Information : Role-Play Number # 3 Record - W : 326 - D : 006 - L : 057

Achievements : To Many To Name

*: The scene opens as you see me along with Malice, Malice is sitting in a chair in the middle of a ring filled with all different weapons including kendo sticks, trash cans and most of all, in the corner is a ladder leaning against the turnbuckle in an empty arena. I stand leaning against the ladder with my arms crossed....:*

"The Amazing" Shawn Vector- "Dom, I will have to agree with you on one thing, when you put the both of us together in a hardcore match the results will be devastating! you see this ladder right here Dom? this is what I made famous! this weapon will be the exact weapon that you will fall victim to and is the same weapon that will win me the Triple X title. Dom, there was one thing that you said in your last promo that you will wish you would not have said, and that's that Malice is not one of your worries because she is a female.....That's where your wrong! Malice for the past week has been trained by me and I tell you what it don't matter if she's female or male because she will inflict just as much pain as I will! Malice is one of the toughest women I have ever met! so you go ahead and say stuff you know nothing about because the day will come when you will feel Mal's wrath too. there is allot about the past of Shawn Vector that you don't know about...I've been hit with the Van Dominator, I've been hit with plenty of moves in my time, and Im sure you have too Dom. There is one move in particular you have not felt and that's the Amazing Z! I have single handedly ended a wrestlers career with that move Dom! when I set up this ladder in the middle of the ring and we both climb to the top to see who can get the advantage, It will be me who turns you upside down....places your head between my knees....and jumps off the top of the ladder landing you head first into the canvas! You see Dom the Triple X Championship is the best title a X division wrestler can achieve....and it being around your waist makes it loose allot of it's prestigious ness....once that belt is around my waist there will be no stopping me because Shawn Vector sweats xtreme! I bleed xtreme! and I live xtreme!

*:Before I can say anything else Malice cuts in.:*

Malice- "Excuse me Shawn but I have something to say"

*: I look at Mal and then nod my head as se continues to talk:*

Malice- "You made the biggest mistake of your life Dom! you don't want to mess with me! because I will not let it slide, You don't have to worry about John Cena interfering! you have to be worried about the fact that im going to be at ringside!"

"The Amazing" Shawn Vector- "Let me stop you right there Mal, Dom she's right, I mean me and John are friends but im sure he is worried about his title match he has later in the night. John don't get me wrong man your match is going to be one hell of a match but Dom is right this hardcore match will most definitely be the show stealer...."

*: I stop leaning against the ladder and I pick up a kendo stick....I point it at the camera and you can hear me mutter the words "be ready! because you won't escape the Vector Factor!"....The scene fades to a NWE Summer Slam promo:*