Tales of the Game ...   

Record: 02 - 01 - 00     Titles held: None yet       Match:Vs Hurricane Raw


This shit was made by me J and if ya try n steal it ya will get dealt with NEW YORK STYLE, I worked damn hard on it so go ahead try n steal it and become JUST ANOTHA VICTIM!   

- .. Thug Born..   ..Thug Bread..   ..You'll soon be THUG DEAD.. -

 **Tazz gets a call on his cell phone and he answers it..**

Christian: Yo Tazzo..it's me!

Tazz: What's up?

Christian: Meet me at the Marriott Hotel room 521 I have a suprise waiting!

Tazz: Oh god..I'll be thea in a few minutes.

**Tazz drives to the hotel and meets Christian..Christian blindfolds Tazz and takes him out into a car**

Tazz: I swea to god if this is some kinda gang beatin or somethin...

Christian: Chill out man! You seriously need to take a chill pill dude!

Tazz: Wit you..who know whea the hell we are gonna end up!

Christian: Haha..Totally!

**Tazz and Christian drive for a while..Christian is driving..and Tazz is blindfolded in the front seat..they arrive finally at their destination..THE ZOO! Christian takes the blindfold off of Tazz..and he looks around**

Tazz: What in tha hell are we doin at the Zoo!

Christian: Because dorkchop you seriously need to unwind and have some fun!

Tazz: Maybe I like bein pissed all tha time!

Christian: Shyeah maybe if you want to have a massive coronary by age 35!

Tazz: Well come Monday night I am gonna give a certain supazero a massive coronary! Who tha hell are you fightin anyhow?

Christian: Pogo The Clown! UGH!

Tazz: Homo da clown eh..all ya gotta do is run circles around his fat ass..and ya can tire em out real quick.

Christian: How are you going to deal with Hurricane's totally awesome super powers!

Tazz: I'm gonna wrap mah arms around his scrawny little neck..lock in the Tazzmission and lights out!

Christian: But can't that guy like fly and like totally jump over tall buildings in a single bound!

Tazz: This guy is a f*ckin joke is what the hell he is! Some guy runnin around in neon green tights thinkin he can fly..hell I think he needs to lay off the reefa for a while and seriously reconsida his line of work..because afta monday ya all gonna see what a supa jackass this guy really is!

**Christian and Tazz walk around for a little while..and they come upon a Hippo and its mouth is open**

Christian: It's a Hippapotmus!

Tazz: Nah nah..it's called a Hippopotamus oa some shit like that..

Christian: Like ok! Haha but it does kinda remind me of Pogo!

**For the first time in ages Tazz cracks a smile and laughs**

Tazz: Haha..yeah..I guess it kinda does..it's fat..stupid and smells like shit!

Christian: That's some totally funny stuff man! You should lighten up more often!

Tazz: Doubt that!

**Tazz and Christian keep walking and come upon a monkeys cage and the monkeys are jumping back and fourth between the two trees**

Christian: Whoa..Holy spring abliity!

Tazz: Hey..kinda looks like about all the powas the Hurristain has..he kinda resembles a monkey too!

Christian: Hmm..come to think about it..yeah..haha totally! Score!

Tazz: Too bad that's one monkey that is gonna get his ass choked out!

Christian: Whoa dude..I am like totally getting the munchies..I haven't ate in a while..let's blow this popstand and head to where else totally..McDonalds!

Tazz: Yea..I could go fa some grub too..

**Tazz and Christian get back in the car and stop at a nearby McDonalds..they decide to go in and eat..What they don't know is there is a large birthday party going on and Ronald McDonald and Grimace are inside the McDonalds with the children from the party..Tazz sees a character standing outside..**

Tazz: Yo Chris hold up! Holy shit its the Hurricane himself!

**Christian takes one look at what Tazz is talking about and falls on the ground crying from laughing so hard..Tazz walks up to the character and beings to talk to it**

Tazz: Yo Hurricane..what's up!

Hamburglar: Shut up..I am not..

Tazz: Damn you aent..Ya got the same little goofy ass mask..same little goofy ass outfit..a big H on ya chest..short little goofy ass guy...Hell yea ya definately the Hurricane!

Hamburglar: I suggest you leave me alone..I..

Tazz: What have supapowas? Come on show me some..I'm ready and waitin! Whatcha gonna do fly around me? Come on take off let's see!

Hamburglar: That's it I am going to have to..

**The Hamburglar gets mad and kicks Tazz in the shin..Tazz is jumping up and down holding his shin..Christian has seen this and is laughing hysterically now practically crying a river**

Tazz: Ya little prick..come hea!

**Tazz is running around after The Hamburglar when Hamburglar trips and falls..Tazz runs over to him and picks him up belly to belly suplexes the Hamburglar into the side of the building..Grimace and Ronald McDonald see what's going on outside and run out and start to beat on Tazz..Christian stands up and is still dying of laughter**

Christian: Hey..McDonald people fight handicap style! Totally not cool! Time to even up this little brawl!

**Christian runs over and clotheslines Ronald and Grimace..sending them both to the ground..Hamburglar runs into the building and grabs a mop laying nearby..he runs out and tries to smack Christian with it..only to be met by the Tazzmission from behind..Tazz locks it on until The Hamburglar moves no more..Christian has made Ronald and Grimace run away..and Tazz finally loses his cool after what seemed finally the angry man was having fun he flips**

Tazz: I hope ya watchin this Hurricane..cuz this is gonna be a small amount of what I am gonna do to you come monday night!

**Tazz picks Hamburglar up and Tazzplexes him through a nearby plate glass window..shattering it into pieces..the kids are all inside crying as Christian and Tazz drive off..**

Christian: Dude..was the really necessary?

Tazz: Ya damn right it was necessary..because I hope that little supafreak was watching cuz..thea is gonna be a helluva lot moa..where that came from!

**Christian drops Tazz off and Tazz gets into his car and drives somewhere for a meeting with a certain well known rapper**

Tazz: Yo D what up!

DMX: Well Well..if it ain't mah numba one nigga..sup Ruff Rida! So who's the victim this week dawg?

Tazz: None otha then the Hurricane himself!

DMX: Nah..You mean that little green fairy ass lookin thing! They actually puttin that poor lil guy like a lamb to the slaughter to a killin machine like you!

Tazz: Ya..and what a slaughta its gonna be..mista supahero aint gonna know what hit em..cuz I'm rollin on em from all sides!

DMX: When these fools gonna learn dey can't mess wit a ruff ridin thug! Specially one from the mean streets of the big NY up in the house.

Tazz: They will all learn soona or lata..so what's been happenin?

DMX: Not much dawg..been layin low as of late..just takin some time off..but ya know what..

Tazz: What?

DMX: Hows bout I do a little freestylin here bout this upcoming raw..hell I'll include everyone!

Tazz: That'd be some kick ass shit!

DMX: Aight dawg..here goes..So here we go wit a Raw Rap..Ya better listen to this or feel mah strap..first up is mah dawg Tazz..Hurricane betta lissen cuz he will Spazz..Hurricane ya ready for the pain..he'll make you tap out..or I give up you'll shout..second we got the man HBK..gonna walk out wit the title on Monday..Then we got Pogo the clown..when Christian done you'll wear a frown..up next we got some fine ass galz..betta then the next match with two French Butt palz..ya got Chris Benoit and Vampiro..and den John Cena gonna make the show!

Tazz: Ha..that was pretty tight..

DMX: Thankz dawg..That was sum quick shit too..Aight homes..I got a plane to catch..you go in there and kick some ass..and rememba THUGG IT UP NEW YORK STYLE!

Tazz: Ya damn right..Hurristains DONE!

**Tazz and DMX hit fists as the screen fades and opens back up a short time later..Tazz is sitting in the dark and looks to be his angry pissed off self..we here the Ruff Ridas anthem playin in the background**

Tazz: Hurricane ya..have no idea..what is gonna happen this week..see ya are the first stepping stone on my way to claimin some gold hea..people are hidin and duckin me like the goddamn plague..no moa..am I just gonna sit back and let this bullshit happen..it ends as of this week..I will continue to mow through whoeva I have to in orda to get some respect around hea..week afta week I go out and give it my everything only to sit back and watch lil bitch asses such as yaself get chance afta chance at winnin gold..now don't think I don't know what ya afta..I know ya got ya sites on that Intacontinental strap..but fa now..just fa this week I suggest ya focus on the man ya lookin at right now..because..I sure as hell am focused on completely destroyin ya..and sending a message to each and every so called champion out thea..be it Crock..be it Homo Da Clown..The Canadian Crappla..or even if I have ta my pal Christian..thea little belts aren't safe as long as there is a heart beat in this thug body of mine..

**Tazz stops a moment and takes a breath..and then continues**

Tazz: I have already laid to rest one of the wdw champs and that being Noble..so who's next on tha path of rage..you are Hurricane..you'll be nothin moa..than anotha name on what is turnin out to be a loong list of victims..a list that will keep growin week afta week..until I say it stops..see Hurricane ya can run around and make believe all ya damn well want..but this is the really real world..this aint some comic book whea the villain always loses..so ya can consida me the villian if ya want..because if ya take a look at some comic book heros..like Supaman..Batman..and freaks like they..someone finally came along and jacked all thea shit up..so consida me..Doomsday..Bane..Lex Lutha..or whatever the hell ya want all rolled into one mean ass son of a bitch..because come Monday..we are gonna see the untimely end to one so called Supahero!

**Tazz starts to walk out of the dark place but turns around one more time**

Tazz: Hurricane..ya had best have all ya powas juiced up come Raw..because thea aint gonna be no whea to run and no whea to hide..ya time is up as soon as I hit that ring..and you will be JUST ANOTHA VICTIM! So Hurricane..COME ON BEAT ME IF YA CAN..and ya will damn well SUVIVIVE IF I LET YOU!

**The screen fades to black**

LIST OF VICTIMS! 1.Goldberg 2.Jamie Noble