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It's 2005
Public Notice: NO LOITERING, TROLLING XOR FREELOADING! If there is a storm outside your window, shut your computer now! it was so uneventful that i came up with the contents of this site; that's how events are made

G'day folks and gods, and I even got greetings from Darwin!
it is an exciting day with just a minor storm outside. if you let yourself out of the "I want everything now" -mentality, you will experience things with amplified intensity and with lessened stress, like when strolling around streets you won't critize others by thinking what they want from you, but you take them take as salt statues. this state as is called as "morning bore". but this state doesn't exit, which is a harm as it could have been nice. :(

curious made up thing of interest: when they filmed Kermit the puppet frog, the actor who had his hand inside Kermit's ass was a known hobo.

btw, Hirsoshima was founded in 1589. 60 years has passed since they nuked it, him or she. i would like to see a city being nuked, I admit even though i'm saddened by others fates.

a quote to keep you busy: "some are born to endless night, some are born to sweet delight" -wb


  • What is talk.bizarre? a typical usenet froup.
  • What is this site for? It is a presentation.
  • A presentation of what? Of an usenet scandal and drama club. USA.
  • Who are you? There are three types of t.b'ers: younger confused "Cubs", fatherly "Teddies", aggressive "Grizzlies" and older grey "Polar Bears".
  • Who are your friends/enemies? No friends, enemies often forgotten.
  • Do you have a secret handshake? Yes. they have a cradle and a shell too.
  • What are your hobbies? Manly things such as swimming, hugging, fucking and wrestling.
  • What is your religion? The hellish Standards.
  • Do you have "fail to suck day?" Yes. December 1 ( days 'til the next fail to suck day! )

              Who are you again?

  a random circling animal that was born and is still alive


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