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WWF Smackdown---Randy Orton ROLEPLAY!!

.::. ~Randy Orton Role Play~ .::.







.::. ~Randy Orton Role Play~ .::.

We see a limo drive into Smackdown’s arena. Somebody comes out and we see him carrying a bag but the camera guy doesn’t catch the guys face.. We see him walk to the backstage. He goes into a locker room. And the screen fades for some commercials. Commercials Begin Stacker 2 worlds Fastest Fat Burner Smackdown LIVE!(July 22.2003 Smackdown goes to Fresno) Subway(Eat Fresh) Commercials End The scene starts with the guy walking out of the locker room. He starts to walk down the hall and everyone starts to look at him. But he ignores them and heads to the ring. Then out of no where Randy Orton’s song comes on and Randy walks down the ramp as the crowd starts to POP! Randy gets in front of the ring and then slides into the ring. He goes askes people from ringside to get a mic for him. While Orton waits for his music to stop he starts to stretch. Then he gets up from stetching and gets the mic up to start to talk. Orton: Well today is my debute to WWF Smackdown!(crowd goes wild) Thank you Thank you. Well I Randy Orton is going to get the Smackdown World Title! And then after that I am ganna go after the Tag Team Belt! Well You guys backstage better watch out for me because im going to kick ur asses! Cole: What is he talking about! He is a rookie coming to Smackdown and he is talking about kicking peoples asses in this fed! King: No Cole! Randy can kick there asses and he is going to when the time comes. When they have a tournament for any title that Randy likes. Cole: What are you talking about King Kurt can kick Randy’s ass! (while Cole was talking out of nowhere Goldberg’s song comes on! Goldberg slowly walks through the sparks. Goldberg walks down the ramp with a mic in his hand. He gets into the ring and then he poses for his fans. The crowd starts to pop! Goldberg starts to talk.) Goldberg: Hey Randy! Welcome to WWF Smackdown. Im going to be the Owner of Smackdown and whatever I say that you have to do then you have to do it! OK! Randy: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hey Goldberg I don’t care if your da owner if Smackdown or even a piece of shit! I aint going to listen to you. And I am not going to do what you say! And Second of all im going to kick your ass if I ever get into a ring with you! King: Whoa! Those were some bad ass crap Randy was giving the owner of Smackdown! Cole: Yea! I think that Randy wants to get fired or something. Goldberg: Yo Yo Yo! You want to get fired or something? Well im just going to pretent that I didn’t hear that! Randy: Yo! Well anyways im going to continue my debute backstage so im going to go now. As Randy was going out of the ring Goldberg comes and pushes Randy out of the ring. Goldberg starts to punch Randy. Goldberg irish wips Randy to the steel poll. Goldberg goes and puts Randy back into the ring. Goldberg gets him up and Goldberg Jackhammered Randy. Goldberg’s song comes on and Goldberg starts to celebrate but some how Randy gets up! Cole and King cant believe it!. Randy gets up and Goldberg turns around. Randy starts to hit Goldberg then closelines Goldberg. Randy sets him up for the overdrive. And overdrive connects! Then Randy leaves the ring while his music plays. While Randy leaves to go to backstage commercials starts. Commercials Start Stacker 2 worlds Fastest Fat Burner Smackdown LIVE!(July 22.2003 Smackdown goes to Fresno) Subway(Eat Fresh) Commercials End After the commercials end we see Orton walking. Then Randy gets stoped by an announcer. The announcer askes for an interview with Randy, and randy accepts. Randy and the announcer goes into a room and they start to talk. Announcer: Hey Randy What you did out there was just awesome! Randy: Yea! Goldberg got on my nerves and im going to kick his ass when we meet again in the ring! Announcer: So Randy are you going to see your awesome talent? Randy: Yes a matter a fact you will when we start the tournament for the WWE Smackdown World Title! Announcer: Do you think that you can win against Stone Cold and Kurt? Randy: Well Kurt of couse but Stone Cold I don’t really know how good he is yet. Announcer: Well Randy why don’t you think Kurt is better than you? Randy: I wish I can answer that but I have to go so later! Randy gets up and then leaves the room. Randy goes to his locker room when he closes the door the screen turns black then commercials start.


.::. ~*Roleplay Layout Made By: Eric Kim!!*~ .::.


 ©2003-2004 All rights reserved. Randy Orton Of WWF Smackdown.