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018 - 006
Your lucky if your not here.
UwA World Champion (x4) , UwA Galaxy Champion (x5) , UwA Tag Champion (x2) , and funniest role-player award.

-" The Most Electrifying Return In Sports Entertainment! "-

[ As the helicopter spotlight hovers over the nightfall of L.A there is only one man on the minds of the people. A man who is a man and a half compared to the ordinary person. A man who is the epitome of (sports) entertainment today. That man is the Rock. The search light looking for that big star, that man. The Rock has returned to the UwA. The search is over - the Rock has arrived. And so he's beaten opponent after opponent, jabroni after jabroni. The Rock's conquered Hollywood -and UwA itself. What does The Rock have instore for the UwA this time. ]

Days, more than a week before Meltdown, UwA's very first television broadcast since it's return, superstars round the company are gearing up for what is to be one hell of a night. From the pie down in The Rock's dressing room, all the way to Ric Flair's man titties flapping as he calls out The Great One's Name. Meltdown is UwA's return show, but in all truth, and all honesty, Meltdown is just there to support The Rock's return. To give a name to a celebration of The Rock. As we dawn to New York, for the debut city, with the historic Madison Square Garden leading the way, we still have plenty of time before showtime, but the feeling of this new sensation just sticks with these people. They just can't wait for UwA to enter the listings, and possibly become one of the world's top federations. So it comes, New York City, The Rock's home away from home. Madison Square Garden is shut down, the lights are off, the stands are empty, and their is not a living person within sight. That is until suddenly the flicker of a large handle is heard slamming against metal, and a hallway full of lights slowly flashes on. Their at the end of the tunnel stands Terri Runnels. Walking calmly down the concrete, she turns the corner and sees the interview position all nice and set up. She turns on her mic, as she stands waiting for something. Then suddenly, she turns to see the man jogging up to her. The Rock has arrived. He looks around and smiles as he is in full wrestling attire.

' UwA Interviewer ' TERRI RUNNELS: " Rock, what on earth are you doing here? And why are you in your wrestling gear.. Meltdown isn't for at least another week.. take off those wrestling trunks for gosh sake.. "

The Rock raises an eyebrow, as he thinks Terri was talking about something else. But she was only mentioning the fact Rock is wearing these clothes so early.

' The Great One ' THE ROCK: " Woah, woah, WOAH! Terri, The Rock sees where your going, and if The Rock wasn't all business tonight, The Rock would of liked it. But no Terri, The Great One apoligizes, these babies stay on, because The Rock's got business to take care of. You ask The Rock why.. why Rocky why.. why are you wearing the tights? It's because you see Terri, The Rock likes to prepare, The Rock likes to get ready.. The Rock enjoys being.. HARD and ready. Oh yeah.. whoa now, don't wet yourself. And as for The Rock wearing the.. WHOA.. good gravy Terri, how could The Rock not do it? "

' UwA Interviewer ' TERRI RUNNELS: " Do what Rock? "

' The Great One ' THE ROCK: " The Rock, didn't formally address.. his people. The Rock rambling on, taking about you Terri, talking about your grubby, ten cent pie.. instead of greeting the people who helped pave the way for The Great One. Terri, back off.. The Rock will gladly supply you with a mouthful of cream from that scromptous strudel later. Ahem.. AHEM.. FINALLY.. THE ROCK HAS COME BACK.. TO NEW YORK.. TO NEW YORKKK.. DAMN THIS TOWN IS SHITTY! Ha Ha Ha.. "

The Rock waits for a reaction but just skips around, hyping himself, not realizing that he's feeding lines to a empty arena. The Rock takes a sip of water as Terri speaks.

' UwA Interviewer ' TERRI RUNNELS: " Rock, you tasted success last time in the UwA , as you were number one contender for the UwA Heavyweight Title , but the federation fell a little short, and you did not have your match, correct? "

' The Great One ' THE ROCK: " Terri, you got a nice ass, and some nice fun bags, but your damn stupid. The Rock doesnt mind winning a title or not. Why? So The Rock can be even a bigger star than he already is? Nah, Terri, The Rock's done it all.. The Rock's done it all. Hell, if it was possible, The Rock would do ballet. Would you like to see The Rock in ballet Terri? "

' UwA Interviewer ' TERRI RUNNELS: " Actually I would Rock, that would be pretty funny.. "

' The Great One ' THE ROCK: " That would be funny, Ha Ha Ha.. SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! You know nothing Terri. The Rock couldn't pull off wearing pink tu tu's, and getting slapped on the ass by some Italian Pop-Star named Rico Martino everytime he landed a twirly twist or whatever the hell they're called. The Rock's not secure with doing that Terri, but The Rock is secure enough with his sexuality.. watch The Rock.. "

' UwA Interviewer ' TERRI RUNNELS: " That was pretty gay Rock. "

' The Great One ' THE ROCK: " You bet your sweet ass that was gay, and The Rock can do it over and over again, because he's damn sure secure enough with his sexuality. The thing about The Great One is Terri, is that he's multi-talented. Oh yeah, one second The Rock can be eating that pie like only The Rock knows, then the next second, The Rock can be serving the most demanding strudel in the ENTIRE WORLD.. Or The Rock can be whooping ass as The Rock's fans are chantin' his name, and if you can't, then you open up your plasticly surgeoned ears and you listen to the Millions.. AND Millions of The Rock's people.. you just listen you little slut.. "

Terri Runnels puts her ear out with The Rock as they listen for the millions. Some few seconds go by, as suddenly Terri speaks.

' UwA Interviewer ' TERRI RUNNELS: " Rock, their is no one in the are- "

' The Great One ' THE ROCK: " Woah.. nobody interupts the People.. and damn sure nobody.. and The Rock means NOBODY interupts The Rock while listening.. so shut your mouth, and listen.. 'cos The Rock can hear 'em.. "

Many seconds pass by, as The Rock waits for some kind of response. He hears nothing and lowers his head to the floor as Terri chimes in.

' UwA Interviewer ' TERRI RUNNELS: " Rock, it looks as if the people are abandoning The Rock. "

The Rock holds up his hand as if to motion to Terri to shut her mouth, but without actually saying it. The Rock stares up at the camera.

' The Great One ' THE ROCK: " Oh The Rock gets it.. oh yeah, The Rock gets the picture. The People are turning on The Rock.. hey, that's cool. It's not like The Rock ever needed them. NAH! The Rock got where he is, by being The Rock, baby. Not by being the lacky boy for the people. The Rock understands.. oh yeah, it's cool. But let The Rock remind you of one thing.. when The Rock goes on to becoming a FIVE TIME UwA Champion.. The Rock ain't doing it for you.. HELL NAH! The Rock is doing it, for The Rock. Now, The Rock heard a certain Jabroni challange The Rock, and his name is Chris Jericho. Jericho, I don't blame ya. You want to make a new for yourself, and by doing that, you challange the best the UwA has to offer. Well this is what The Rock says to you. HELL NAW! Haha. Chris Jericho, your not in my leaugue. Hell, you'd be lucky to even shine The Rock's shoes, bitch. You can't deny The Rock, nobody can. The Rock is and forever will be, the Trail Blazin', Eyebrow Raisin', Heart Stoppin', Elbow Droppin', limosine ridin', Peek-a-Boo Hidin', Pie Grabbin', PEOPLE'S CHAMPION..

The Rock turns to leave as Terri suddenly taps him on the back. The Rock turns slowly as Terri has a devilish grin on her face.

' UwA Interviewer ' TERRI RUNNELS: " So Rock, how about that mouthful of strudel you promised me? "

Terri unbuttons her shirt and flashes The People's Champion as he gives off a priceless expression.

Ha Ha Ha, The Rock is hyper-ventalating for christ sake. Somebody get him some water.. wait, no one else is here.

' The Great One ' THE ROCK: " Well Damn Terri, The Rock hasn't seen two big round bald things like that, since Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kurt Angle stood side by side.. The Rock'll be glad to give you some of the strudel.. let's go baby, it's time for a night out with The Rock. "

The Rock walks off grabbing Terri's shirt off tossing it backwards. They walk forward so we can only see Terri's naked back. What a lucky guy that Rock really is. Well, it's safe to say, Rocky's back!

[ Fade Out ]

: Hit Rock Bottom :
Jabroni - Jabroni


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