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IWA Friday Night Suicide
Live from The American West Arena in Phoenix,Arizona 05/30/03 @ 10:00 PM Eastern

[Intro/Shady Hart vs. Kaos vs Plague]

[The screen shows some moments from last weeks Suicide, and we go into a shot of the arena. Rap Superstar by Cyphress Hill plays and the pyros go off. The camera pans around the arena for a few moments then...The words "MISGUIDED ANGEL" show on the titon tron. The words fade out and The Militia drops, there is an explosion and a single light shines on the entrance ramp. TaJ is standing there wearing Khaki pants, a button down white shirt, and a polo hat, with a blue bandana hangin out of his right back pocket. He has a bottle of Bacardi Silver in his hand. He walks to the ring, TAJ pounds the Bacardi and send the bottle flying into the crowd. He gets up on the second rope and looks out into the crowd, the lights come back on. TAJ grabs a mic]

Owner TAJ Escobar: Aight now....before we get into our ummm, procedings if you will, i got some shit to talk about. First Sun Bun [crowd erupts] Now, we're movin closer and closer to the 22nd, and I'm thinkin theres a whole lotta shit that needs to be settled there. First one is this whole Niji and Fire / Svetlana Koloff and Sasha thing going on. We'll as i sat on my ass in a big ol comfy chair in teh back lookin at the card tonight, i noticed....we got Svetlana vs. Niji and Fire vs. Sash here tonight. We'll i know Sasha and Svetlana would love to get those tag titles into La Revolution Hemkkhdh som russian shit. Well ladies, ill put it to ya like this, if just one of you can get a win of eather Niji, and or Fire... Youll have your shot, at Sun Burn. Moooooooooooooooooooooooovin on. Michelle and Pebbles [crowd gives a mixed reaction] You two ladies sure are devilish....And really i'm gettin sick of hearin you two bicker back and forth, Michelle, i told you the deal,but ya cant get it through your fuckin Sun Burn, it will be Michelle versus Pebbles, FOR THE IWA WOMEN TITLE! [Voice from Dude Wheres My Car] And Theeeeeeeeen. The IWA X-treme Title tourny is startin to pick up heat, especially late on tonight, so why dont we just toss the finals of that bad boy onto Sun Burn too....But the biggie, one that, hell it even hits closer to home than the Michelle/Pebbles match, KidNes and Chris Michaels....The World and US Champions. It fuckin kills me to do this, but ya'll two need to debt this we'll settle it at Sun Burn, Title vs. Title, Militia vs. Militia, Kidnes vs. Chris Michaels [Crowd goes INSANE!]
Now i need to address our first contest here be quite honest, it makes me sick. So id like to ask Plague, Kaos and Shady Hart to come out here.
[ No music plays and the three men make their way out to the ring. ]
Owner TAJ Escobar: Aight boy line um up, right here in front of me...Now you three shmucks havent won in a match in how long?.....Shut the fuck up! All that matters is that we're gonna play a little game here tonight, a game i like to call..." You flintch, you fall, your fired"....
[TAJ cocks back and punchs plague in the face, he drops to the mat.]
Owner TAJ Escobar: One less piece of shit i gotta pay.
[He, without warning, punches shady hart in the face, shady drops]
Owner TAJ Escobar: Theres another few G's back in my pocket.
[ He cocks back to punch Kaos and Kaos doesnt move. Kaos stares straight at TAJ]
Owner TAJ Escobar: Awwwwwww, this kid got got hart homie?
Kaos: Yea.....
[TAJ Punches Kaos in the face and he falls to the mat. The Militia hits]
Owner TAJ Escobar: Well you aint got a job......

[Fire vs. Sash]

Ken Hilton: Well we're back and three more member of IWA are no unemplyed.
Travis Carter: But what about the huge announcments about Sun Burn.
Ken Hilton: It's gonna be HUGE!!!!!
Traivs Carter: Well lets get into or first match here.
Judy Williams:. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 234 pounds, from Asheville, North Carolina , Fire!!! (crowd cheers **********)
[Batter Up by Nelly starts to play as Fire appears and makes his way down to the ring. ]
Judy Williams - and his opponent, weighing in at 120 pounds, from Las Vegas Nevada , Sasha !!! (crowd boos **************)
[The Jump Off by LiL Kim blares all through the arenaas Sasha struts her way down the ramp. Sasha gets in the ring flashing her assets.]
travis carter: Sasha got alot to prove and alot at stake to tonight. If she comes off with a win. Svetlana and her get a shot at the tag team titles
ken hilton: Bah....Sasha is the Chosen One you idiot, she doesn't have to prove anything in this match we all know she is the queen
travis carter: I guess we'll see.
ken hilton: I guess you'll see, I'm gonna take a nap.
(ding, ding, ding)
[Fire snap mares Sasha . Fire knifehand chops Sasha . ]
[Sasha get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Fire. Sasha stands up.
travis carter: And Sasha charges at Fire! Fire is quick to duck, and catches Sasha with several right hands to the chin!
ken hilton: On second thought ...
travis carter: And now Fire comes off the far ropes, CROSS BODY!
ken hilton: Oh no ... !
travis carter: Sasha catches him, and dumps Fire on his head! I don't even know if there IS a name for that move!
ken hilton: It's called being dumped on your head because there ain't shit in it.
[Sasha places Fire over by the turnbuckle. Sasha jumps off with a flying somersault neckbreaker.]
travis carter: And now, Sasha picks Fire up by his hair, nearly ripping it out of his skull. Sasha sets up for a powerbomb! Oh Fire makes her pay for that one with a float through into a faceplant!
ken hilton: Hey Travis, that chick that flashed Fire was your mom.
travis carter: What?
ken hilton: Just reading the cue cards ...
travis carter: Fire now comes in and goes straight for Sasha legs . He's going for a figure four!
ken hilton: Heh ... no go on that one.
travis carter: With a simple kick of the legs, and Fire finds himself flying through the middle ropes and now on the outside of the ring!
ken hilton: Sasha is about to murder Fire
travis carter: Sasha on the outside now, and Sasha quickly rolls Fire back in. On the inside, now, Sasha charges at Fire. But no! Fire ducks! Off the ropes is Fire now, and Sasha goes down for a back body drop, but NO! Fire takes Sasha off of her feet with a swinging neckbreaker!
ken hilton: I take that back ...
travis carter: And now Fire, fully in control, picks Sasha up and cinches in a reverse headlock. What's this?
ken hilton: Let me show you how it's done, Travis. [Clears throat] Fire now, charges the corner! He scales to the top rope, catapults off and plants Sasha into the mat with a tornado DDT! Incredible move! Fabulous display by Fire! Fantastic agility ...
travis carter: Shut up! Here's the cover!
travis carter: Sasha somehow is able to kick out!
ken hilton: Sasha dazed ... and now it's just a matter of time before Fire puts a fork in her
travis carter: Fire slowly pulls Sasha to her feet. Fire sends Sasha across the ring with an Irish whip! Fire goes for a clothesline, but Sasha ducks! Sasha is getting a head of steam now as she takes Fire down hard with a spear!! Sasha now standing in the corner, waiting for her prey to get up!
ken hilton: Turn around, Fire! Turn around!
Travis carter: Fire doesn't see it! Here comes No Name Needed, a short arm clothesline from Sasha! BUT NO! Fire ducks at the last second! He gives Sasha a quick boot to the gut ... pump handle slam!
ken hilton: He calls that Sizzler Type Thing ... a beautiful move!
travis carter: And now it's Fire who's watching his prey like a hawk. Sasha stumbles to her feet, not even knowing where she is!
ken hilton:Watch this ... heh, heh.
travis carter: Sasha turns, Fire with a superkick! The Bitch Slap! The Bitch Slap!
ken hilton: He's got her!
travis carter: Fire did it!
ken hilton: Hahaha. So much for a tag team title shot. Svetlana is going to be pissed

[Brooke MacKenzie vs. Lillian Facli]

[two women come down the ring slapping and pulling at each others hair]
travis carter: A ring-shaking lock-up! The two women wasting no time in this contest, Lillian slips out and locks in a quick headlock. Brooke drops back to the near ropes and shoots her of-- But Lillian holds the headlock and wrenches down hard!
ken hilton: C'mon, Brooke, don't take that from this..
travis carter: Brooke with a hard shot to Lillian's kidneys! Lillian has to loosen her grip, and now Brooke drops to the near ropes again, sending Lillian accross the ring, Lillian comes back with a Thesz Press -- RIGHT INTO A BEARHUG BY BROOKE!
ken hilton: Good move, Brooke. (soft applause)
travis carter: Brooke now cinching in on the abdomen of Lillian, and Lillian is screaming in response!!
[Lillian grits her teeth and leans back, then begins hammering away on Brooke's face. Brooke responds accordingly:]
travis carter: Brooke FLATTENING Lillian with a clever falling spinebuster! Brooke makes a quick cover!
travis carter: KICKOUT AT ONE-POINT-FIVE! That one may not have beaten Lillian, but it sure did get her attention. Shes dealing with a BIG woman, here.
ken hilton: Yeah, a big woman with big hands and big plans.
travis carter: And -- Er, what?
ken hilton: Although I doubt she can play piano.
travis carter: Brooke tugging Lillian to her back to her feet and whipping her hard into the turnbuckle! Brooke follows close behind.
travis carter: HUGE LARIAT IN THE CORNER! Lillian stumble out, but before she can collapse to the mat, Brooke scoops her up for a sidewalk slam!
travis carter: COVER!
travis carter: Again, at one-point-five!
ken hilton: I thought it was one-point-six.
travis carter: This time, Brooke lets Lillian slowly back to her feet, then runs in... LARIAT--NO! Lillian ducks and hooks the waist.. she's pulling up Brooke' leg... Cradle Belly-to-Back Suplex with Bridge!
ken hilton: Wow.
travis carter: KICKOUT AT ONE, but Brooke has been slowed down! Can you believe the strength of Lillian?! Brooke trying to get to her knees and Lillian locks in a quick front-chancery... but Brooke fires into her gut with a series of hooks... Lillian lifts a few knees to quiet this effort, and now Lillian hooks the arm... Lillian going for it... HEAD AND ARM CHAN--
ken hilton: HAH! Brooke is just too big, Lillian. Just lay down so we can get this over with.
travis carter: Lillian unable to lift Brooke into that suplex, but she looks like she has another ide-- SKEWER DDT!!
travis carter: Brooke eats canvas!
ken hilton:: ..and gets bigger.
travis carter: Lillian holds onto the right arm and now is now looking to lock in a stepover armbar submission-- BUT BROOKE TUGS AWAY AND SLAPS ON A CHOKE WITH HER FREE HAND!
ken hilton:: Uh-oh.
travis carter: Lillian is gasping for air, and Brooke is headed back to her feet. I think we all know what this means... BUT NO! Lillian kicks her hard in the gut, and Brooke doubles over... Lillian hooks her arms... DOUBLE UNDERHOOK DDT!! BROOKE 'S FACE IS DRIVEN RELENTLESSLY INTO THAT MAT!! COVER BY LILLIAN!!
travis carter: KICKOUT! Kickout by Brooke, and LiLLian sighs. Lillian slowly hoists Brooke up and shoves her into the corner... Lillian follows in with a few knees and right hands, and now with an Irish whip across the ring... LiLLian Follows in and leaps -- CAUGHT BY ANOTHER CHOKEHOLD!! BROOKE WASTES NO TIME!! CHOKEEEEEEEESLAM!!
travis carter: BROOKE WITH THE COVER!
travis carter: She got it! Brooke is your winner!

[Jennie Dumas vs. Diana The Living Goddess]

ken hilton:: [Snoring]
Travis: Dude,wake up ::he shakes Ken and is now at a yell:: WAKE UP!!!
::Ken imedatly wakes up::
Ken:What? Who? When?
Travis:We're about to be blessed with the presence of THE goddess
{ " Girls talk " by TLC begins playing....The arena goes dark,the song continues to play as blue and purple pyros hit the stage and Jennie walks out and looks to her left, then to her right and contiues walking down the ramp and gets in the ring and goes to a turnbunkle and blows a kiss into the crowd and gets down and waits for Diana to come out}
Judy Williams: Ladies and Gentlemen...the following women's contest is scheduled for one fall...introducing first, already in the ring from Cameron, North Carolina....Jennie DUMAS!!!!!!
{ The stage explodes with fireworks,and than " Paradise City " by Guns and Roses plays....Diana steps through the curtain,her white and gold cape flows behind her as she walks to the ring and steps inside. }
Travis Carter: I like this new girl Diana...she's gonna go places in this company...
Ken Hilton: Yeah well I like this new girl, I mean Jennie....SHE is gonna go places in this company...
{ Before the bell can ring...." Only the Strong " by Flaw begins playing and the crowd goes nuts as Rick Knight steps out from behind the curtain and starts to walk toward the ring...he stops just outside and looks at both of the wrestlers in the ring and smiles at Diana...then he walks over to the commentary table and grabs a headset and sits down }
Travis Carter: Looks like we are gonna be joined by Rick Knight on commentary here...
Ken Hilton: But why? What interest do you have in this match?
Rick Knight: Don't ask stupid questions Ken...I do what I want when I know that...besides I have a great interest in this match I will have you know..
{ Jennie and Diana lock up in the center of the ring and Diana pushes Jennie back, Jennie loses her balance and falls down...She gets back up and charges at Diana..hitting her with a double-leg takedown and jumping on top of her and starting to punch her...punching her ten times before jumping to her feet and waving to the crowd..}
Rick Knight: She needs to work on her concentration more in the ring...why bother with these retarded fans out here?
Ken Hilton: The fans pay the bills...
Rick Knight: The fans show up no matter what you want to kiss the fans asses then go I'm gonna do what I do...
{ Jennie starts to climb the turnbuckle but Diana stands up and pulls her down off the top rope with an arm-drag takedown...Jennie lands and grabs her back in pain as Diana now goes to the top and jumps off driving a knee into the chest of Jennie..she goes for a cover }
{ Jennie just kicks out....Diana looks over at Rick Knight sitting at the announce table and then back to Jennie..she picks her up and tosses her against the ropes and then hits a hard powerslam and goes for a cover again }
{ Jennie kicks out again and Diana starts looking a little frustrated with the fact that Jennie keeps kicking out...she picks Jennie up and sets her up for what she calls the Wrath of Olympus, she nails the reverse DDT...then she goes for another cover }
{ Jennie kicks out and as Diana is jaw-jacking with the referee about a slow count or something, Jennie goes for a schoolboy...}
{ Diana kicks out and stands quickly, but so does Jennie....Diana charges at Jennie but gets caught ina drop-toe hold...Jennie is up and yelling for Diana to stand up and come get some}
Rick Knight: I always have loved a good cat-fight...haven't you Ken?
Ken Hilton: Sure..this is turning out to be a pretty decent match...
{ Jennie is stalking Diana now and she calls for and hits The Bling-Blinger as Rick Knight stands up and removes his headset...Jennie goes for a cover }
{ Diana kicks out at the last possible second as Rick Knight is standing just outside of the ring now}
Ken Hilton: What the hell is he doing just standing there? I think there is more to this than we know..
Travis Carter: Didn't you hear the man earlier? He does whatever he wants to do...
{ Jennie sets up for her version of sweet chin music...called the money shot as Diana struggles to her feet and grabs the referee.....}
Travis Carter: Wait!! Look at that!!
{ Rick Knight grabs Jennie Dumas's ankle and pulls her down so she hits the mat face-first with the ref's back turned..Diana runs over and pulls her up and hits her with a Flatliner that she calls Suicide!}
{ Jennie gets her foot on the ropes, but Rick Knight knocks her foot off before the referee sees it...}
{ Rick Knight starts walking to the back backwards, looking back at Diana who is getting her arm raised by the referee...}
Ken Hilton: Now why did he do that? What exactly was the point of him helping Diana win this match?
Travis Carter: Maybe he just wanted to cost Jennie Dumas her first match in IwA?
Ken Hilton: Either way what was the point? He's in the main event tonight...why would he even care about this match?
Travis:But oh well

["The Nightmare" Trik Reynolds vs. Orphan]

Ken: Lemme tell you, Boy do we have a big one for you right here folks,"The Nightmare" Trik Renolds vs. the newcomer Orphan,this could be a good match
Travis: Or a bad match,doesn't really matter
Judy Williams: Introducing the challanger,from the streets of Dallas,Texas...ORPHAN!!!!
["Tourniquit" by Marilyn Manson plays as Orphan walks out to purple lights]
Travis:You wonder who adopted him?
Ken: Could it of been Taj?
Travis:Awwww!!! Taj and Pebbles have them a little baby
Ken:Yeah,but what about Taj and Michelle?
Travis:As of now there is no Taj and Michelle but what madness will oucur next week when Michelle faces Jeanie Dumas with Pebbles as the guest ref?
[Orphan's music abrumbtly stops as the lights dim,dark blue lights flash on and grey smoke files in,"Send the Pain Below" by Chevelle plays as Trik walks out,he stands on the ramp and looks upwards,Orphan runs out and punches Trik]
Travis:Ha, I guess he was getting tired of watching...
[Orphan swings at Trik,but he blocks it and gives him a right hand,Orphan wabbles on the edge of the entrance ramp and Trik balls his fist]
Ken:No trik don't do it
[he looks down at the ground and then back up and starts to rolls his eyes,Orphan just stares at him and then runs him over with a close line,Trick comes twords him and walks right into a body slam,Orphan grabs trik and drags him into the ring,as Orphan is picking up Trik,Trik delivers a European upper cut and then whips him to the other corner and then lifts him up top,Trik climbs up to but Orphan pushes him off and follows ups with a missle dropkick]
Ken:The rookie is sure beating on the vetren here
Travis: Who am I? ::He rolls the whites of his eyes and Ken just shakes his head::
[Trik rolls out of the ring pushes the bell ringer out of the way and grabs his chair....he gets back in the ring and charges Orphan with the chair knocking him out cold,the ref calls for the bell and Trik pushes him out of the ring...he stands in the middle of the ring and looks at the ground,looks up and rolls the whites of his eyes as we fade to commercial]

[Niji vs. Svetlana Koloff]

Judy Williams: The following contest is the grudge match!! It is scheduled for one fall to a finish!! Introducing first....
{ " Back in Black" by AC~DC begins playing as Niji steps out from behind the curtain with his tag team title belt over his left shoulder....}
Judy Williams: From Ashville, North half of the tag team champions.....NIJI!!!!!!!!
{ Niji slides in the ring and raises his title up high as " Bad Reputation " by Joan Jett and the blackhearts begins playing The arena goes black as "The Lithuanian School Mistress" appears in huge white letters on the Titan-TRON. A spot lights shows on the stage as a tall woman dreassed in a pattent leather body suit walks down the stage ramp. Her long black hair flows behind her as she strides commandingly down the ramp to the ring. In her right hand she holds a chain which is connected to a short, sexy blonde woman who is wearing a patent leather bikini and a black collar. }
Travis Carter: Hey look Ken...its your favorite wrestler of all time...
Ken Hilton: Shut up least I am man ebough to admit that this woman scares the bejesus out of me...
{ Svetlana slides into the ring and stares at Niji....Niji looks away and at the fans....Niji turns just as Svetlana turns toward Precious and hits her across the back with a forearm...Svetlana is unfazed as she turns toward Niji with an extremely pissed off look on her face. Niji backs up a step or two, but Svetlana doesn't let him get away from her..she grabs him and whips him into the ropes and hits him with a back elbow, Niji pops right back up and gets hit with an arm drag take down..he gets back up, bounces off the ropes and gets hit with a spinning back fist..}
Travis Carter: Svetlana is really cooking in the early part of this matchup...
{ Svetlana stands over the prone Niji and flexes her muscles...she laughs as she starts to climb the turnbuckle and waits for Niji to struggle to his feet...she hits him with a missle dropkick and Niji goes flying back across the ring and slides out of the ring to recover...Svetlana is standing alone in the ring}
Ken Hilton: This is starting to remind me a lot of last week...Svetlana was dominating the handicap match until the numbers game caught up to her...
{ Svetlana steps out of the ring between the second and third ropes and goes up behind Niji, she turns him around and gets nailed right in the face with the red mist!! }
Travis Carter: Niji just spit that red mist right in the russian mistress's face!!
Ken Hilton: I am strangely arroused by that Travis...
Travis Carter: I'll admit that she has never looked better...but cmon man...its not that much of an improvement...
{ Svetlana is staggering around, blinded by the mist and Niji runs her into the ringpost hard. Then he sets up and hits a superkick as Svetlana stands up, knocking her back down...Precious out of nowhere jumps on Niji's back...Niji tosses her over his head to the floor and looks down at her...}
Ken Hilton: What does Niji have planned here I wonder?
{ Niji picks Precious up who is struggling to stand....then he gets hit with a russian leg sweep by Svetlana who stood back up and is now rolling Niji back into the ring }
Travis Carter: Just goes to show you....never turn your back on a never know how funny you might be walking the next day...
Ken Hilton: What the hell are you talking about?
Travis Carter: Never mind...just call the match...
{ Svetlana climbs to the top turnbuckle and calls for a shooting star press!! }
Ken Hilton: Isn't that Niji's finisher?
Travis Carter: Yes i believe it is...
{ Svetlana jumps and nails a sloppy shooting star press...almost missing, but hitting enough of it to go for a cover...}
{ Niji just gets the shoulder up at the very last second....Svetlana picks him up and tosses him against the ropes, she bounces off the other set of ropes and hits him with a HARD RUSSIAN SICKLE!!! }
Travis Carter: I'll hand to Niji here...he gave it a good try, but he was no match for Svetlana on this night...
Ken Hilton: Now svetlana and sash get their shot!!!!
Ken:Why are yo so happy?
Travis:Minorities deserve title shots to

[Maurice Davis vs. John Supra]
Ken:Speaking of,Maurice Davis wil be a minority and an endangered species when John Supra gets done with him
{ " Rated R's " music starts playing over the sound system as Maurice Davis runs out and starts jumping around excitedly }
Ken Hilton: Maurice Davis is fired up for this match...
{ " Quit Hatin " begins playing as John Supra walks out from the back pushing a shopping cart with a bunch of stuff in it. He pulls out a broom handle at ringside and slides into the ring with it as Maurice Davis slides out the other side...John Supra points the broom handle at Davis and starts taunting him to get into the ring as the ref calls for the bell }
Travis Carter: John Supra is ready for this match...he wants Maurice Davis's head on a stick!!
{ John Supra walks to the other side of the ring...he taunts Davis some more, Davis finally starts to climb into the ring only to be hit hard with the broomstick handle and dropped back to the floor. Supra starts laughing and steps between the second and third ropes and stands in front of the announce table with Davis. Davis is holding his back as Supra starts pounding him again with the broomstick }
Ken Hilton: Boy..somebody pissed in John Supra's wheaties today apparently...
{ Supra starts clearing off the spanish announce table...he pulls the monitors off and throws them to the ground...he turns and plasters Maurice Davis with one of them, knocking him back down.}
Travis Carter: Supra is setting up Davis to go through a table early here...
{ Supra rolls Davis onto the table and gets up on the table with him he calls for The Supra Jack, he sets Davis up...but it is reversed into a hurricarana that sends Supra through the American announce table, and Davis goes through the Spanish table as he lands...both men are down }
{ Davis starts crawling over toward Supra and gets an arm over him...the ref starts to count }
{ Supra just gets a shoulder up as Davis looks at the ref shocked that he didn't get three...he starts yelling at the ref to do his damn job as Supra starts to pull himself up...Davis turns and jumps up for the west coast pop, but is caught in mid-air by Supra who turns and gives him a hard spinebuster on the concrete...Supra goes for a cover }
{ Supra pulls Davis's shoulders off the canvas and shakes a finger at the ref...}
Ken Hilton: John Supra is showing a little bit of a mean streak here...
{ Supra grabs two chairs tosses them into the ring, then he grabs a ladder from under the ring and slides that into the ring...he slides in and sets up the two chairs so they are facing each other in the center of the ring...he sets up a ladder in the corner and turns back to the outside just as Maurice Davis jumps off the opposite turnbuckle and nails a missle dropkick on Supra...Davis can't make a cover as he gets winded from the jump }
Travis Carter: Both men are down again!!
Ken Hilton: Did you just say you are born again?
Travis Carter: No idiot...I said both men are down again!!
Ken Hilton: bad....
{ Supra winds up getting back to his feet first and staggers over toward Davis, he starts to pick him up and Davis dropkicks him right in the balls!! Davis bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Supra who falls back over the chairs and bounces his face off the ladder...Davis comes back toward the center of the ring as Davis goes for a superkick....Supra ducks and grabs Davis and hits a belly to back suplex through the steel chairs!!!]
Travis Carter: Okay....its official....Maurice Davis is dead....D-E-A-D.....
{ Supra starts laughing as the fans boo him....he tosses one of the chairs out of the ring and starts pounding on Davis's spine with the other one....Davis is unmoving in the ring as Supra rolls Davis over onto the chair he was just beating him down with...he starts to climb the ladder }
Ken Hilton: Oh no.....not this!! Maurice Davis is laying on top of that chair....
{ Supra gets to the top of the ladder and jumps off!! He nails the Supra Splash!!! ...the ref starts to count }
Travis Carter: John Supra has advanced in this tournament after a Supra Splash with Maurice Davis's spine on that chair....

[Snake Eyes vs. Donnovan Vega]

Travis Carter: This next match should be an interesting one...
Ken Hilton: Its time to start deciding who will be the next X-Treme champion Travis..
{ " What happened to dat boy " by Baby starts playing and white pyros shoot off as Snake Eyes heads toward the ring to a loud chorus of boos }
Judy Williams: Ladies and Gentlemen...the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is the first round of the X-treme Title tournament!! Introducing first, already in the ring....from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania....Snake Eyes!!!
{ Snake Eyes throws up a finger as the crowd continues to boo him }
{ "Hi-Lo" by JT Money begins playing as the lights go out and yellow strobe lights begin flashing. Donnovan Vega steps out onto the ramp and begins making his way toward the ring }
{ Snake Eyes runs out of the ring and goes full-speed up the ramp at Vega, who sidesteps him and laughs..}
Travis Carter: Thats what you get for hurrying to get your ass kicked..
{ Vega starts stomping on Snake Eyes who is trying to cover up...Vega then walks to the ring and reaches under the apron and pulls out various weapons and tosses them into the ring..he grabs a trashcan and walks back towards Snake Eyes who is pulling himself to his feet using the guardrail}
{ Vega lifts the can and brings it down hard over the head of Snake Eyes who falls back down, Vega starts yelling in Snake Eyes face and then pulls him up by the hair...he picks him up and gives him a electric chair drop onto the trashcan, completely flattening it }
Ken Hilton: Ooohh...that had to hurt...
{ Vega picks him up again and lifts him for a brainbuster on the trash can, but Snake Eyes reverses it and nails a blockbuster...Vega falls hard and Snake Eyes goes for a cover }
1... 2....
{ Vega kicks out with authority and is back to his feet quickly, just to catch a sambo suplex from Snake Eyes...S.E. goes for another cover }
1.. 2...
{ Vega kicks out again and gets up a little slower as Snake Eyes starts stalking Vega turns Snake Eyes goes for a roundhouse kick and misses Vega turns it and goes into a spinebuster..he is trying to turn Snake Eyes over for the submission...Snake Eyes starts punching Vega in the face, but Vega holds on and finally turns him...}
Travis Carter: Is Snake Eyes gonna tap out?
Ken Hilton: I don't know...why don't you go ask him?
{ Travis Carter stands up and grabs a microphone and walks up the ramp to where Snake Eyes is still in the submission move...he puts the microphone to his lips }
Travis Carter: The whole world wants to know Snake Eyes...are you gonna tap out?
{ Travis Carter gets pissed at the cussing and hits Snake Eyes on top of the head with the microphone and Snake Eyes stops struggling in the manuever }
Ken Hilton: Oh my god...I can't believe what I just saw!!!
{ The ref pushes Travis Carter away from the match, Travis is talking shit to Snake Eyes and the ref goes and checks on Snake...he lifts his arm once, twice, three times...the match is over!! }

[Chris Michaels & Pebbles vs. KidNes & Michelle]

Travis Carter: Well our next contest should be an interesting one, to say the least.
Ken Hilton: We're about to see Michaels and Nes hook it up, but lets not forget, both men are members of TAJ Escobar's Militia.
Travis Carter: And on top of that we're gonna be seeing Michelle and Pebbles face to face for the first time ever.
[The words "MISGUIDED ANGEL" show on the titon tron. The words fade out and The Militia drops, there is an explosion and a single light shines on the entrance ramp. TaJ is standing there wearing Khaki pants, a button down white shirt, and a polo hat, with a blue bandana hangin out of his right back pocket. He has a bottle of Bacardi Silver in his hand. He walks to the ring, TAJ pounds the Bacardi and send the bottle flying into the crowd. He gets up on the second rope and looks out into the crowd, the lights come back on. TAJ goes to the outside and sits with the announces]
TAJ Escobar: Boys, how we doin, enjoyin your new jobs?
Travis Carter: Yea, thanks a lot...ol buddy.
Ken Hilton: Now is that any way to treat the Owner of IWA Travis...Always a pleasure TAJ.
TAJ Escobar: Well, lets get this show on the road...
Judy Williams: Ladies and Gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall...introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan, weighin in at 190 lbs.....The IWA World Champion....KIDNES!!!!!!!!!!
["Simulate" by Eminem begins to play and KidNes makes his way to the ring]
Judy Williams: And his tag team partner...from Miami, Florida...weighin in at 120 lbs...MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ!!!!!!!!!
[She walks down to the ring usually touching some of the fans hands. Then she gets into the ring]
Judy Williams: And their opponents, Introducing first, from Omaha, Nebraska...weighing in at 128 lbs....PEBBLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
["I know What you want" hits and pebbles makes her way to the ring]
Judy Williams: And her partner, from North Caolina, weighing in at 255 pounds, the IWA US and TV Champion...Chris MICHAELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[The lights flicker on and off twice, then "Raise Up" by Petey Pablo starts and Chris Michaels walks out, and he then walks down to the ring, slides under the bottom rope and gets ready to go...]
Ken Hilton: Well...
TAJ Escobar: Just shut the fuck up and watch...
[ Chris and Nes start things off. Nes charges Chris but he side steps and send Nes into the turnbuckle. Michaes dropkicks Nes in the back and get up quickly hitting him with a reverse DDT. Michaels picks up Nes and send him into the ropes. Nes frog leaps Michaels and catches him with a clothsline on the rebound. Nes drops and elbow on the back of Michaels head and puts him in a front face lock. Michaels makes it to the rops and Nes breaks the hold. Nes goes to pick up Michaels but Michaels elbows him in the gut, he gives Nes a snapmare, then walks over and kciks him in the back of the head. He walks over and tags in Pebbles]
Ken Hilton: Well we know what....nevermind, lets see how Pebbles can fare against Nes.
[Pebbles gives Nes the rolling thunder. She goes to pick him up but nes swats her off and tags in Michelle]
TAJ Escobar: Well...this outta be a little more than interesting.
[Michelle runs across the ring in a rage and lou thez presses Pebbles. Michelle puches Pebbles in the face five times. Michelle gets up and picks up Pebbles, but Pebbles takes out Michelles legs. Pebbles get on top of Michelle and punches her 7 times. Pebbles goes for the pin...1......2....KidNes comes in the ring and break up the count, and takes out the ref while hes at it. Michaels gets in the rings and clothslines KidNes over the tope to the outside, he follows him out. Pebbles get to her feet, but Michelle was already up. Michelle spears Pebbles. She walks over to the side of the ring near the announce table and motions for TAJ. TAJ stand up and folds up his chair and tosses it to Michelle...But the chair was "unintentionaly" a little to high. Pebbles, who is back on her feet jumps up a little and grabs the chair. On the outside KidNes hits Michales with the Nex Nightmare. Pebbles cacks Michelle in the face and Michelle falls lifeless to the mat. Pebbles goes for a cover, but there is no ref.]
Ken Hilton: Well TAJ has aken off his headset and all hell has broken loose.
[ KidNes slides in the ring and picks up Pebbles. He hits her with the Nex Nightmare and throws her to the outside. Michaels slide back in the ring, grabs the chair and cracks Nes. Sending him falling to the outside of the ring. Chris Michaels, still dazed from the Nex Nightmare falls on top of Michelle.............The ref slowly slides into place.....1...........................2...........................3.................]
Judy Williams: Your Winners....CHRIS MICHAELS AND PEBBLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Michaels gets to his feet and TAJ enters the ring. He hands Michaels his two belts. We fade to commercial]

[Rick Knight vs. Mavis]

Ken: And here it is,what we've all been waiting for
Travis: Lesbian action?
Ken: No,thats Jade,Sasha and Svetlana...rght now its Rick Knight vs. Mavis
Travis:I'd still prefer lesbian action
[the lights in the arena flash on and off twice and then "Only the strong" by Flaw plays as a man and a woman walk out and begin thier journey to the ring]
Judy Williams:From Chicago,Illinois standing 6 feet and 5 inches and wieghing in at 2 hundred and 41 pounds...RICK KNIGHT!!!
Ken: Why's Rick have a bat?
[Suddenly Mavis runs out with a lead pipe]
Travis:I don't like the looks of things
[Mavis slides in under the bottom rope and Rick starts to stomp on him,Mavis over-powers him a little and gets up and smashes his jaw with the lead pipe,Knight falls and Mavis gets up and starts to stomp on him]
Ken: All hell has broken loose
[Knight kicks Mavis in the nas and closelines him down with the baseball bat]
Travis:Could it possibly get any worse?
[just then the masked man runs out and closelines Knight and then Mavis,Knight again Mavis,he picks up Knight and body slams him down,the ref calls for the bell and the masked man kicks him in the head,we see a long shot of Mavis,Rick Knight and the ref all laid out,only the masked man remains standing and we fade to black]

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