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Real Name: Ale`jandro Montero
Wrestling Name: Airease
Height: 5'7
Weight: 181 lbs.
Hometown: Miami, FL
Alignment: Heel
Years Pro: 6
Stable: None
Escorts: Mistress, Pandora
Entrance Music: Somewhere I Belong--Linkin Park
Rides: Escalade, Jaguar XK8 Convertible, Hummer-Limo


Asai Moonsault
Sky Twisting Moonsault
Bronco Buster
Head Scissor Take Down
Tornado DDT
Air Strike (Stratisfaction Bulldog)
Rolling ThunderCorkscrew Plancha
Shooting Star Press
Twist of Fate
Whisper in the Wind
Swanton Bomb

FINISHERS:Dragon Star DDT, Driveby, Cradle 2 Tha Grave

Finisher Descriptions: Dragon Star DDT--Springboard Moonsault into a DDT
Driveby--Spinning Head Scissor into a Bulldog
Cradle 2 Tha Grave--Springboard Hurricanrana into a Roll-up


Airease wears his traditional mask to the ring, as well as the baggy pants. The color varies with what he's feeling that day. Airease is a thug, plain and simple. He used to be all about honor and fighting for the good side, but since his true nature has come out, he's far from being the good guy. Whatever it takes, is what Airease will do. He makes sure that the winner is always him in some way, shape, or form. Airease grew up around wrestling and to be in the industry has always been his dream. He wrestled for a little while in Mexico and Japan, then he finally broke into the big time when he came to the United States. Since then, he has been on a roll, finding gold in no matter what federation he is in. Airease is a champion, no bones about it. He will find the way to get the pay day and that's a guarantee.


BTW--World Champion, World Tag Team Champion along with Birrdy, U.S. Champion
EVWE--North American Champion
FFW--World Tag Team Champion along with Jurassic
OCWF--3 Time World Tag Team Champion along with Jurassic, 2 Time Light Weight Champion
OWN--Cruiserweight Champion

Sample Roleplay