[Brian slowly reaches for the Machete, Shane reaches for the Stungun as the two smile at each other. Brian and Shane feel around on their weapons as Shane begins to say something.]

Michael Shane: Do you trust me?

Brian: What does that mean?

Michael Shane: I just need to know, do you?

Brian: Of course.

[Shane smiles as he motions for Brian to come on.]

Michael Shane: I’m glad.

[Brian and Michael walk in the forest with weapons in hands as Michael points the way as the finally come to the childhood and still home of Jeffrey Jackson as the two walk cautiously around in it. They look around every turn as coming down the stair case the think they here something but it is nothing more then a ball bouncing as the revive their selves from fear and continue on with their journey. Doing the same thing as with every step taking more caution with every turn they make around the horrible house that holds a vengeful monster. Soon as they are about to stop their search but Shane stops and looks at Brian with a grin on his face. Brian stops as he looks at Shane with a questionable manner.]

Brian: What?

Michael Shane: You said you trusted me!

Brian: I do.

Michael Shane: YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE!

[Shane screeches out with an evil laugh, but before anything else is said a green metal circular object lands between them. Then gas escapes from the object as the two men pass out and hit the floor as everything goes blank. Brian’s life enters him once more as he wakes up to none other then the new Sheriff of Water Falls.]

Sheriff: I know you hate me, and I can’t blame you, but I have changed, and it is still my job to protect people. I must tell you that the man you think is Michael Shane is not, that man is Mathew Jackson! The so called dead father of Jeffrey Jackson! You must come with me now to get away from him!

[Brian looks at him with a questionable face, but who is for now Michael Shane begins to say something also.]

Michael Shane: Who are you going to believe? Your best friend who saved you, or a murderer?!

Sheriff----------------------Michael Shane