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OOC Comment

Alright guys, im back as solely Bubba Ray Dudley now, no more D-von. Hope you guys like the new layout, I took someones html *wink*wink*, but made all the banners, Feedback is always appretiated on the OOC Board. Hope you guys read the rp, thanks!

'Bubba | Nick

Roleplay Title: Bubba's Back!
Victories: 01    Losses: 02    Draws: --
Roleplay Number: 08
Upcoming Match:
Bubba Ray Dudley vs.
Stipulations: ...
WME Career Achievements:
Being Signed by WME's Slam, Slam Main Event[1x], 2nd Ranked Tag team w/ D-Von Dudley
Bubba Bombed:
Road Dogg...Konnan...Rey Mysterio...Juvi Gurrera

Downfall was a truly historic event. We sawit was br>

[-:- END Forward-:-]

The scene starts out with D-von sitting at home on his labtop. He searches the web for awhile and then clicks on the address bar and types in ''. The site loads up and in the search bar for the site, D-von types in 'Tables', that site loads and comes up with a disappointing message. The message on the screen reads, 'were sorry but this item is to large to ship in the mail, you will have to visit one of over 1000 home depot stores to purchase this item.' D-von slams his fist on the table and picks up his cell Phone. He flips it ioen and dials Bubba, who is out in his car.

D-von Dudley: Alright Bubba, it seems we can't order the tables off of the internet, were gunna have to go in to the store to buy em.
Bubba Ray Dudley: D-von, your my bro and all but man...We didnt lose because of the tables.
D-von Dudley: But we lost Bubba, we never lose, especially in a tables match.
Bubba Ray Dudley: D-von we lost because of....because of you.

D-von says nothing. After a moment Bubba hangs up the phone and the scene turns to him in is 'H2' hummer. He drives into a parking lot, outside of a large collisium. Bubba drives down into the basement of the colisium, where most superstars park. He drives into his reserved spot and gets out. He slams to door and goes to the trunk, opening it, and taking out his gym bag. Bubba closes the trunk and heads towards the arena doors. He opens them up and walks right in, swinging his bag over his shoulder. Bubba Ray heads down a set of stairs to his left to the lockerroom area. He goes into the WME Slam! lockerroom and throws his bag in one of the lockers. He then turns around and heads out the door. He turns to his left and heads towards Eric Bischoff's office, where eric is inside on the phone. Bubba slams the door open and Eric jumps up out of his chair.

Eric Bischoff: Sorry Mom...Yeah...I gotta go...I love you too...yeah I gotta go!...bye.

Bischoff closes his cell phone and throws it down on the table and walks towards Bubba...

wMe Camera's
D-von's OUT!

Eric Bischoff: What the hell do you think your doing Bubba! I was on the phone with
Bubba Ray Dudley:Your Mom? We need to talk, its about my status with the company.
Eric Bischoff: Your not getting a raise...
Bubba Ray Dudley: Im nto asking for one. You know the reason why I lost at Guilty As Charged. You know...I know...and D-Von knows.
Eric Bischoff: Alright...if this is about D-von we need him here.
Bubba Ray Dudley: It is about him but...we dont need him here. I want him out. Hes not doing anything in the company, fire his ass!
Eric Bischoff: wow wow wow, Bubba whats come over you. You and D-von, The Dudley Boyz, yout wo are one of the greatest tag teams of all time. Whats come over you man?
Bubba Ray Dudley: Ill tell you the truth Eric, Im sick of being tied down in the Tag division. Ever since me and D-von teamed up in ECW, its been about going after gold, tag team gold. Having to share the title isnt all that its cracked up to be. I want to be the one in the spotlight, not half of the spotlight. The way thigns were going theres no way I would of been able to complete my goal, to achieve my dream...The World Championship, I want it around my waist. Thats not possible when your a tag team wrestler, you know what Im talking about?
Eric Bischoff: I know exactly what your talking about, and I like your idea. I can see it now, 'Former Tag Team wrestler, making the next step in his career, becoming a singles wrestler, going after gold!'...You know who it reminds me of?
Bubba Ray Dudley: I have an Idea...
Eric Bischoff: The Heart Break Kid, Bubba. You going off on your own. I see you going places. But I can't just fire D-von. Im sorry Bubba. You can go off on your own, break up the Dudley Boyz if thats what you want to do, but fire him for no reason....He could sue me!

Contact Me - - AIM: Schratn9