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'Da Bad Guy' Scott Hall

ROLE-PLAY : # 2  RECORD : 01 - 00 - 00


Da Bad GUY
Razor Ramon

| Role Play Start : When you think of Razor what do u think of. Catchy phrases smooth walk tooth pick throwing BAD GUY. Well let me let you on a little thing, ever since entering the WCW Razor has been looked at as someone who wont achieve nothing its been a fact The champions think it the staff thinks it and even the fans are beginning to think it. Razor looks around at all the Top tens and the BS like that and he laughs at it i mean do you think the bad Guy thinks making the grade of the WCW elite will get him title shots NO. The only way He can become #1 is if he does what he dose best and that is Lay out the compation like no other, Now on Nitro Razor gets another chance to layout 2 of the top superstars that have the most promise at the WCW champ and other titles they set there sights on. But this week they will have to put there future aside because Razor is coming for them. Rock and RVD will be just 2 more victims of the Razor Edge..

The scene opens up to a late night diner its about 12:00am, The people that are in there are either late truckers on a pit stop or hookers who have just finished a guy or for the night. The diner smells of greasy food ranging from fatty burgers to omelets which have been what seems to be over cooked. Well back on topic. At the back of the diner sits a one Razor Ramon sitting in a red padded booth looking as Slick as can be. Go look up Slick and you will see Razor Ramon...Razor places a toothpick in his mouth as he looks over a menu, His gold ring gets in the way of turning the page, he simply smirks and turns to the back of the menu he sees food named after wrestlers like Hogan Hotdogs, Steiner Sausages, Rock Burgers, Rvd Fries, Razor looks a little pissed as he skims down the list

Razor Ramon: Hey Yo Waitress!!

Razor's booming voice echos threw out the diner as people stare at him

Razor Ramon: Chico what you got a problem Huh

The man Razor is talking to is a hefty man in his mid 50's chowing down on a burger and chuging down a milkshake which defiantly looks like he supersized. The man shakes his head no and directs his attention to his food. The blond 25 high school dropout waitress walks over shaking her fat (Not phat with a PH) she is chewing her gum so loud its annoying

Stacy: YES what will ya have

Razor Ramon: Hey YO.... i see you have got a page dedicated to the wrestlers and well i see every one on the WCW roster but Razor Ramon

Stacy: Razor who HAHA we don't put former presidents in the wrestler page Silly Billy

Razor flicks her name tag

Razor Ramon: Razor Ramon is not a president, But could be if he wanted. He is the Best dam talent the WCW has ever heard of and he has already proved it once last week when The French Connection was fed a dose of the RAZOR EDGE

Stacy: Gonna order something iam real busy

She waves at the Head cook in the kitchen, He waves back with his spatulla in hand

Razor Ramon: Yo flirting with the chef is not something to get your panties in a twist over i mean look at the guy he is like 90 and weighs in about 340 pounds

Stacy: I love him and he loves me i want his baby

Razor Ramon: Know what i love Stacy do ya

Stacy shakes he head side to side as to say "No i don't". Razor cracks his knuckles and cracks his neck by leaning his head from side to side

Razor Ramon: I love the fact that this week WCW will see how bad Razor wants and needs a title. I love the Fact that WCW thinks the Rock and RVD can stop Razor Ramon from riseing to the top of the ranks. I love that the rock and RVD have no chance in succeeding this week i love that after Nitro The chico's up stairs running the show will have to watch Razor closely because iam the next icon the WCW has and i will prove it once again that NO ONE CAN OOOOZ WITH MACHISMO BETTER THEN RAZOR.....

Razor tosses the toothpick in the girls face

Razor Ramon: RAMON....

Razor gets up from his seat

Stacy: Arnt you gonna order something

Razor Ramon: If you don't recognize Greatness then how can you cook The Bad guy good food Chico

With that said Razor walks out of the diner after he throws another toothpick at the fatty at table 4 .

[.. Static ..]

[.. Fade out and away to black ..]

Went For A RIDE On The Razor's Edge : La Resistance