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Intercontinental Champion

Matt Hardy vs X-Pac


The following roleplay was written by Pavel Castro ( This roleplay layout was not made by me. This roleplay has been written for RAW and nothing that I say in it is serious. I don't act like this character does, this is just for fun.

The Rock and Matt Hardy’s feud is already red hot and there’s a few weeks until Deadly Games. Can this beef between these two great superstars reach any new heights? How will The Rock answer Matt Hardy after being attacked last Monday on Onslaught? Will Matt Hardy continue to play this little games on The Rock until that Sunday comes or will The Rock stop him? We will have to wait and see the outcome of this amazing spectacle this two are putting. Also, this Monday on Onslaught Matt Hardy and X-Pac will battle each other for the first time since Wrestlemania, almost two months ago. This time it won’t be for the Cruiserweight Title, nor the Intercontinental Title… It will be for pride. If Matt Hardy doesn’t beat X-Pac, the latter will be able to say that he defeated the Intercontinental Champion twice in a row. If Matt Hardy wins the match, he would have proved that at Wrestlemania he lost because he injured himself. You can’t miss this rematch as it will surely be the show-stealer of a Deadly Games Tournament packed Onslaught. What will The Rock have to do with this match? Will he interfere in it in some way or will he let Matt Hardy fight X-Pac? If you want to know, be sure to tune in to RAW T.V Monday night.

The cameras pan outside of the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida where we see a car parking in front of it. The cameras zoom on it and we see Matt Hardy walking out of the car and paying the driver. He closes the door and walks toward the entrance of the arena. While walking he sees that all of his SUMMIT posters are gone and he looks to be in no mood to accepting this. He enters the arena and starts throwing everything in the floor looking mad at what he just witnessed.

Matt Hardy: What the hell is happening in this federation? Don’t you have respect at all to a guy like me, the Intercontinental Champion? Where the hell did all my SUMMIT posters go? I want an explanation right now!

Suddenly a guy who is annoyed at Matt Hardy comes up to him and starts directing the word to the Intercontinental Champion…

Guy: Look, I saw some guys taking out the posters because they felt that it wasn’t necessary for you to have them here and also that you didn’t pay for the arena to put the posters.

Matt Hardy: Why do I have to pay for such a thing like this? I mean, I am the Intercontinental Champion and I, at least, deserve some things; this included. If those guys said that it was unnecessary to have the posters pasted there, it was because they didn’t believe in themselves because if they would have believed in themselves, they would have acted in a different way.

Guy: I’ve been watching you lately and you say the same damn thing every time you speak! That they don’t believe in this and that, blah blah blah, what’s going on with you?

Matt Hardy: Believe is to achieve and I see in your eyes that you won’t achieve anything in your life because you don’t believe. What about if you join the Society of Unified Mattitude and Mattitude In Training? I would teach you how to believe in yourself and how to succeed in life. Do you accept?

Guy: No, you are an asshole and I don’t want you training me. I’d prefer The Rock to teach me anything I want because he is cool and I like cool people. Understand that? You suck and I don’t like you!

Matt Hardy: Your cool level just went up! Asshole. Now I’m going to leave you and let you die miserably… until you come to me begging to let you join SUMMIT. See you later, pal.

The Mattitude creator/inventor gives the middle finger to the guy and keeps walking mad at the happenings. He walks toward his locker room but suddenly Michael Cole comes up to him.

Matt Hardy: … Don’t tell me you want another interview, please…

Michael Cole: Actually, I do. Can I? This will be shorter than the last one though…

Matt Hardy: Go on…

Michael Cole: Alright, Matt Hardy. Why did you ignored my question last Monday telling me that Crash Holly wasn’t important?

Matt Hardy: Did he prove that he was important? I mean, I squashed him Monday night and he didn’t even throw a damn punch! He didn’t prove me wrong and I’m going to say it again. Crash Holly isn’t important, he isn’t fire because he is the jobber of the federation and is used to put new signings over in their debut matches. That’s the only use we have for him and if he keeps like that, he won’t be fired for a while. That match lasted like forty-five seconds and that’s got to be a record for myself but I got to search for it first, before I tell you. Oh yeah, next time Vince McMahon books me for Ignition and against someone like Crash Holly… I’m going to quit and you can mark my words on that.

Michael Cole: Now tell me something. Why are you attacking The Rock every week? Is this some sort of plan or something heading up to Deadly Games?

Matt Hardy: I don’t need any plans to beat The Rock because I already did and it was damn easy. I’m attacking him because he makes me sick. I have to sit on my couch and watch his little interviews talking about how he is the greatest wrestler to ever put feet in this federation. You got to be kidding me! I hate liars and he is one so I’m proving to him that I am the better one in this feud. I don’t need to talk about the people or what I have done in my career, I talk facts. I say that I beat him 1, 2, 3 at Judgment Day and I’m going to continue saying that until he beats me… it won’t be at Deadly Games though. The match is already made, Cage Match, my Intercontinental Title on the line, Sunday June 22nd, Pay Per View... The Rock vs Matt Hardy: The Rematch.

Michael Cole: Talking about rematches… this Monday you face X-Pac for the first time since Wrestlemania, what are your thoughts on this?

Matt Hardy: Oh! X-Pac again? What a joke! I got to admit that at Wrestlemania he beat me but I have said this a lot, it wasn’t cleanly. I injured myself and, therefore, he had the easy win. This time though, it will be different because Monday on Onslaught I will be standing holding my Intercontinental Title above X-Pac as the show goes off the air. Since the last time I faced X-Pac, he has gotten older and, therefore, worse. I’ve been telling him that his prime already passed but he isn’t believing me and when you don’t believe... you don’t achieve. Although I got to admit that he has been having success in the last couple of weeks… he will be defeated on Monday because I said so and when Matt Hardy, Version 1.0 says something, it happens. I will end X-Pac’s winning streak, just like I ended The Rock’s. This won’t be hard but it will surely be more difficult than the fight that The Rock put at Judgment Day. You can quote me on that if you want.

Michael Cole: Can you give your thoughts and opinion about the Deadly Games Tournament?

Matt Hardy: This is the tournament to decide who will challenge the World Champion at the August Pay Per View, Birthday Bash. They didn’t choose me because I already have to fight an asshole at Deadly Games but that’s alright with me. Anyways, the only participants that matter to me are Christmas and The Big Slow… Ooops! I mean Christian and The Big Show. These two are the only ones that I think could put up a fight against the World Champion, especially Christian. He is the man, a hall of famer and I like his attitude. The Big Show made an impressive debut beating all those guys to a pulp of blood and I like that about him. The only thing that I don’t like about this tournament is that they will waste the Main Event spot for this. I mean, they could have me and The Rock in the Main Event seeing as I am more important than the participants. That’s how life is… unfair.

Michael Cole: What is your opinion on Stone Cold Steve Austin being suspended?

Matt Hardy: What do I think? I really don’t care but now I can say that I am currently the best wrestler in the roster because I have the Intercontinental Title in my hands and since the World Champion is suspended… he doesn’t count! I am not saying that he deserves this suspension because he doesn’t seeing as he is the most important person of the Ruthless Aggression Wrestling… of course, after me. I will sing to Stone Cold Steve Austin as a way to prove to him that I like him.

Matt Hardy clears his throat as he starts to sing to the World Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin…

Matt Hardy: Na na na na, oh hell yeah! Goodbye…. Na na na na, oh hell yeah! Goodbye…

Michael Cole: God, you are so funny, Matt Hardy… Anyways, thanks for your time and good luck against X-Pac this Monday on Onslaught.

Matt Hardy: Thanks… and good luck to you to keep your job as a RAW interviewer… Asshole!

Michael Cole looks at Matt Hardy with a weird look in his face as Mattitude keeps walking paying no attention to him as the scene fades out.


Matt Hardy gave his thoughts on different things, including his rematch against X-Pac and the suspension of Stone Cold Steve Austin. He also mocked the World Champion by singing to him which I think he will be mad at Matt Hardy when he finds out about this. Anyways, we could see a different Matt Hardy… he agreed to be interviewed and gave opinions about things that he didn’t care about. On the other side, he was the same talking about “believing is achieving” and things like that, that only Matt Hardy could do or say. What will Matt Hardy do about all the posters being removed from the arena? Will he bother to report this to Vince McMahon or will he do MORE than that? Only time can tell us. He is really in a good time in his RAW career, three straight wins and the Intercontinental Title in his possession. That’s what I call success in the pro wrestling business. Will he continue winning or will his winning streak be stopped for the second time by X-Pac? Monday Onslaught will answer all of this questions and more so stay tuned!

The scene opens in Matt Hardy’s locker room where you can see that he is preparing to go to the ring. He puts his wrestling gear on and gets out of the room. As he walks through the backstage area and to the ring, his music starts playing all around the arena.

The American Airlines Arena!

He makes his way out to the arena and the fans receive him with loud boos and yelling bad things at him. He laughs at them and continues walking until he reaches the ring. He climbs the turnbuckles and does his Version 1.0 signal to the whole crowd and receives a bad reception, as expected. He is handed a microphone by one of the federation’s staff and he starts talking…

Matt Hardy: Hello to all my fans out here in this arena, it’s your hero once again! I appreciate the way you love me and I’m going to continue doing my thing until I die. Thank you, thank you… I love you, too! I know all of you were pleased when I defeated Crash Holly Monday night… I was very happy, too! You see? We are similar in almost every way! You think that The Rock is stupid and can’t wrestler… I say that, too! You say that X-Pac is old and sucks… I second that! You think that Stone Cold is crap… Anyways, this Monday I face X-Pac again and not to your surprise… but I will put my winning streak to four wins! I am great, am I not? Thanks for your opinions, as if I need them! Sorry to be acting like The Rock but I wanted to know how it feels to suck up to the fans and I got to say… this is the worst thing I’ve ever witnessed!

Fans: Booooooooooooooooo

Matt Hardy: Yeah, keep booing. I take the booing as the way that you appreciate my work. Thank you! Anyways, I came here to address my next opponent, X-Pac. I helped him beat The Rock before, I defeated The Rock so it’s easy to predict that the winner this Monday will be me, Matt Hardy Version 1.0. He’s old and wasted, I’m young and fresh. He doesn’t have talent, I have a lot of that. In conclusion, this will be a very easy match for me this Monday on Onslaught. Last week I had to face Crash Holly and this week I will battle X-Pac… two easy weeks for me. Thank you Vince McMahon! Well, it’s easy as that, X-Pac can’t give me competition at this state of my career. Back in March I say that he could give me competition at Wrestlemania but now that I am the Intercontinental Champion, there is no way he could even touch me. He’s never been the Intercontinental Champion and never will be as long as I’m in this federation. After I beat you, X-Pac, I will have proved that what you did at Wrestlemania was just a mistake I made. I fell off the ladder and injured myself, enough said.

Matt Hardy spits on the floor, just like he did to The Rock on Monday night and starts talking again…

Matt Hardy: X-Pac, you came here earlier on and said that you were going to end my career? Come on, be serious for a minute! I mean, you are eighty something years old and you think you can beat this youngster. You have no “pure wrestling ability and talent”, the only thing that you have is two balls hanging to the floor. You are telling Matt Hardy to watch his back? Aren’t you watching from your locker room every Monday night how I attack The Rock? I know every trick that you can use, X-Pac and there’s no way in hell you could even try to sneak attack me because I got eyes of an eagle. Get your facts straight before you open your stupid mouth, retard. You say that I was wrestling a jobber last week but hey, there’s no difference this week! I am still fighting a jobber, this week his name is Sean Waltman! Next week it will another one and at Deadly Games another even bigger jobber, The Rock but that’s life and you can’t change a thing about it. Don’t threat me telling me to stop calling your name because I do whatever I want. I am Matt Hardy, I am the Intercontinental Champion which lets me do whatever I want in this federation, understand? I hope so because if you don’t… I am the one who is going to make you understand! How do you come here and start promoting your stupid little website? We are not interested in that, we don’t believe in that and, therefore, your site can go to hell, as if we care. Nobody wants merchandise with your name and face on it and let me tell you something: you can’t sell anything anymore. Your prime has passed and it’s time for you to move on to a different career, maybe selling popcorns outside of the arenas because you would earn more than what you are gaining wrestling. Please X-Pac, shave because I don’t want to fight a gorilla Monday on Onslaught… we already have one, A-Train and we sure as hell don’t need anymore. You are saying that you are the number one contender because you beat Alex Wright… Man, if being the number one contender is beating Alex Wright… I want to be number one contender, too! I’m laughing because you will not face Stone Cold at Deadly Games, you will face another bald wrestler, Goldberg. I don’t know if you will ever fight Stone Cold, maybe at the July Pay Per View but who knows if you even get the chance to do so. Last thing you know, you might even have to face me again for both titles; the World and Intercontinental titles. Talking about you is so boring that moving on to The Rock is a better thing to do…

Matt Hardy climbs the turnbuckle and mocks The Rock posing with his Intercontinental Title like he does. He smells the air as the crowd start to boo once again. The creator of SUMMIT starts speaking again…

Matt Hardy Speaks!

Matt Hardy: Now let’s talk about my Deadly Games opponent, the one and only jabroni on earth, The Rock. You talking about Toronto being infested with SARS was just dumb so I’m not even going to tell you anything about that. You say that I am sick freak because I spitted on you, well… be sure to put a mask next week because I’m going to try and do it again. If there’s something you don’t like, I’m going to try and do it to you just to get the slightest advantage over you, just like I did at Judgment Day. You know what? You can stop abusing of Chris Jericho now because it doesn’t suit you. Why don’t you abuse of someone like me? Are you scared that I am stronger and better than Chris Jericho? Or you don’t want to take the risk of me putting you out of wrestling even before Deadly Games? You are also saying that you are the “absolute best”… man you are so full of crap. If you are the best like you say you are, why don’t you prove it at Deadly Games? I mean, this time it will be inside a Steel Cage so there’s no escaping and there’s no way we will leave the match without blood spurring out of our body. So train hard because at Deadly Games… I will leave you with a Deadly scar in your face and like always, you can quote me on that. At Deadly Games, there won’t be no Games, all there will be is a Deadly cage around us and I swear to all my fans out there that I am going to go out as the winner for the second time in a row. By the time I beat you, I will have proved that I am the best and would be able to face Stone Cold Steve Austin when he returns from suspension and prove to Vince McMahon that I can beat the World Champion of the Ruthless Aggression Wrestling. Every time you face me The Rock, the outcome will be the same: me hitting you with a sudden Twist Of Fate and you getting a Mattitude Adjustment.

Matt Hardy gets out of the ring as his music starts playing. Halfway through the ramp, Matt Hardy decides to talk again as he asks for his music to stop playing…

Matt Hardy: Stop the music for a second please. Tonight, you will be able to have fun watching Untamed for the first time! I will be interviewed for the event and I’m sure that all my fans out here will enjoy it. I will speak the truth about whatever they ask me and when Untamed goes off the air, you will know things that you shouldn’t have known. This week: Untamed with the Mattitude creator/inventor, Matt Hardy Version 1.0!

The crowd continue to heavily boo Matt Hardy as he goes through the curtains and to the backstage area. He walks toward his locker room laughing all the way. He opens the door and enters the room as the scene fades out.

He gave a long speech about the happenings in the federation today. He was serious when talking about X-Pac and The Rock… what will happen Monday on Onslaught? Will X-Pac beat Matt Hardy or will the latter take revenge from Wrestlemania? Everything shall be answered Monday night… on Onslaught. Be sure to watch it and don’t miss any RAW programs this week because they all are interesting.

Matt Hardy’s Signature!