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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I haven't written in my blog for awhile but now I got an idea to put in. What the VA Mist Club thinks of the WWE superstars.

Big Show
Eric: Big Smell
Amanda: Big
vTm: not that big

Triple H
Eric: Man of Raw
Amanda: Triple Jerk
vTm: Evelutionary

Shawn Micheals
Eric: Man of Raw #2
Amanda: Has-bin
vTm: The best

Rey Mysterio
Eric: Uncle
Amanda: 619'ee
vTm: who's He

Rov Van Dam
Eric: Eddie does a better frog splash
Amanda: mr Thursday night

Posted by vTm at 2:11 PM EDT
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Taboo Tuesday Results
Topic: PPV
I didn't want to spoil the show for anybody so I made it a link.The Results

Posted by vTm at 2:17 PM EDT
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Sunday, October 17, 2004

CBC ran its 50 Greatest Canadians last night with Bret Hart ranking in as #39 on the list.

NOTE: Episode 3 Monday, October 25, 8 - 9 p.m. Bret ?Hitman? Hart
(encore on CBC Newsworld, Tues. at 8 & 11 ET and Sat. at 7 ET)(Source from anothher website)

Posted by vTm at 12:01 AM EDT
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
My Predictions for Taboo Tuesday
Mood:  sharp
Topic: PPV

World Heavyweight Championship Triple H Defeats Chris Beniot

Randy Ortin Defeats Ric Flair in a steel cage match

Kane defeats Snitsky in a lead pipe match

La Resistance Defeats Edge and Shawn Micheals to retain the World Tag team championship's

Shelton Benjamin Defeates Chris Jericho to become the new Intercontinental Champion

Eric Bishoff Defeats Eugene in a loser wears a dress match

Posted by vTm at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, October 18, 2004 10:52 AM EDT
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Friday, October 8, 2004

Take a look at this Ad Banner. you can help me out by putting it on your site.

also take a look at Amanda's Page That I got made for her.

Posted by vTm at 11:25 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 15, 2004 11:10 AM EDT
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Ric in trouble
Topic: Raw
According to backstage witnesses, there was a ?near-violent situation? between Vince McMahon and Ric Flair last night at Raw.

Sources are saing that McMahon went ballistic when Ric Flair did his promo about breaking in virgins and making them bleed.

McMahon was pacing back and forth backstage waiting for Flair to finish the promo.

Once Flair came back through the curtain, McMahon started to yell and scream at Flair regarding how it was inappropriate and out of line for Flair to say what he said on TV.

Many were saying Vince was absolutly irate about the promo and people were talking about his verbal lashing on Flair for the rest of the night.

Not suprisingly however, many were confused as to how McMahon could get so angry about this, yet later in the show, approve of Gene Snitsky coming to ringside with a baby carriage as a part of the ?Lita?s miscarriage? angle.

Posted by vTm at 12:01 AM EDT
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Monday, October 4, 2004
No Mercy
Topic: PPV
U.S. Championship

John Cena took the fifth.

In the final and deciding match of the best-of-five series with Booker T for the United States Championship, Cena survived yet another back-and-forth battle to regain the championship former SmackDown! General Manager Kurt Angle stripped him of this summer.

Cena and Booker T traded major blows throughout the match, even throwing each other into the steel steps.

But after Booker T contemplated bringing a chair into the ring, Cena caught him with the FU, recording the three-count and capturing the coveted United States Championship.

WWE Title Match

Despite blood covering his face, JBL retained the WWE Championship in bizarre and downright surreal fashion Sunday night at No Mercy. And of all people, it was Heidenreich, the unstable giant under the devious command of Paul Heyman, who turned the match in JBL's favor.

Undertaker seemed destined to win the championship as the gruesome match wore on. In fact, he tombstoned JBL on the steel steps and chokeslammed him through the Spanish announce table. The Phenom then carried JBL to the hearse parked outside the ring. But when Taker opened the backdoor, Heidenreich jumped out and attempted to subdue Taker with a cloth soaked in Chloroform.
Undertaker, a tad groggy, would escape, but JBL hit the Clothesline From Hell onto the ramp and then stuffed Taker into the hearse for good.

Backstage, Paul Heyman emerged from the driver's seat and then commanded Heidenreich to crash a pick-up truck full speed into the hearse. The status of Taker was unknown when the show went off the air. However, the status of Heidenreich is clearer than ever -- he's a crazed and tormented human being.

In other matches:
Eddie Guerrero Df. Luther Reighn
Kenzo Suzuki and Rene Dupree Df. Rey Misterio and RVD
Big Show Df. Kurt Angle

Posted by vTm at 8:55 AM EDT
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
upcoming Rivaly's / Votes are in / My Bros Message
A few weeks after Mordicia came into the WWE he said that he was going to destroy the biggest sinner of them all "Eddie Guerrero". Vince Macmahon canceled out the rivalry and didn't let it happen. Mordicia has not been on smackdown for a long time and it expected to make a return soon. Talking about returns; If you heard that Bret Hart was coming back to the WWE on a website, they lied to you.
news from cornwall:
We dicided to rename my club. The new name will be (drum roll please !) the....VA-Mist club. Ya I know I promised vTm I would name it after him if he won a bet but every doesn't want it named the vTm club so I came up with the VA Mist club.V is for vince. A is for Amanda and of cource the mist ias for me. We are 3 of the 4 main members of the club. 90% of the club agrees to the name change. 5% dont want it nam,ed that and 5% didnt vote. thats 5% for every person. there is 19 in the club but i dont have a calculator.It's close enough.
A message from my Bro:
Hi everybody I'm James. Eric has alot a freinds so this is the easiest way to say hi to them all. now ill tell u a little about me. Im 14, Brownish blondish hairish hair, I play basketball and football and im on a team. (:>() wat else should i rite. I dunno umm... oh ya Danm your hot Amanda!

Posted by vTm at 2:34 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, September 30, 2004 2:37 PM EDT
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Smackdown Preview
Topic: Smackdown

Here are the matches for WWE SmackDown tonight:

  • The Dudley Boyz vs. Charlie Haas & Rico.
  • WWE Champion JBL vs. Hardcore Holly.
  • NON-TITLE MATCHBooker T vs. Paul London.
  • NON-TITLE MATCHSpike Dudley vs. Nunzio.
  • Eddie Guerrero & Rob Van Dam vs. Mark Jindrak & Luther Reigns.

    Posted by vTm at 11:12 AM EDT
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  • Wednesday, September 29, 2004
    MSN Message
    Mood:  accident prone
    Topic: MSN
    If you sent me a E-mail in September i didnt get it because my Msn email account was unactive for 30 days. If the Email was important please resend it to me.

    Posted by vTm at 12:01 AM EDT
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    October 6th Chat and Halloween Party
    Next Wensday (october 6th) there will be a big chat on MSN Messenger. The only way to get in it is being from Cornwall and is age 10 to 17.

    Add to get in.

    I am also planning a Halloween party for halloween... but I do not have anywhere to hold it yet. So far I cant use vTm's house, Amanda's house, matt's house or mine. Ill be asking around for a place to hold it in. cya all

    Posted by vTm at 12:01 AM EDT
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    Thursday, September 16, 2004
    Next Smackdown is off the hook!
    Topic: Smackdown

    Next Smackdown will be the debut of a new season and the 5th anniversery special. There will be 1 day only returns of Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mandkind, Steff Macmahon and the icon hulk hogan. Great matchs are scheduled like rey Misterio versues Spike Dudley for the cruiserweight championship. Theres alot scheduled like the return of Viscera and Gangrel to go against the Undertaker in a handicapped match. The Big Show also having his first match back teaming with Eddie Guerrero to face Kurt Angle and Luther Reighns.
    Hmmm... I just thought of something, we might see also triple H, The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Kane, Edge, and Chris Jericho on Smackdown. "So betta beleive dat" as Mr Long would say.

    There is also 2 things I'd like to add to my blog. I'd like to add thatah the UCW deal was cut off. Hogan is still thinking of having a short carrier in TNA before he retired from wrestling all together. Also I'D like to add that I will soon have a Interveiw Page were I'll ask wwe superstars Questions.

    Posted by vTm at 12:01 AM EDT
    Updated: Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:13 AM EDT
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    Tuesday, September 14, 2004
    The most recent title history of the best belt
    64 Triple H 6
    65 Shawn Micheals
    66 Triple H 7
    67 Bill Goldberg 2
    68 Triple H 8
    69 Chris Benoit 2
    70 Randy Orton 1
    71 Triple H 9

    Posted by vTm at 12:32 PM EDT
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    Wednesday, September 8, 2004
    Hey everybody did you here I am staying in cornwall. well I am not going to write alot right now becuase im busy.

    Posted by vTm at 8:09 PM EDT
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    Tuesday, August 31, 2004
    Mood:  surprised
    In 1995 my parents split up. My mom went to Canada with my brother , after about 2 years that was the last I heard of my brother. We coudn't find out were they where.
    My dad and iI moved to canada in 1999 to try to find them but still didn't see them. (I guess my mom was serious when she said she never wanted to see my dad ever again!)
    This week I got a email with a kid saying he was my brother and was looking for my email for months.
    My Brother gave me his address in Montreal. Me and my dad went over there. My mom explaned herself and my dad forgived her but I haven't yet. My Brother arrived to his home surprised,shocked and happy all at the sametime when he saw me.

    well cya all

    Posted by vTm at 8:10 PM EDT
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    Monday, August 23, 2004

    Hulk hogan will soon have control over UCW and will hire new superstars and Team Latino. the superstars that has sign with hogan are sting, Kevin Nash, Scott
    Hall, and team latino wich is Ultimo Dragon, Konnan, Mistman Sr, El Gran Luchador, Bruce Latino. Hogan will keep superstars like Aj Styles and the disco Inferno for now. 3lk will join hogans bussiness later in the year.

    Hulk Hogan might be buying for around 1.2 Million dollars. I will bring you more news soon.

    Posted by vTm at 4:17 PM EDT
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    Thursday, August 19, 2004
    My Top 5 Lists
    Top 5 Cruiseerweights ever:
    1. Rey Misterio Jr.
    2. Billy Kidman
    3. Ultimo Dragon
    4. Chavo Guerrero
    5. Dean Malenko/El Gran Luncador (Tie)

    Top 5 Canadian Wrestlers ever
    1. Bret Hart
    2. Chris Beniot
    3. Owen Hart
    4. Chris Jericho

    Top 5 loser ever
    1. Gillberg (never won)
    2. Brooklyn Brawler
    3. Paul Heyman ( 4 losses, no wins )
    4. Spike Dudley
    5. A-Train (the big guy losses 80% of all his matches. Rey beat his three times in a row.

    Posted by vTm at 10:50 AM EDT
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    Friday, August 6, 2004
    A change to the owen sound match
    The rey Misterio and mistman sr. Vs the basham brothers has changed, It is now
    Rey Misterio, Mistman sr Vs. The Dudley boys. Also on the card Kurt Angle vs Eddie guerrero, No DQ!

    Posted by vTm at 9:24 AM EDT
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    Wednesday, July 14, 2004
    Weird bunch of freinds
    scott u have a weird bunch of freind thats wat i think.
    * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^

    A wannabe wrestler

    a preteen model

    a girl that hides all her feeling from u but not that good

    A harry potter lookalike

    a kid who loves to hear himself talk

    a kid to high on riddlin

    and a girl that cant remember your name or anybody else's

    and dont forgts about Matt F

    Posted by vTm at 1:25 PM EDT
    Updated: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 1:29 PM EDT
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    Saturday, July 10, 2004
    off of messenger
    I will not be on msn messenger until july 17th for my own reasons. Ashely, Amanda, Leigha, johnny, Scott
    or vince I sorry that i will not be on this week. I do not have internet back on laptop yet, there making me wait a long time for survise. so ill be on the 17th 9:30 am EST

    Posted by vTm at 2:41 PM EDT
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