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The Godsend...The Supernatural...Californian Made...Nick Fed...your Master of the Universe!







Nick and Rick visit Boston and can't seem to get out. They watch a mini-documentary and try to get the hell out of there. They have to dodge angry Boston fans, and save their lives. Not only does Nick do that, but he manages to get a word in on his Pay-Per View match as well.

Fed Facts: Nick Fed was born an Oakland Athletic fan, under the influence of his father. He taught him to like Reggie Jackson. After Jackson signed with the Yankees, he became a Yankee fan because of Jackson. Since then, he's been a fan of the New York Yankees.



The scene opens up inside a small room. The windows are open, and through the openings you can see a bright sunny day. Back inside the room, there are two chairs. One of the chairs is in front of a door, and the other is in front of a television. The small 15" inch television is on a small brown cabinet. The walls of the room are slightly peach, and have flower designs all over them. To the side of the room, there is a small bathroom. The door of the bathroom fully opens and out steps Nick Fed. He has his short brown hair tied into a small pony tail. Nick's wearing white sneakers, and gray sweatpants. He has a Hideki Matsui Yankee away jersey and a white t-shirt underneath. As he steps out of the bathroom, the door starts to knock loudly and rapidly. Nick Fed clears his throat and walks toward the door. He opens it quickly, and Rick comes in and shuts the door immediately and starts pushing it closed as more people start to bang on the door. The gasping Rick is wearing black sandals with red sox on his feet. He's wearing black dress pants and a red belt. He also has a red t-shirt that reads "If I were a Red Sox fan.." on the front and "I might as well root for the Tigers" on the back. He lets go of the door after the banging stops, and then walks to the chair and sits with a thump. He wipes his sweaty forehead, and takes a deep breathe. Nick Fed just smiles and starts to speak.


Nick Fed: Those guys are really passionate about baseball, eh?


Rick Anderson: Tell me about it. You still have that video man? I want to take a look at our footage.


Yeah I do. But let me ask you something. What the hell were you doing now?


I was looking for my "Lets go Red-Sux" cap, but I found it trampled and ripped up. It also had some white stuff on it. No idea who did that.


Mm hmm. I see. Well, lets check this out. I think we did a nifty job and finding out how these fans really feel. 


Yep. Especially that guy with the Red Sox underwear.


Huh?! Which guy?


Never mind. Turn on the VCR.


Nick turns on the VCR, and turns on the television. The television goes into focus and it tunes into the bottom of the eighth inning of the Yankee-Red Sox Game 7. Pedro Martinez just gives up a hit to Jorge Posada to tie the game, and the camera zooms away and starts moving rapidly. Screaming can be heard in the room, and the camera turns to Nick Fed who's doing a crappy "running man" dance. 


Lets fast forward, shall we.


Nick Fed fast forwards the tape, and finally stops when Wakefield goes back on the mound to face Aaron bleeping Boone.


Here we go.


This part is so beautiful. It brings a tear to my eye each time I see it.


The knuckle ball is pushed (It's a knuckle ball, you don't really throw it) out over the plate. Aaron Boone smacks the ball into deep left field, and knocks it out of the ball park. The crowd inside the television goes wild, and the camera man (Rick) and Nick Fed start celebrating as well. The screen in the current television changes scenes to a place in Boston. People are walking everywhere enjoying their lives, and just minding their business.


The fun part is here!


October 16th, 2003. Four o'clock PM, Boston Massachusetts.


A Camera is moving as Nick Fed walks up the street. He is wearing blue jeans, and a blue Yankee jacket. The man carrying the camera is Rick, Nick's cousin. You can't see him, but he's wearing black sandals, khaki pants, and a black t-shirt. He has his "Chicks dig the long wall" typo cap on. He follows Nick Fed around as he walks with a microphone, looking around joyfully and in a very good mood. People past by him giving him dirty looks, and some look surprised. Other wrestling fans smile at him and ask him for an autograph, but he refuses and points to the camera. He tells them that he has a project to do. He keeps walking and stops a man wearing a red sox cap. The man appears to be in his mid forties, and not looking too happy. The guy is wearing a worn out navy blue t-shirt, and blue jeans. Nick Fed gets on the microphone, and Rick watches on.


Red Sox fan huh?


Guy: Yes I am sadly. Your a Yankee fan I'm guessing?


Guessing? I'm a die hard over here. But lets stop talking about me, lets talk about you. I'm doing a little project here to see how the Red Sox fans feel about their loss to the greatest team ever. Not only the greatest team in sports history, but their arch rival Yankees. Where they once had a lead of 5-2 with five outs to go. FIVE! You had your ace Pedro Martinez on the mound, and you couldn't achieve it. Now please, tell us how you feel?


Do you really have to rub it in like that man?


Rub it in? First of all, I do not want to rub "IT". Secondly, all I asked was how you feel. Everything I said before that was strictly facts. Yankees ARE the best team ever, and the Red Sox BLOW. So, how do you feel?


That's enough. I don't need to listen to this.


Oh, so I guess the Red Sox fans take after their team. They give up and leave when they face the truth, huh? You can't face the facts, huh? Is that it?


Listen buddy. I was walking over here to buy some groceries, now would you please leave me alone?


Not until you answer my question.


Alright. I feel disgusted about the loss. The Yankees make me sick. They are everything wrong with sports. The only reason they win is because they buy out every single all star in the world. This was our year. The Yankees just can't take losing for one freaking year? The Red Sox haven't won a damn World Series in 85 YEARS! 85! My Grandmother isn't even that old to witness that. It's just not fair. One little trade for cash, and suddenly Ruth lays a curse on us. What's his problem? If I believe so, the Red Sox were in financial trouble. They NEEDED to sell him. What's his deal? The fact that people lay all these miserable years on that is just pathetic, and I for one am now a believer. How can Aaron F!CKING Boone beat us? The guy couldn't hit a beach ball before that at bat. If we weren't cursed I KNOW we would have won. It's sickening to my stomach talking about this right now. So, would do you think of me now? Hello?


Huh? Oh, sorry I wasn't listening. Do you happen to know where I can find Nom'ah?


You bastard. Your just like all the other Yankee fans. Arrogant, cocky, and an asshole. You're crap.


That's nice. So, how about the Nomar info?




The man leaps at Nick and starts holding Nick by his throat. Nick drops the microphone, and knees the man in his groin. The man bends over and starts holding his balls. Nick kicks the guy in the face, and the man falls down. Nick starts stomping away on him and starts to laugh like a jerk. He grabs the microphone and yells "THIS IS YANKEE DOMINATION BABY"! Most people take offense and start to chase Nick. Rick drops the camera, but takes out the video tape. They start to run like crazy, before camera goes dead.


Back to Original Scene


What a day. I never get tired of watching that. What about you?


Nope. Lets watch it again!


No way dude. This hotel can't even keep those crazy Boston psychos away from us. We have got to bail already. Grab the tape and your bag. Lets get the hell out of here!


Nick picks up his bag and throws it out the window. The bag falls down one floor, luckily, they were only one floor up. Rick throws the bag, and is about to throw the video tape before Nick smacks him in the face and stops him. Nick grabs the tape and holds it against his chest. He then goes on the window still and makes a slight jump to the ground. Rick goes out the window one leg at a time, and at what time gets stuck. He gets his other leg out of the hotel and drops to his feet. Both men start to jog out of there. They get inside Rick's car,  a burn-out Toyota, and get the hell out of there. Inside the car Nick and Rick start to speak.


That was awesome.


Sure as hell was. Those Boston people aren't going to touch us.


Damn straight.


Well, lets....*Nick's Cell Phone Rings* Hold on a second.


Nick Fed picks up the cell and starts to speak. 


Yes...Where...TOKYO?...Ah...I'm getting paid for this right...Alright...Who are the other losers...Brian Kendrick?...Oh...A Stalker?...I see....Cody Carson...Jeff Page, eh?...Eleven...Krazzy Kid and Trent Kinkade. Okay, I have no idea who half of those guys are, but I'll be ready...Yeah...No...You sleep with men!!


Nick shuts the cell.


So, who was that?


My agent.


What's his name?


I don't know, I haven't seen him.


And he's your agent??




But you haven't seen him...


Don't worry, he does his job. He likes it that way. He could be AC Botts for all I know.


I smell that you have a match, huh?


That's right. A Hardcore Carwreck match for the Undis-PUTED...


Hehehe. Say Undisputed again.




Okay never mind. You said it better the first time.


Jackass. It's for the Undisputed Hardcore Title. I'm not exactly sure what a car wreck match is, but eh, who the hell knows what kind of match they are getting these days. I remember back in the day when matches were one on one or two on two. Then these crazy ass stipulations came about. Don't get me wrong. I kick ass with those stipulations, but now it's gotten out of control.


Tell me about it.


I just did. Anyway, these people that I'm facing are weird. The only person I happen to know is Jeff Page. 


What do you know about 'em?


Well, I think he's a drug addict. I always seem him with marijuana all the time. Not that is bad, but maybe it could affect him in this match. You shouldn't smoke marijuana before you face Nick Fed. Think how low your chances will become. You end up being drowsy, and sleepy, and high. You can't be HIGH when you face me. That'll throw you off totally. Just think about it. When you are going for a high risk move, you'll start to smile like a buffoon on the top turnbuckle, or where ever else you are jumping from, and fall on your face. Think of the embarrassment! At the same time you might get quite a laugh. Heck, that'd be pretty freaking hilarious.


Rick starts laugh uncontrollably while handling the steering wheel. Nick Fed smacks him in the face again, and Rick starts to nod yeah.


Yeah. Well as for the rest of those guys, I have no idea what to say about them. They are all boring, green, undeveloped wrestlers stepping into the ring with a veteran. I've faced people like these everywhere I go. Whether it'd be a global federation like LaW, or Japan, or an independent federation in America. It's these type of people that make this job very easy. You get to pick up these wins, and soon enough they start to pile up. Next thing you know you'll be 5-0, then 6-0, and so on. I mean take a look at these guys. Chris Kendrick? This guy already has a pathetic name. You would never see a guy by the last name of Kendrick getting a Main Event spot. He's also the 455th wrestler named Chris. When will this stop? This Chris thing is already confusing as it is. Yeah he holds the Undisputed Hardcore Title, but so what? It's a low class belt. The only reason I actually want this belt is wait I don't. I don't want a belt that's value is lower than myself. The only motivation I have in this match is beating the crap out of all of these people and dethroning Chris Kendrick just for the fun of it. It's hilarious to see the look on their faces when they lost a title belt, just priceless.


You know what else is priceless? 




I don't know, I'm asking you.


Idiot. Back to this match, I'm facing people like Krazzy Kid and Cody Carson, Eleven and TRENT KINKADE?! This sounds like a sad regional federation main event, seriously. Krazzy Kid has been used numerous times, whether it be Krazy Kid or Crazy Kid, or Kid Crazy. Talk about a block in originality. His finisher is probably the Krazzy Drop. It's sad how these people stop thinking about themselves. That gives me more of a reason to beat him, for originality. But why stop there? I have a punching bag in Trent Kinkade. This guy sounds like he's working for CBS as a lead anchor. Trent Kinkade isn't a wrestling name, and he probably can't wrestle for his life either. If I had a nickel for each time he blew a move, I'd be a million dollars richer. When your name is Trent Kinkade there is no way in hell you can be taken seriously, not even by Mr. Botts. We also have Cody Carson. What's there to say about this guy? Maybe I'll just call him a jobber and call it a day. Finally we have Eleven. Eleven. You know, back in LaW I faced a guy by the named of Furious, later to be named Jeff Adams. It turns out this is the only federation in which I've faced an emotion and a number. Where have all the monsters and speedsters gone? Now it's being reduced to emotions and numbers!? 


Don't forget Stalkers.




That's right Stalkers. I believe you are also facing a guy named THE STALKER!


Oh that's right. He's not just any Stalker, but THE STALKER! This guy must be really threatening. His finisher is probably the "Peeping Tom". Who knows. He could be here right now. (Turns Around). You could never be too careful with a guy named THE STALKER right on your back. I'm facing him in this match, I'm probably next in his stalking list. I just hope he doesn't go too far and watches me take a dump. That'd cross the line.




Well, make a turn, airport is right there.


They make it to the airport and take their bags and the tape. Before the scene fades you can see five men in Boston jerseys charging Nick and Rick from behind.


~Scene Fades To Black~