Valentina Interview

How did you get involved in professional wrestling?

I was always a big fan of wrestling, and during my senior year in HS, I decided that this is what I wanted a career in. I then started looking into wrestling schools, and went from there.

What wrestling promotions have you worked for?

I've worked for quite a few, such as World X-Treme Wrestling, Jersey All Pro, Long Island Wrestling Federation, Impact Championship Wrestling, plus many others.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Hopefully in the WWE.

How did you get involved with Jersey All Pro Wrestling?

I contacted JAP about working the Russ Haas Memorial show, and they decided to keep me as part of their full time roster after the show.

What is the JAPW locker room like?

Its interesting.

What wrestlers have you managed?

WOW! I've worked with so many people in the past few years. I just realized the large amount as i look at the list from my website bio...Jimmy Snuka, Justin Cage, Dixie, Nuisance, Kevin Matthews, Tim Arson, Danny DeManto, Red, Ryan Wing, Eddie Guapo, Joey Image, Nick Berk, Z-Barr, White Lotus, Devon Storm, Rising Sun, Abunai

Teams Managed: Lost and Found (Deranged, Azrieal, & Low Rida), The Solution (Papadon & Havoc), The Natural Born Sinners (Boogalu & Homicide), The Well Hung Warriors(Mark Smart & Greg Spitz).....some of these people i managed for just one night, but others such as Kevin Matthews and Dixie have been regulars.

What were your thoughts as you were going into your first wrestling match?

I was reallllly nervous, but I knew it would be ok because I was working with a friend, and I had been training really hard at the time.

What wrestler have you not yet wrestled would you like to wrestle in the future?

Hmm, that's a tough one.....i would like to wrestle the girls in the WWE, but on the indy circuit, I would have to say that I would really like to wrestle Phoenix. She is a great women's wrestler from Canada.

What other sports do you like besides wrestling?

I only like wrestling.

What do you do to relax?

Sit back and watch a movie, or TV, preferably the Lifetime network, haha.

If you had one word to describe yourself what would it be?

Determined (I WILL get everything i desire)

Who is your favorite wrestler of all time?

I really don't have one favorite,,,,i like Shawn Michaels, and Kurt Angle.

Who do you feel is the greatest wrestler of all time?

As far as actual WRESTLING goes, maybe Eddie Guerrero, or Chris Benoit...but as far as character and so forth, I would say Hulk Hogan, The Rock, and Stone Cold Steve Austin...the fans never loved anyone more.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about getting into professional wrestling?

I would honestly tell them that it is a lot of hard work, and that their chances of making it are very slim...and that they should expect a lot of heartache, because 95% of the people in this business are 2 faced and will stab you in the back within a heartbeat. I would also mention to a girl trying to get into the business that they would have to deal with lots of sexist jerks and sexual harassment.

Thanx to everyone who took the time to read this interview. Please check out my website at

LEGENDS OF THE RING would like to thank Valentina for doing the interview with us and we wish her the very best in the future. The above photo is used the permission of Valentina.