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.::Joining The Business::.
Due to new company policies, it will be harder to get a spot on one of our brands. The SIW is for experienced competitors or for people willing to learn the business. Full commitment is needed and you will have to participate at least once a week. Please take this into consideration before sending in an application. To send in an application, copy and paste your info and sent it to SIW management by clicking the email icon at the bottom fo the page.

Handler Info:
Instant Messenger?
Years Experience?

Wrestler Info:
Wrestlers Name
Wrestlers Gender
Wrestlers Birthdate
Alignment (Heel - Tweener - Neutral - Face)
Theme Music
Wrestlers Style (Choose 3 of the following styles: Power, Technical, Roughneck, Speedy, High Flyer, Risk Taker/Extremist, Martial Artist, Hardcore, Luchadore, Japanese, European, Old School, Amature, Brawler, Inovator, Submissionist, Shoot Fighter.)
Wrestlers Gimmick
Speciality Match
Trademark Moves (Maximum 4) - Move List
Finishing Maneuver Name (Must have an original name)
Description of Finisher
Bio of wrestler (I.e. wrestlers past, acheivements, ect.)

Manager Info (If your character does not have a manager please do not fill in.):
Managers Name
Managers Gender
Theme Music
Managers Quote(s)
Does your manager talk for the wrestler?
Managers Gimmick
Bio of manager (I.e. managers past, acheivements, ect.)

Sample Roleplay:
This is by far the most crutial part of the application, please make the most of it. Either copy and paste an old RP or link me up to one, or you could start a whole new RP from scratch. To make things easier pretend that you are already in the SIW and write an RP in ANY situation. Do not steal an RP that was not originally yours, use your own RP's, You have a much better chance of joining that way, Thank you.

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