stephanie even by your side. and the same thing will be done here except this time.. you have more to worry about then bruises by the time im done with you . And Steiner you know where you and i stand here in the ECW. I held that World Heavyweight Championship for so long and we both know that you tried not once but TWICE to beat me to get the title. Did you succeed?> Hell No.. why because i am the Game and i am THAT damn GOOD! Like it or not i will do the same thing at the match. Because people i will be hte one walking away with the title while those two bitches are lying there bloody in the ring. So heres there warning.. do not screw with me or i will make you pay. HELL i might even do it just for hte fun of it. But we will see.. we will see who the better man is Steiner and Jericho but everyone already knows that its me the GAME..

Triple H looks around again shaking his head..

Triple H:So people.. now that i am back i think we all know what that means. It means that every superstar in the back better respect me.. or ELSE..

Time to play the Game hits over the pa system and Triple H poses again and then gets out of the ring. He walks back up the rampway and leaves the packed house arena as the camera fades off to a commercial break.....




After the break Stephanie McMahon is shown sitting in her locker room. She is watching the monitor as a smiles comes upon her face. She looks around the room. Ugh. .she thinks to herself. These low class rooms were such a drag. Couldnt her father do any better then this. As she thought suddenly the door opened in front of her. Stephanie stands up and then walks over to the person and they come face to face.. Triple H and Stephanie .The two stare at each other for a second and then Stephanie embraces Triple H..

JR:WHAT THE HELL!? Stephanie is huggin Triple H. I thought these two hated each other..

King:That dont look like hatred JR.. looks like those two made up..

Stephanie backs away and smiles at Hunter as he walks over and plops down onto the couch. He rests his hands behind his forehead and sighs..

Stephanie:What are you thinking Hunter..

Triple H:Just how perfect this is. Being back in wrestling. Being with you. And soon enough ill be the Champion and youll be the champion.. Its Great..But one problem Steph..

She sits down beside him and looks at him..

Stephanie:Whats that Hunter..

Triple H:Your father. That man... you know i dont like him Steph and just the thought of him being my boss again makes me sick. I swear.. like YOU or not if he screws with me he will pay. You know what happens when you mess with The Game..

Stephanie:I am uh.. well aware Hunter. Look i wanted to tell you that im happy we solved our problems from the past. Its great that we are together again.I couldnt be happier and i think that you are happy to.. right?

Hunter then leans over and kisses Stephanie. A huge smiles upon her face..

Triple H:Does that answer your question. Steph, past is past and i learned to forgive you. I know you didnt mean to do what you did and now thats it over i want us to move on with our lives. Here in ECW we can do so. You will be womens champion soon after you beat those other divas. And then no one will be able to stop us..

Stephanie:Your damn right. Im going to kick those girl's ass from one side of that ring to the other. And nothing will stop me. Its meant to be.. me being the womens champion. Same as you being the World Heavyweight Champion. And also us being together. So.. i guess starting tonight.. its the rebirth of our era *smirks*

Triple H:McMahon Helmsley Era.. And what a history we are going to make here..

They both smile at each other and Stephanie lies her head on his shoulder as the camera fades..