Welcome to the wonderful world of Marvelosity!



People Used:

People Mentioned:

Next Match:


Accomplishments go here (2)

Peoples' names who are used go here

Peoples names who are mentioned go here

Match goes here, EG: Mike C v.s a Jobber - Showdown

( Actions go here, eg: Mike C walks down to the ring and smiles.) Then to make a space between one sentence and another, type in < p > but without the spaces like this:

Then to change the font color, put < font color=White > but yet again without the spaces and change the color to whatever font color you want, eg:

< font color=White >

< font color=Green >

< font color=Red >

etc but without the spaces like:

Mike C

Mike C

Mike C

That's more or less it, and to change the little table parts up there below the banner, just scan for the words take them out and put whatever you want in. Anyways I hope I was a help. Laterz.