Chapter 9

A few days later, Ash was hanging out in her bedroom, doing some cleaning when the phone rang. She grabbed it and said hello.

“Hi, is Ash there?” a male voice asked.

“This is her,” Ash replied.

“Hi, it’s Adam,” the voice said.

“Hi Adam, how are you?” Ash asked, laying down on her bed.

“Not too bad, you?” he replied.

“Not so worse,” she commented.

“I’m still in North Carolina and I was wondering if you would be interested in hitting an amusement park with me,” he asked.

“Sounds wicked to me,” Ash agreed, “Which one?”

“Paramount Carowinds?” Adam suggested.

“Awesome,” Ash agreed.

“So tomorrow afternoon at like 1 then?” Adam asked.

“Sounds good,” Ash said, “Should I meet you at the doors?”

“See, the problem is I have no transportation, so I was wondering if maybe...” Adam said, sounding sheepish.

“Of course I’ll come pick you up,” she laughed, “It’s not a problem.”

“Thank you so much!” he replied, “I’ll be waiting outside the Ramada Inn on 57th street at like 1 then tomorrow afternoon.”

“Perfect, I’ll talk to you then,” Ash said.

She said goodbye to him, and grabbed her at home journal, scribbling in it.


The next day, Ash got up at 11, and went straight in for a shower. She got out and got dressed in a pair of baggy orange pants and a black tanktop with the word “Rebel” written on it in orange writing. She tossed on a pair of runners with flames going up the side and got ready to do her makeup. She was just applying her eyeliner when the phone rang. She picked it up and said hello.

“Hey you!” Stokelee greeted, “I haven’t talked to you in a while.”

“I know!” Ash replied, putting here eyeliner down, “I was actually going to call you after I finished getting ready.”

“So, how’s the training coming along?” Stokelee asked.

“Not so bad,” Ash replied, “I’ve met some cool people and I start with the WWF in about a week.”

“Seriously?” Stokelee exclaimed, “That’s awesome.”

“And you know what?” Ash said, “I’m going on a date this afternoon. And I have a ticket for you for my first ever appearance in the WWF.”

“Wicked!” Stokelee commented, “I’ll for surely be there. And who’s the date with?”

“A guy named Adam,” Ash replied, brushing through her hair, “I met him on the plane on the way here. We’re going to Paramount Carowinds.”

“Awesome,” Stokelee grinned, “You gotta call me and tell be all about it when it’s over.”

“Will do,” Ash said.

The two girls talked for a little while longer, until it was time for Ash to get going to pick up Adam. She got off the phone and checked her appearance in the mirror. She had tied her hair back in a simple ponytail, and it was still slightly wet. She grabbed her car keys and walked out to the garage. She opened the garage door and got inside her car. She started it up and smiled, glad to be driving her car again. She clicked on the CD player and hit play. Insane Clown Posse came over the speakers and she grinned, backing out of the driveway. She closed the garage door and headed for the Ramada Inn. She pulled up outside the hotel and parked quickly, turning on the alarm. She walked in through the front door and saw Adam sitting there, waiting.

“Hey,” she greeted him, “Ready to go?”

“For sure,” he said, standing up.

They left the hotel and she led him to her car. Adam was impressed, but tried not to show it. They got in and headed for Paramount Carowinds.


“Wow, that was amazing!” Ash commented, stepping off the ride.

“I know what ya mean,” Adam agreed.

She reached up and fixed her hair quickly. Adam walked over to her and pulled a strand of hair to the other side of her head.

“It was on the wrong side,” he explained.

“Thanks,” Ash replied, slightly blushing, “So where, to next?”

“Ice cream?” Adam asked.

“Wicked,” Ash grinned, “Gotta love ice cream.”

They headed over to the cart that was selling ice cream and stared at the board for a little bit, trying to figure out what kind they wanted.

“I’m going for chocolate fudge,” Adam said, looking at Ash, “You?”

“Smartie,” Ash said, “No wait! Mocha Fudge.”

They got their ice cream and began walking around for a little bit, trying to find their way around the huge park. Ash looked over at Adam and noticed that he was about to drip ice cream on his shirt.

“You’re about to drip on yourself,” she said.

He quickly got the ice cream that was trying to get away, and smiled at her. She smiled back as they continued walking through the park. As they walked, a group of girls formed behind them, following them. Adam turned around and took his sunglasses off quickly. Putting them back on, he grabbed Ash’s hand and pulled her into an opening between some tents at the edge of the park.

“What was that for?” Ash laughed.

“Just wanted to check out what’s over here,” Adam explained.

“Works for me,” Ash commented, “See, over here we have some dirt... beside the dirt, there is some grass, and mixed in with the dirt and grass are weeds. Interesting, huh?”

“Uh... yeah,” Adam replied, blushing.

“Not a problem,” Ash said, smiling at him.

They headed back into the park and finished their ice cream. Ash grabbed Adam’s arm and turned to look at him.

“We so have to hit that ride,” she said, pointing to a huge machine.

“Sure, looks fun,” Adam agreed.

They headed over towards the lineup. Adam looked up at the machine and looked back at Ash. She smiled up at him.

“The Vortex,” Adam read off the huge sign above the ride.

“For sure,” Ash said, “You aren’t scared are you?”

“Nope, not one bit, you?” he replied.

“Not at all,” she said.

They got on the ride and sat down beside each other. As the ride took off, Ash couldn’t help but laugh. Adam’s hands were white as he held onto the steel bars at the side of his seat. Once they were on level ground he was shaky.

“Are you okay?” Ash asked.

“Oh for sure, just give me a minute,” Adam responded, bending over.

Adam was soon fine, and ready to go for a little while longer. They walked around and went on a few more rides before they grew tired and left the park. Ash drove Adam back to the hotel and he got out. She walked him to the door of the hotel and he smiled at her.

“I’ll give you a call tomorrow,” he said, “If you want that is.”

“Of course,” Ash nodded.

“I leave in a few days, but there’s no saying we can’t spend time together later on,” Adam continued.

“Great, so I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” Ash replied.

Adam leaned in and gave her a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek before saying goodnight and heading for his room. Ash got into her car and sped home.


“Shane!” Ash exclaimed, “Guess what?”

“What?” Shane replied.

“I’ve got a boyfriend... of sorts,” Ash exclaimed.

“Really?” Shane said, “Tell me about him.”

“His name’s Adam, and he’s the sweetest guy in the world,” Ash replied.

“And when do I get to meet this Adam?” Shane asked.

“Not a clue,” Ash said, “Next time you’re home and he’s in NC at the same time.”

“Sounds like fun,” Shane replied, “So, are you still excited?”

“Totally,” Ash agreed, “I can’t wait to get there. It’s gonna be so much fun.”

“We all agree,” Shane nodded, “So are you still sticking with the Vampire gimmick?”

“Apparently Vince likes it,” Ash shrugged, “It’s different.”

“Good stuff,” Shane agreed, “I think it’s a wicked gimmick too.”

They talked for a few more minutes until Shane had to go. Ash said goodbye to her brother and got off the phone, waiting for Adam to call.


Ash and Adam hung out everyday until the day Adam had to leave. They got closer and closer and soon considered each other boyfriend and girlfriend. Ash’s flight was due to leave at 2 pm and Adam was leaving at 12 pm. They decided to take a cab to the airport together. They arrived and got their tickets, Ash had no idea where Adam was going, and he didn’t know where she was going.

“I’ll call you when I get in,” Adam said, as they announced his flight to Texas, “I promise.”

“You better,” she said, smiling at him, “Or I’ll have to beat ya.”

“I’m sure you will,” Adam grinned.

He leaned down and gave her a kiss before saying good bye and heading for his plane. He turned around and waved at her and she waved back. She watched as his flight took off and then sat down, waiting for her plane to leave.

Chapter 10
