>On Monday Night the horny little she-devil is making her debut in WEW and she even gets a spot in the world title tournament. The problem is she's fighting Sable, well in Terri's mind it's not a problem she has no problem with fighting Sable, but alot of people seem to think she cant do it? Well Terri knows she can and so does her boyfriend Brock Lesnar. Terri and Brock are seen walking into the arena holding hands. Terri is wearing a white lace top with a pair of light blue jeans and white leather boots with her suitecase she is rolling on wheels behind her, Brock is wearing his "Here comes the pain" t-shirt with black sweat pants and his WWE Title over his shoulder. They keep walking til they reach a locker room with the name {Terri} on the front is sparkled pink lettering. Terri smiles as she walks into the locker room as Brock follows. Brock shuts the door as Terri sits down on the white velvet couch and striches her legs out on the couch. Brock move her feet up and sits down, laying her feet on his lap.

×"The She-Devil" Terri™×
Look at this locker room, Stephanie and Trish sure know how to make their employees feel good. I'm so relaxed I know I will beat Sable tonight. One thing I learned from you is don't get mad cause when you do you might get hit with a Crutch

×"Here comes the WWE Champion" Brock Lesnar™×
Was that suppose to be funny?? Yea Kurt did attack me with a Crutch but at Wrestlemania I beat his olympic ass and won this title right here. [looks down at his WWE Title and smiles] So you really think your ready to go against someone like Sable. I mean you a great wrestler and I have faith in you but your not a little.....I dont know scared??

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
[sits up and looks alittle annoyed] What now you think I should be afraid of Sable.....God I thought I didnt have to hear it from you too. I'm not scared of Sable.....yea she has a wrestling past in WWE....she was Women's Champion....do I really look like I give a shit what she did in her past. I'm not like most people who live in past but I was the longest Employeed Diva in WWE, I'm a former WWE Hardcore Champion...I may not have held it long but my name still went in the books for being Hardcore Champion. I'm beautiful and the soon to be first ever WEW's Undisputed Champion. I dont give a shit what people think about me, I will win against Sable and then everyone will see that I'm not the women I use to be. Brock...I'll be back I'm gonna go for a walk.

Terri stands up looking annoyed at Brock and walks out of the locker room. She begins to walk down the hallway as she see's Trish Stratus standing infront of a vanity backstage. Terri smiles and walks over to Trish. Terri taps Trish on the shoulder, scaring Trish almost to death.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
Hey Trish sorry didnt mean to scare you.

×"The Queen Of Stratusfaction " Trish Startus™×
Good god you scared me to death Terri jeez.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
[laughs] I said I'm sorry, what are you doing in the hallway, I thought you would be in your office working your little ass off by now.

×"The Queen Of Stratusfaction " Trish Startus™×
Well I was but I had to go see someone and I looked in the mirror and thought "I cant go see Jeff looking like this, look at my makeup", so I started to touch up my makeup til you came and made me poke myself in the eye with the eyelinder.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
I'm not going to repeat myself but anyways how are things going so far in WEW?

×"The Queen Of Stratusfaction " Trish Startus™×
Very good we have signed so many top divas and I just met Sable!! I can't believe she actually signed with WEW.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
And what's the big deal? Sable isn't anything important, I mean she's a stuck up, no-good, lieing slut and everyone knows that.

×"The Queen Of Stratusfaction " Trish Startus™×
Well I guess everyone has their own opinions, but good luck in your match tonight against Sable.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
What makes you think I need luck?? I have gotten this far in the wrestling business without luck, it's with faith and talent.

×"The Queen Of Stratusfaction " Trish Startus™×
Well may the best woman win.....

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
[flips hair] I plan to.

Terri rolls her eyes and makes her way down at the hallway as Trish stands there and rolls her eyes as we head to J.R and The King.

×"The Man Under the Black Hat" Jim Ross™×
Well King it seem to me that Terri is tired of everyone treating her like she has nothing to offer in this business.

×"The Puppie Man" The King™×
Terri has alot to offer....to me. DID YOU SEE THE PUPPIES J.R!!

×"The Man Under the Black Hat" Jim Ross™×
Come on King respect the ladies.

×"The Puppie Man" The King™×
I do respect the ladies.....and their bodies.

×"The Man Under the Black Hat" Jim Ross™×
God King you act like a teenage boy. Anyways Terri is facing the Famous Sable tonight and whoever wins will advance on through the tournament and go for the Undisputed Title later on this month.

Terri is seen now sitting on one of the metal crates in the back, talking on her cell phone. As she keeps talking the camera man moves closer to hear who she's talking to and what they are talking about.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
I said I would pick up him up at the airport on Friday, dont keep calling me asking when I will be there to get him, jeez.

×The Unknown Caller×
I know but Terri I have to leave tomorrow morning, I need you to go and pick him up now. He's on a plane right now, it left about 2 hours ago, it should be landing at 7:00.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
WHAT?? Tonight is the most important night of my life and you put this shit on me?

×The Unknown Caller×
I said I'm sorry.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
Now what am I going to do with a kid running around with me. God you owe me Shawna BIG TIME.

×The Unknown Caller×
I know, I know I love you sis. Bye

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
Yea yea bye.

Terri hangs up her cell phone and slams it on the crate. She hops off the crate and starts to walk to her locker room. She makes it to her locker room and walks in. She see's Brock sleeping sound on the couch as she walks over to him smiling and slaps him in the back of the head, making him fall off the couch. Brock looks up at Terri and wipes his eyes.

×"Here comes the WWE Champion" Brock Lesnar™×
[yawns] What the hell was that for?

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
You have to go get Shane.

×"Here comes the WWE Champion" Brock Lesnar™×

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×

×"Here comes the WWE Champion" Brock Lesnar™×
Your sister's kid?

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×

×"Here comes the WWE Champion" Brock Lesnar™×

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
Because I told her I would watch him on Friday but she has to leave early so....what the hell just go pick him up.

×"Here comes the WWE Champion" Brock Lesnar™×
Why do you gotta babysit?

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
I'm not....you are.

×"Here comes the WWE Champion" Brock Lesnar™×
Woah...what? Im not babysitting your nephew.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
Come on Brock, he loves you and he wont bother you. Baby please.

Terri wraps her arms around him and put the puppy dog face on. Brock looks down at her.

×"Here comes the WWE Champion" Brock Lesnar™×
But Terri I dont want to babysit.

Terri moves away from him and puts her hands on her hips.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
What about all those times I didnt wanna babysit Mya but I did cause she's your daughter huh?

×"Here comes the WWE Champion" Brock Lesnar™×
If it was Dakota I would....but.....ok ok I'm watch the little rug rat.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
Yea you better [laughs] I'm just kidding thanks baby. You gotta go now he's plane will be landing in 30 minutes.

Brock grabs his jacket and car keys, kisses Terri, and walks out of the locker room on his way to pick up Terri's Nephew Shane. Terri walks over to her suticase and start going through her clothes. She picks up a pink shiney top with a matching skirt and smiles. She also grabs a pair of white thongs and a matching bra and walks into the backroom, slamming the door being her.

About 10 minutes later Terri walks out of the bathroom wearing the pink outfit and looks fine might I add. She walks over to the vanity sitting in her locker room and sits down. She picks up a brush and starts to brush her hair. As she is brushing her hair, Sable appears in the ring on her T.V. Terri watches and listens to what Sable has to say. Terri throws her brush at the T.V making a loud noise. Terri turns around and looks in the mirror. She stands up, with a evil glare and walks out the door. She walks down the hallway and down to the curtain.

"The Wreckoning" by BoomKat is hear flowing through the arena speaks as the fans jump to their feet. Smoke fills the ramp way and pink lights start to flash. The smoke clears and Terri is standing on the stage. She does her she-devil horns and makes her way down the ramp, slapping the hands of the lucky fans in the first row. Terri walks up the steel steps and on to the apron. She steps under the bottom rope and into the ring. She walks over to the left rope and leans over it revealing alittle of her cleveage, she walks to the right rope and does the same. Terri walks over to Lillian and hands Terri the mic. Terri smiles and walks to the middle of the ring before putting the mic to her lips to speak.

×"The She-Devil " Terri™×
I was in the back and I couldnt believe my beautiful eyes when I heard Sable out here, I mean who does that old washed-up bitch thinks she's talking to. She idolized women's wrestling ha what the hell was she smoking when she said that. I made women's wrestling what it is today. When Sable left the WWE I stayed and look at all the women in the business today, it's all thanks to me. I am the diva that every woman wants to be, they want to have the looks, fame, and intelligence that I have. All those divas want to be just like me. I have the whole package and all Sable has is well maybe a old playboy magazine with her ugly face on the cover. The only things Sable has ever had was the Grind and 2 playboys, that's all. Now me I have been the manager of many champions, I have the looks to make any man bow down before me and I have the intelligence to make everyone see what women like Sable are......has-beens. Sable holds a grudge on everyone cause she missed out on 4 years of this business but Sable you brought it all on yourself. Noone made you leave, you practically kicked your own ass out the door. See where a bad attitude gets you, without a job. Sable you may think I'm a hoe, slut etc but you act like your the only person who's ever said that to me before. Can someone say something other then "She's a slut, she's a whore", I mean you dont see me walking around talking about all the animals you sleep with do you? No cause I dont need to waste my time. All these people come to see me [points to her herself] Not you sable, actually I'm pretty sure all of these fans cant wait to see me kick your hasbeen ass tonight. [fans cheer] You also had the nerve to say I should retire....RETIRE. What kind of shit is that? I mean should'nt you be retireing cause Sable you may have had it 4 years ago but I know you dont have it now. Tonight I'm going to show you the real meaning of wrestling, the real meaning of WOMEN'S WRESTLING. Not Bra and Pantie matches and Bikini Contest WRESTING. I'm going to give you a run for your money, when were in that ring you may have the height and weigth advandge but I have the quickness and intelligence to make you squeal like the pig you are. Tonight my little piggy, I'm sending You to the slaughter house.

"The Wreckoning" by BoomKat plays again as Terri steps out of the ring. She flips her hair and walks up the ramp and to her locker room.