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Notorious Death Studio's World

Sup Death Studio-ites, This is the home of the Internet Icon, known to some as Death Studio, this is my world, i'll come at you UNCENSORED and there's nothing anybody can do about it.

September 27, 2003 - Loyal Death Studio-ites unite, here's an excerpt from one of the fans, check it out holmes.

justfromg (12:05:21 AM): ohhhh my lord if this IS the real death studio, i am honored to be in your aim presence
deathstudio (12:05:38 AM): you have been blessed, who is this?
justfromg (12:05:52 AM): oh, just a fan of the commentary i guess
deathstudio (12:06:17 AM): glad you liked it man :-), what was your favourite match?
justfromg (12:06:42 AM): probably either the tag match with wagner and lyger, or the kashin and delfin match

September 26, 2003 - Check out this great La Parka Music Video, one of the most underrated cruiserweights of all time, the Chairman of WCW if you will. Right Click and Save As September 20, 2003 - Make sure to check out the Notorious One do some Color Commentary for the Super Death Studio Cup, as well as catching the feud of the decade between Sasuke and Lyger. Download it at

Sept 6, 2003 - Death Studio goes on Get in the Ring, and demands his own Lifetime Achievement Award! Gino Burrito pshhhh

July 27, 2003 - My Fun Nascar Chat
July 16, 2003 - Anime Review, Berserk
Raw Thoughts for July 15, 2003 is up
July 15, 2003: Interview with Shawn Michael's greatest fan!
July 15, 2003: My Encounter with a Billy Gunn Mark

Contact the Internet Icon

AIM: Deathstudio


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