The Lights in the arena go dark, a red carpet is rolled out from backstage down to ring. "House of Dreams" by Bliss n Eso" begins to play through the stadium. A spotlight appears at top of ramp. Out walks Chad Jones into the spotlight. Walking down the ramp, Chad Jones stops halfways, raises his hands in the air as firewords go off behind him. Jones continues walking down the ramp and slides into the ring. Chad Jones walks over to each side of the ring, throws up his index finger to the crowd, signaling 1%. Crowd cheers and chant.

Chad walks towards the ring as fans start booing and starting chanting. Chad Jones begins to smirk, as the crowd get loud and louder. Jones climbs the turnbuckle, poses to the crowd as they continue to boo.

Chad jumps off the turnbuckle, shush to the crowd, as he grabs the microphone off the ground of the ring.

'the 1%' CHAD JONES

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