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mY sTEamiNG PiLE of CrEAtivE...

WhAT i Do WheN i'M nOt HErE...

WeB SiTeS I VIsiT...WheN I'M nOt DoiN' StUfF...

Pro Wrestling E-Fed
REadINg is FuN...
My FRieNdS liVE hErE...
PRo WreSTliNG news.

This is really a work in progress. I'm not sure what to do with this page. Mostly I hope that this will be just a place I store my stuff until I can build a real page. I'm new to the bulding of a web page and kinda new to the web itself. I have no idea how to use Dream Weaver or Flash...hell, I'm still trying to figure out HTML. If you want to contact me e-mail me at