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Finally The Rock has come back to The WWCF!

Roleplay Title: WWCF Mayhem RP#1: The Rock Is Back!


Finally... The Rock Is Back!


The Rock has signed a brand new contract with the WWCF and he has set a few goals first he want to win the 6 Man Tag Team Match then he wants to go on and win the WWCF World Championship and be the best Champion even better than the great Jace Pittman and Chris Tyme who got the title three weeks after he arrived

The scene: It's a snowy night at Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York. At least 12,000+ excited fans are packing the arena for a WWCF House Show. The First Union Center, will be the site of WWCF Mayhem this Monday Night. New Champions may be crowned, and legends will begin to bloom. From Hollywood, CA, via satellite, WWCF proudly presents - The Rock!

The Rock appears on the titantron at the house show, with his fresh new cut. Most of the crowd let out a decent ovation for the People's Champion, while most most of the fans don't buy the "People" gimmick no longer. The Rock has on a silver t-shirt, his Movie Star-esque shades, and a gold chain dangling from his neck. He stares at the anxious crowd, who are willing to hang onto any word that he utters out of his mouth. He tilts his head back, and opens his mouth.


A small pop from the fans is heard, but mainly boos.

Rock: But more importantly... FINALLY... THE ROCK... HAS COME BACK... TO NEW YORK CITY!

Now a decent sized pop is heard, mostly for the mention of the place that is holding this show.

Rock: Now, as you all know, The Rock isn't actually in New York No, The Rock is still in Hollywood finishing up movies, but rest assure that The Rock will be here live, LIVE, just 2 days away on Mayhem!

A small pop. The crowd does not like Rock, but sure are glad that he's back and will actually be in person..

Rock: Now, The Rock has noticed that, dare The Rock say it, that you've actually boo'ed The Rock. Don't get me wrong, The Rock knows why you've turned your back. The Rock knows why you all have jumped on the bandwagon and turned your back on the most electrifying man in Sport's Entertainment today!

Some cheers, some boos. It's basically a mixed crowd.

Rock: That's fine. That's completely fine. The Rock understands. You all are just jealous that The Rock is out doing his thing, which is making movies. It's okay. Just admit it. All you jabronis are jealous of The Rock's sucess!

Now most of the crowd is against Rocky, as the boos escalate to an exploding level.

Rock: The truth shall set you free. You might not want to admit it, but The Rock knows that everyone wants to be like The Rock. The biggest star in ALL of Entertainment, and the biggest star in Hollywood. Maybe if you stopped rooting for the Knickerbockers, then maybe you'd be able to get somewhere in life...

Rock smiles and laughs to himself, as a "Asshole" chant begins to fill up the arena.

Rock: As much as you may hate it, the Knicks are absolutely terrible! They had to buy all of there championships, unlike The Rock. The Rock has earned all of his championships. The Rock has won all of his championships, fair and square. Just like The Rock will win the WCF World Tag Team Championships this Monday Night! Now let The Rock quickly clarify something before he talks about RAW. Wether it's Dwyane Johnson or The Rock, you keep this in mind that The Rock will forever be the People's Champion. You can chant 'Asshole' or 'Die Rocky Die!' all you want, but The Rock is the man that can say that he will forever be the People's Champion.

Rocky pauses, as he hears the boos pouring in, as well as "Asshole" and "Die Rocky Die!" chants, to mock the People's Champ.

Rock: Now, as The Rock was saying, this Monday Night, LIVE, LIVE on The Rock's new show, RAW, The Rock has a match Not just any ordinary match. This match will be a Six Man Tag Team Match. In one corner, you'll have The Current WWCF Champion Kyle Davis, Eric Bischoff and The Hurricane...

A few cheers are heard for Davis' Team.

Rock: And across the ring in the other corner, you'll have The Rock...

Quite a bit of cheers, but the boos continue to shower in on The Rock.

Rock:Kane And... Stone Cold Steve Austin!

HUGE pop for Austin. "3:16" chants begin to fill the sold-out arena.

Rock: Stone Cold Steve Austin... The Rock has been waiting for this chance. Waiting to team with you so we can whoop some candy ass! You have no idea how pumped The Rock is for this match! This is our chance to make history! The Rock can see it now. Hollywood's biggest star The Rock, and "What" Stone COld Steve Austin himself because The Rock will be doing most of the work. You just hang in there kid, and don't pass out during our match.

Laughs are heard from the audience, but a majority are still booing the People's Champion.

Rock: Oh but the Rock can't forget about Kane yeah he also teams up with The Big Red Frrrreak but the Rock was wondering Kane will your Chokeslam and your little turnbuckle colthesline pay-off in this match The Rock doesn't think so because you may never get in the ring. The Rock is going to be doing all the work, The Rock knows your scared to get in the ring with Klye Davis that's why you are going to stand out on that apron and watch The Rock do what he does best and that is lay the smackdown on all their candy asses.

Some cheers are heard but the boos drown them out and "Big Red Machine" chants start

Rock: In just 2 days, Stone Cold, Kane, you and The Rock team up against two guys who haven't been seen in ages and a so called great in Kyle Davis who had to beat a rookie to win the world title. The Rock can't wait to get his hands on all three of you candy ass jabronis and whoop some ass. Hey baby can't you see the Rock is working here go over there and fix that food. So this is how it will go. The Rock will take his boot, then The Rock will take Kane's boot, and then The Rock will take one of Stone Cold's boots while he is past out from exhaustion, hold it up, shine it up real nice... turn that SUM BITCH sideways, and stick it straight up all three of your candy asses! The Rock will do it for the millions...

Half of the fans: AND MILLIONS!!

Rock: And millions... damn that sounded good. Two time, for the good time! The millions...

3/4 of the fans: AND MILLIONS!!

Rock: Of the Rock's fans! Then, The Rock proceed to layeth, the boom-boom, ba-donka-donk-donk, Hollywood-Style Smackdown! on your candy asses! While Ausitn is flippin' everybody off and Kane is rubbing his fingers together, The Rock will begin to nail Rock Bottoms all around! Then The Rock will connect with the Hollywood Elbow! 1... 2... 3! The Rock has won the match all by himself! Now, Steve, Kane. You keep this in mind. If you dare try and screw The Rock over, The Rock will go Hollywood on both of you candy asses! Remember, there can only be one team captain, one icon in this industry, and that is The Rock!

Rock tilts his head back, and taps his shades. You know what's next...


Crowd says IS COOKIN

Rock: Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa you see all you fans here made your decision you decided to boo The Rock which means sing-Along with The Rock is over no more gone Ka-poot Which also means The Rock and only The Rock can say this... IS COOKIN'

The Rock's theme hits the speakers, as a hell of a lot of booing can be heard from the fans. Rock smiles, as the tron turns off. Just 2 days away from Mayhem, will The Rock deliver his promise and do what he does best and lay the smackdown and win the match for his team? Find out Live on Monday Night at Mayhem at 9p/8c


[The End]


Disclaimer: Please IM me at BischoffGM before you use the content of this layout.

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