At Holy Redeemer Church in Kissimmee, Florida where there are tons of cars and limos on the outside as the HFW Camera drives up and pulls into there parking space as the driver turns the van engine off and opens his door as The Van’s back door flies open and the camera man gets out and slam the vans door and begins to walk up to the church as young women stops the camera man and starts to talk to the camera man

Young women ~ Excuse me Sir you are not allow to bring cameras into the church and you are you a guest on the Groom or the Bride side?

The cameraman looks at the Yong women and replies to her question and comment

CameraMan~ Excuse me! I’m with the HFW That’s Hardcore Fanatic Wrestling to you. Now I’m on the Groom side The Name of the groom is Hurricane or His real name is Norman Hammond!

Cameraman~ Excuse me! Are you not Hurricane’s Stepmother?

Margaret looks at the camera and replies

Margaret ~ Yeah! I am why?

The camera Man ~ Well how do you feel about your Stepson getting married?

Margaret ~ Happy What else would I feel!

The cameraman ~ Well Is it true that you hated your stepson and wanted him out of your life at one time?

Margaret ~ That’s none of your business and that’s between Norman and I! Now good bye!

Margaret walks away as Carrie, Kim, April &Theresa all walk past the cameraman and into the Church as the young women looks back up and smiles and then replies

Young Women ~ Sir your not on the list but since you how ever do know the Groom and you are holding a camera I guess you can go in!

The Camera man looks at the Young Women and then walks into church at the last few people are seated as Hurricane stands there waiting for his bride to come down the isle The Camera man then rushes down the isle and up to Hurricane and begins to ask Hurricane some questions

The CameraMan ~ Hurricane I thought you and Lita were all ready married?

Hurricane turns his head whisper something into J-Dawgs ear then turns his head whisper something into Aroon’s ear as Aroon shakes his head and then walks off and J-Dawg walks off as Hurricane turns his attention back to the camera and replies to the camera man question

The Feared Storm Hurricane- Well technical were not you morons believed we were but were not! So if you don’t mind getting out of here so my bride can walk the isle and we can get married officially!

The Cameraman ~ Well if you don’t mind I ‘d like to get your comments on your match Tonight against Scythe in a Match of his Choice?

The Feared Storm Hurricane ~ What the Fuck are you talking about?

The cameraman pulls out a piece of paper that has the A& B line up on it and on the paper highlighted in green Scythe's Choice Match The Hurricane versus Scythe Hurricane then grabs the paper from the camera man then looks at the paper and then crumbles the paper up and throws it back at the camera man as Hurricane replies

The Feared Storm Hurricane ~ So what I have match tonight Whoopee-do! Yahoo! Am I suppose to be jumping for joy?

The Camera man who is a little confused doesn’t understand why hurricane isn’t giving him a promo like he normal would the camera man then replies back to the hurricane answer

The Cameraman ~ Hurricane looks not trying to ruin your wedding day but you have no choice but to wrestle and cut a promo or else Chief of Staff Jason Dex will fire you!

Hurricane turns his head then looks at the cameraman and replies back

The Feared Storm Hurricane ~ I have to wrestle! No! No! No! that’s were your wrong I don’t have to do shit! I don’t have to cut any promos for anyone the only one I answer to is myself and my family got me asshole!

The Cameraman shakes his head yes and the Hurricane continues on

The Feared Storm Hurricane ~ Now as far as Scythe goes I could care less about the wash up has been and what match he pick’s cause you the fact of the matter is this today is Lita & Hurricane’s day as far as my match goes I could care less if I win or lose I really don’t give a damn about the faggot Jason Dex or his butt Buddy Scott Frost or their cock sucker of a partner Jose Hernandez you see I since I have been in the HFW I have had nothing but headache’s and problems with the staff there so the staff and everyone in the HFW can go suck my left testicle!

Camera Man ~ Hurricane What about Scythe?

Hurricane looks at the Camera man and the grabs him by his shirt and slaps him on the back of his head as the camera shakes a little as camera man fixes the camera as Hurricane starts to talk

The Feared Storm Hurricane ~ What are you stupid or something?! I told I don’t give a fuck about Scythe and his little match that he gets to pick all that is a corporate way of trying to screw me out of another match! You See Scythe can pick his match but the reality is how is he going to compete in a match with someone who ain’t there?

Camera Man ~ So your saying your not going to be at A& B tonight?

Hurricane shake his head and then pats the camera man on the back and smiles and then release his shirt and replies back

The Feared Storm Hurricane ~ Your not that stupid after all! You See Scythe will come out to a big surprise to find know one in the ring but him self and his little bit of man that he has and when they introduce me and I Don’t come out Jason and The rest of the corporate jackasses will give the match to Scythe but you know what That nothing new to me! You see as Long as I have been here Assassin , myself & and handful of people have gotten the shaft but that’ s all gonna change soon I promise you !

Just then J-Dawg walks up to Hurricane whispers something into his ear and then Hurricane nods and replies back by whispering in J-Dawg’s ear as J-Dawg smiles as J-Dawg walks away Hurricane turns his attention back to the camera and continues on

The Feared Storm Hurricane ~ Well Scythe & HFW my bride awaits me and as far as you go Scythe well I hate to spoil the fun you had in mind but I’m afraid I’m going to have to take a rain check on it but Scythe here something you can think about until bell time! Watch your back you tell I think you should watch your back cause when you least expect it the Storm will strike and strike you down! So get out of my face Now the wedding is about to start!

The Camera man backs away as the wedding march start as Lita “Amy Dumas” is walked down the isle by her father as Hurricane “Norman Hammond “ looks on as he smiles as Lita Father places Lita on the Arm of Hurricane as Hurricane smiles as the music stops as Priest begins to talk as the camera gets one last look at a Hurricane and Lita while the camera slowly goes black as the A&B commercial starts to play then goes straight into other commercial