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**The scene opens up in Crawford, Texas. Johnny Vinny has just arrived & has been greeted by his fellow Texans..President Bush has given Johnny Vinny special privileges to his ranch..Ringmaster will preside from here this Sunday & will go head to head with Wrestlemania..Lets go to Vinny as he arrives in Crawford....

( A limo has driven Vinny from his hometown in Corpus Christi, Texas to Crawford..Vinny is on the cell phone as he enters Crawford city limits.....)

Johnny Vinny: Damn bro this town only holds 705 strong..I wonder if that includes the cows??? Anyway bro I better let you go..Just make sure you tune in Sunday night..Forget about McMahon vs Hogan or Austin vs The Rock..Watch Ringmaster & bare witness to the VinMan bring the Ringmaster trophy to the state of Texas!!!

Friend: Bro just do me a HUGE favor.......Beat the living hell out of Scotty J right back up his mammas ass!!!!

Johnny Vinny: Consider it done!! Later bro.... Hey driver what is the best place to have a cold 1 in good ol Crawford???

Limo Driver: Ahh you'll have a damn good time at The Red Bull...President Bush's favorite place to have a few cold one's with his cabinet..I'll take you there...

( Vinny walks into the crowded bar with his shades on..Everyone looks at Vinny as he grabs a seat at the bar..People are whispering to each other trying to figure out who he is....

Bartender: What are you drinking?? Wait a minute your Johnny Vinny!!! The Texas wrestling legend & icon here at The Red Bull!! Johnny the drinks are on us!!

Johnny Vinny: Hey thanks a lot but you really don't have to..I'll take a Jack & Coke...

Bartender: Jack & Coke coming up...So I take it you are part of this wrestling extravaganza Sunday night...I have been a big fan of the ICWL...Sugar J really ran the company into the ground..I'm surprised to see that he was able to get you guys back on the air..I think the fans started getting tired of his antics just like what he pulled on you this past Saturday...

Johnny Vinny: You know some things never change...For a good portion of the last few months that the ICWL was on the air we were force feed a large dosage of the MICWL..Sugar J & Jarvis Reynolds lost all the fan support the promotion had thus detroying it's fan base & forcing the company to go belly up...

Bartender: Then he some how puts all the broken pieces of the puzzle together almost a year later & pulls some of his BullShit again..SJB & Steve Logan are the cancer of the ICWL..Sugar J once again is pulling his political strings again to get his boys the top spot in his company..The guys that are here everyday busting there ass seem to never have the glory at top like they should..Everytime someone comes close Sugar J is there with his trained monkeys to bring them back down..

Johnny Vinny: You know for most of my career I have done things alone..I watch my own back & I usually only trust guys that I have known since the very start of my career..I will prevail over Sugar J like I have done so many times before..I may get knocked down but I have always gotten right back up..I am a fighter with EXTREME PASSION for this sport..This past Saturday I was once again screwed with by Sugar J & his pet monkeys...They will get what is coming to them..I am filled with surprises & shockers..President Bush talks about Shock & Awe..Johnny Vinny will shock & awe the ICWL & it will all start at Ringmaster Sunday night!!!!

Bartender: I'm hoping you kick some MAJOR ass & win that trophy for the state of Texas!!!

( A pretty drunk man standing around 6'8 350 lbs walks up to Vinny & shoves him on the shoulder...The drunk stumbles & spills some beer on his back..Vinny turns around quickly....)

Johnny Vinny: Can I help you sir????

Drunk: Yeah you can help me...Why don't you call it a career you washed up bum!!! I can't wait to see Sugar J stick his foot up your ass once again!!!!

( The drunk swings his mug at Vinny as Vinny ducks he kicks the drunk in the gut & hits The Collection smashing the drunk through a bar table..Blood has splattered every where as the bar goes silent then all of a sudden they emerge in a chant of Vinny...Vinny..... Vinny...Johnny Vinny stands over the drunk with his hands raised & says this......

Johnny Vinny: To all the Ringmaster participants this is your fate!!!!!!


**Paramedics come into the Red Bull & haul off the drunk as Johnny Vinny takes a seat back at the bar & orders another drink while he signs autographs..The scene fades to black....