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Syxx' Roleplays

Current Roleplay --> Syxx on the Strip

Past Roleplays

Vitamin C from Blowjobs?
Kitty Kat Time

Vampiro's Initiation
666, The number of nWo
Choppers and IC Champ 4 Life
Syxx Singing

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 212 lbs
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Finisher: The Syxxth-Factor
Quote: "666 for nWo" "You will become to Syxxth-Factor"
Profile: The small but powerful, Sean Waltman, has a long history in wrestling and the entertainment business.  Beginning his career in small independent federations in Minnesota, he picked up the name The Kid.  Because of his age and size, he was looked down upon by his fellow wrestlers.  After winning many titles in these small federations he made his way up to the WWF.   He was known as The Kid there as well, but when he interfered in a match with Razor Ramon he became to claim his fame.  When The Kid pinned Razor Ramon later on in the year, he became known as the 1-2-3 Kid.  After a short stint there in the WWF, he left.  He later joined up with his buddies Scott Hall (Razor Ramon) and Kevin Nash (Diesel) in the wCw.  While in the wCw, he joined the infamous anarchist faction, the nWo.  He changed his name to Syxx.  The roots of this name are unknown, some say because he was the sixth member of nWo, some say because 1+2+3=6.  He stayed in the wCw and the nWo until his neck injury from earlier in his career forced him to take time off.  While resting his neck he received a letter from wCw announcing his discharge.  He was furious.  After his neck healed he was offered to join WWF.  He joined once again, but this time under the name X-pac.  He joined another rouge group, called D-Generation-X with Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Chyna, Billy Gunn, and Road Dogg.  He stayed with DX until its disbandment in 1998.  Afterwards he tried to form his own faction, called X-Factor with Albert and Justin Credible.  But after another neck injury, those dreams were killed.  Justin Credible was later fired and Albert became part of T&A.  As Sean recuperated he heard about the reformation of the nWo in WWF.  He was anxious to get back.  He made his comeback on RAW, rejoining his buddies Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, along with Hollywood Hogan to form the nWo.  This did not last long, as Hogan grew apart from the nWo, Scott Hall was fired because of drinking problems, and Nash suffered a quad injury.  Sean accepted a resignation from the WWF.  He relaxed awhile before signing with the NWA-TNA.  This did not last long.  He later joined the XPW and ended up winning 1 title.  After leaving XPW he joined NMW and became the CEO and first member.  In NMW he won the Hardcore title 3 times,  he was the first ever Light Heavyweight champion, and a Hardcore Tag Champion.  After NMW's unfortunate end, he joined Wrestlemania Entertainment.,  He started out as X-pac again, but later changed to Syxx when he reformed nwo with Scott Hall and Kevin Nash.  Now he is the leader of the nWo, which has grown to many more members, and is now on the Smackdown brand.  He is also the Intercontinental champion
Championships Held: WWF Tag Titles (x2), WWF European Title (x2), WWF Light Heavyweight Champion, wCw Cruiserweight Champion, NMW Hardcore Champion (x3), NMW Hardcore Tag Champion, NMW Light Heavyweight Champion, wMe European Champion, wMe Cruiserweight Champion (x2), wMe Intercontinental (666) Champion (Current).

All Graphics and HTML copyright 2003 of JoeRazorSolo Designz and their creator Nick "Joe" Young (except where noted otherwise).  X-pac, Triple H, Chyna, Road Dogg, Justin Credible, Albert, and T &A are all copyrights of World Wrestling Entertainment.  All copyrighted information used legally with no currency transferred.  I do not belong or am affiliated with the WWE and/or Sean Waltman, I just roleplay as him as an actor plays a character in a movie.  Any and all offensive content found in these pages (roleplays included) are views shared by Nick Young and not of Sean Waltman.  I am not, nor ever will be Sean Waltman, so do not contact me with questions top him or concerning him.