November 30, 2003
Los Angeles Colisseum

(The story begins outside the LA Colisseum earlier today where There's Santa Claus standing by the Salvation Army change area where people donate for, and standing by him is a sack full of random items.. In the parking lot, cars and trucks are full, The Limos are outside Near the entrance, and The Negotiator steps out of the limo first arriving, heading towards the entrance.. He donates a couple of hundres dollars into the slot in 50 dollar bills.. Then Santa takes a good look at them..) Santa Claus: MERRY CHRISTMAS, SIR.. Thank you for your Donation..

Negotiator: Anytime, Santa..

(about 20 paces behind the Negotiator, Thomson Version 1 makes the same entry from stepping out of the car.. Santa still rings the bells like normal, yet Thomson donates one red cent into the same Donation..)

Santa: This is Generous of you, isn't it??

Thomson: Yeah, I gotta feed the Homeless, ya know.. A while back, i even Donated a can of soup..


(whispers in a lower voice)

Santa: GOD this guy needs a job.. This man is pitiful, but at least the Owner did a lot of good

(The Scene fades away and The Promo for 24 begins.. "24 song" by Prime STH Begins playing and Exceprts of the Scenes play randomly through all the wrestlers thus far..)

(The Scene gives you a look around in the LA Colisseum.. The fans seemed JAMMED packed and The announcers Xander Jackson and Jason Case.. They call in ALL the action..)

Jason Case: We waited a few weeks for our FIRST PPV, and now YOU GUYS are going to recieve it.. Folks, WELCOME to our First PPV, 24!! We have a huge massive lineup waiting for you today..

Xander: Yeah, Jason, and we have a last minute change in accordance to the Negotiator on our hands, The Unknown voluntarily accepted the task as Thomo's NEW Tag partner tonight, but The Unknown will NOT be given the same conditions as previously was to Ric Krazy.. Thomo still has to stick with the stips he originally has on his side of the equation though..

Jason: I agree, Xander, but RIGHT now, Let's get down to our matches, shall we?? We have a few hours to give and a GREAT PPV to put in for ya!!!

The Freak/Shane Jenkins

Jason Case: All right people all night this Santa fellow has been running around backstage taking gifts to IWWA Superstars, so far hes took A riding crop for Dahn and a Bag of wonder bread for William

Xander Jackson: Hell of going away presents if you ask me…

Jason Case: Also, hes took A box of Lucky Charms for Magically Delicious, and a Sword Care kit for White Phoenix,

Xander Jackson: Hell of girfts, I wonder what hes got us?

Jason: Hell, I dunno.. I mean it seems everyones getting something, Blitz got air freshioner, and Thomson a gift certificate to bed bath and beyond.

Xander Jackson: Im going to barrow, James Assassin’s Godfather movies for sure.

Jason Case: Maybe were next and will get nice stuff..

(The cameras cut in as the two are talking and we see the Santa outside Shane Jenkins dressing room. We see him knock and Jenkins yell “Its open come in.. The Santa walks in and we see Jenkins tying his K-swiss’s he looks at the Santa with a “What the hell kinda look on his face.The cant holds up a finger and reaches into his bag and hands Jenkins a package.The Santa then leaves the room. Jenkins scratches his head and sits down and unwraps the packacge… IT’S A BOX OF DOUGHNUTS..!)

Jason Case: Well theres that.. Jenkins, the ex-cop gets a box of doughnuts…

Xander Jackson: Im lovin it! I want mine.. But Jenkins better not enjoy his right now, hes got a match with Freak coming up next, against this unknown fellow, and Thomo…

Jason Case: Yea remember If Thomo goes threw the table hes gone, and if Freak does.. Hes unmasked..

(“Wait n Bleed” by Slipknot plays as Thomo and “The Unknown” make their way out from the back with boos from the fans following. They come down to the ring. And climb in looking at the tables around them in the ring.”Mad Professor” begins playing as Freak comes out from the back getting a huge reaction from the fans. He comes down and climbs into the ring.Unknown and Thomo look like theres about to attack Freak anyway when “Still Frame” by By Trapt starts playing as the crowd erupts, Freak turns and looks at the entrance with a smirk visable threw his mask.Shane Jenkins appears from the back wearing his vintage gear,Khaki Cargo shorts and a grey long sleve shirt. Jenkins comes down to the ring with his glass of "Lipton Extra Sweet No Lemon" in hand, he then sets it down on the fan barrier before steping up the steel stars and walking the apron before slipin in between the ropes. He turns and looks at Freak and then over at Thomo and Unknown. before discussing strategy with Freak, as the ref gets the match started.)

Jason Case: Now theres a meeting of the minds.. Freak and Jenkins.. and it looks like they decided on something but…

(Its to late as Unknown and Thomo start attacking Jenkins and Freak, Freak and Thomo go outside of the ring as Jenkins and Unknown battle it out inside. Unknown nails Jenkins with a hard right an then an Axe handle smash that send Jenkins down to one knee. On the outside of the ring Thomo and Freak are going at it hard as they are hitting each other with anything they can get ahold of. Thomo jabs freak in the eye and nails him with a huge clothesline.)

Xander Jackson: Thomo knows his days are numbered if he loses its over. Hes fighting with everything hes got.

(Freak regains composure and sends Thomo crashing into the steek turnbuckle post outside the ring. Back in the ring Unknown bounces off the ropes and goes for a move but Jenkins catches him and nails a hard Spinebuster on him. Jenkins begins stomping away at Unknown as we can hear profanities fly from Jenkins. Outside Freak is pumbling away at Thomo as Thomo is trying to put some distance between them. Freak goes to attack Thomo from behind but Thomo nails him with a hard elbow to the temple knockin Thomo to his knees, Thomo pulls the apron up on the ring and pulls a latter out and sets it up. He scoops Freak up and slams him on the standing ladder. Back in the ring Jenkins is still in control and taking his time going at it with Unknown, outside still Thomo is looking to drop the ladder on the downed Freak. But Freak gets back to his feet and nails Thomo with a hard right. He then Irish whips Thomo into the ladder sending it and him flying.Freak climbs back into the ring and looks at Jenkins as they set Unknown up for a double maned Suplex. They nail it and Unknown his the mat hard. This time though Thomos back in the ring and nails Jenkins from behind sending him flying outside of the ring at the the mat below. Jenkins crawls up against the barrier on the outside to catch himself. In the ring Thomo and Unknown are now taking it to Freak. Thomo sets up a table and Unknown is going to try to powerbomb Freak threw it.. Freak reverses this and sends Unknown back into the ropes.)

Jason Case: ya know, I think its safe to say that the ref. Never had control of this match

Xander Jackson: Well theres so much online for two of the superstars how could the ref of had control. Its “24” and its IWWA!

(Freak nails Thomo with a hard lariet that sends him to the mat. Freak picks him up and lays him on the set up table and looks like hes gonna climb atop it too. But unknown grabs freak from behind and nails a German suplex sending Freak crashing into the mat.Outside the ring Jenkins starting making his way back towards the ring. Freak meanwhile is back to his feet arm hooks Unknown for an Arm Drag takedown,but is then met with a DDT from Thomo who is now off the table.Thomo sets Freak on the table but doesn’t see Jenkins behind him by the turnbuckle. Thomo turns to go to those turnbuckles but is met with “Redirection” from Jenkins as the crowd erupts. Jenkins stands overtop Thomo and grins as Freak is on his feet on top the table Jenkins moves and Freak nails a diving headbut on the Outcold Thomo..Unknown comes charging back in but Jenkins side steps him and sends him into the turnbuckle.Freak charges in smashing the Unknown against the turnbuckles.Jenkins is meanwhile setting Unknown up on the table for Freak to put him threw..Jenkins walks back and takes a seat on the far turnbuckle..)

Jason Case: Id say its probally safe to say Jenkins thinks hes done his part and is a spectator from here on out.

Xander Jackson: Jenkins has a huge World Title match on mind.. This match was Freaks baby!…

Jason Case: Yea well it looks like Freaks handling his business in there…

(Back in the ring.. Freak looks at the still out cold Thomo laid on the table. He looks likes hes going to climb atop the table and put him threw but then stops and looks back the Unknown whos croutches down against the Turnbuckle catching his breath. Freak then goes and sits on the turnbuckle across from Jenkins..)

Xander Jackson: Ok, Shane, Freak.. Thomo isn’t going to put himself threw the table.. One of you is gonna hafta get off your ass and do it..

Jason Case: Well, maybe not!..

(Back in the ring.. Unknown is standing next to Thomo whos on the table, but starting to come to. Unknown pulls Thomo off the table but then instead of attacking Jenkins and Freak, Unknown sets Thomo up for a powerbomb)

Xander Jackson: What’s the hells this?

Jason Case: I dunno but it doesn’t look good for Thomo!!

(The Unknown, lifts Thomo up and powerbombs him down threw the table as the crows erupts!!!!!)


(Jenkins looking confused as ever is almost in the back, Freak stands next to the ring looking at Unknown as he stands over the out cold Thomo. Freak then starts to make his way to the back.)

Jason Case: Whats all this mean?

Xander Jackson:Well im pretty sure Thomo’s days are done in the IWWA I hope he said his goodbyes… For the rest were just gonna hafta wait and see!

Jason Case: People we still got on hell of a show left!!!

Ryan Eaton

Xander Jackson: Up next we got a nice ol battle of a quite guy.. Vs.. NIGHTMARE!

Jason Case: Ryan Eaton, is his name.. and yes hes gonna battle Nightmare!…

Xander Jackson: I smell an ass kicking coming!

(“Far Behind” by Candlebox plays and we see Ryan Eaton walk down and into the ring.. Receiving a mixed reaction from the fans.)

Xander Jackson: Ryan shouldn’t expect to much from the fans, hes not done a damn thing for them yet.

Jason Case: Never the less, hes here.. And that doesn’t always mean a pushover for Nightmare to win.

(“Kall Of The Ktulu” by Metallica plays and Nightmare comes out and down to the ring with a big pop from the fans. He climbs in the ring and spares no time nailing Ryan Eaton with a hard right sending him flyin back before the music even goes off. Nightmare doesn’t lay off nailin Eaton with a series of hard rights and lefts and knee shots. Sending him back into the rope. Eaton comes back though with a clothes line that takes Nightmare off his feet but not for long. Nightmare is back to his feet quick and starts nailing Eaton with a DDT. Picking him back up and sending him crashing into the turnbuckle.)

Jason Case: You know Nightmare is gonna make this quick, he wants to save all his power for the battle royal.

Xander Jackson: Yea, I don’t think Ryan Eaton has any idea whats hit him.

Jason Case: He will tomarrow.

(Nightmare is still on the assault. Nailing elbow smashes and blows all over Eaton. He sends Eaton into the ropes and nails a Fallaway slam on the rebound. Eaton already looks like he wants pinned. Nightmare doesn’t go for the pin yet. Nightmare starts bouncing Eatons head off the ropes and then looks at the crowd and they know its time. Nightmare lifts Eaton up and nails “Dawns Peak” as Eaton lays on the mat not moving. Nightmare takes a deep breath and leans back against the turnbuckle before nonshaluantly making the pin on the out cold Eaton.. the ref slides in and makes the count.)




Jason Case: That was nothing more than a warm up match for Nightmare..

Xander Jackson: Jesus, Eaton better try harder next time if he wants to be anything in the IWWA with the talent we have here.. Nightmares looking damn good already for the other events tonight.


(The bell rings as "Get Off" By Kittie Plays, and we see Spaz, step out from the back and the crowd erupts.)

Xander Jackson: Wow, he left Axe in the back?

Jason Case: Yea, this is personal between him and Decade, they really duslike each other

Xander Jasckson: Yea, Thomson too.

(Spaz comes down, and climbes in the ring as "You Know Who's Seatbelt" blares and Decade steps his way out from the back. Decade walks down the ramp never taking his eyes off Spaz who never looses contact with him either. )

Xander Jackson: These two must have an understanding that its between them and no one else.

Jason Case: Yea, Slayer shows his face you know Axe will be out here.

Xander Jackson: and Vise versa.

(Decade climbs in the ring and if chest to chest with Spaz as the ref I announcing the rules of the match to them. The bell rings and suddenly. Spaz gives Decade a huge shove knocking Decade off his feet and back to the ropes. Decade is back on his feet quickly and the two lock up in the middle of the ring. Spaz nails Decade with a shot to the gut with his knee. Then another. Decade, starts returning fire with punches to the mid section of Spaz as he was hunched over. Spaz backs Decade up and irish whips him into the ropes. On the rebound Spaz goes for a clothesline but Decade ducks under comes off the other ropes and nails Spaz with a cross body block sending them both to the mat.)

Jason Case: Wow what a start so far.

Xander Jackson: Yea, you can tell both of these guys want it bad.

(Both men were back at their feet quit and are trading blows in the middle of the ring. Decade backs Spaz back into a corner, and nails him with a hard right that sends him back against the turnbuckle. Decade locks him in a headlock and delivers a running bulldog into the middle of the ring. Decade back to his feet starts stomping away at Spaz. Before going to the far turnbuckle and climbing to the second rope. Spaz. Now at his knees sees Decade on the ropes and catches him when he jumps and nails a spinebuster on him. Spaz then starts driving his knee into the face of Decade. Spaz lifts Decade back to his feet and lifts him up for a big suplex. Decade rolls outta the ring, and Spaz follows. Spaz goes to nail Decade with a huge lariet but Decade side steps and sends Spaz flying into the steel ring steps. Sending them flying.. Decade grabs Spaz leg and sets it on the bottom of the steps and stands on it, grinding Spaz’s knee into the steel.. Decade then pulls Spaz back up and slides him into the ring following behind him.)

Xander Jackson: I do gatta say Spaz, looks like his military training has made him tuff.

Jason Case: Yea but Decade wants to win so bad I think it evens the odds.

(Decade lifts Spaz up and nails him with a quick DDT into the mat. Decade then bounces off the ropes and drops a knee onto the forhead of Spaz. Seeing Spaz down he goes to his feet and grabs his legs locking them in a figure four leg lock. The ref comes in and asks Spaz if he wants to submit and he refuses.)

Xander Jackson: Told ya Spaz is tuff

Jason Case: I never said he wasn’t

(Spaz starts rolling back and forth trying to reverse the move but to no luck. Finally he sits up and nails Decade with a hard right and another. Finally Decade releases the hold and starts getting back to his feet. Spaz is at his knees when Decade nails him from behind with a double axe handle smash to the back. Soaz is back to his feet anyway, and the two again start tradin blows. Decade nails Spaz with a Forarm smash that sends Spaz staggerin back Decade bounces off the ropes and is coming at Spaz, but Spaz nails him with a Clotheslines that nearly decapitates him.)

Xander Jackson: Damnit, that wasn’t pretty at all

Jason Case: Yea, that sent Decade for a spin.

(Spaz lifts Decade up and slams him hard to the mat, kicking him in the face before doing it again. He lift Decade back to his feet and delivers a powerful DDT and goes for the pin.)

REF: 1……………



(Decade kicks out and Spaz puts him in a little choke hold before bringing him back to his feet but Decade reverses it with an inside cradle pin again the Ref slides in to count.)




(Spaz gets his shoulder up and the two again start trading blows as they get back to their feet. Spaz backs Decade back onto the Rodes and Irish whips him, on the rebound Spaz nails Decade with a Knee to the guy that lifts him off the ground. Decade gets to his feet quickly and nails the approaching Spaz with kicks to the knees as hes leaning against the ropes. Two more. Before bouncing back and nailing Spaz with a clothesline that takes him off his feet. Decade covers)




Xander Jackson: Wow, a closeone.

(Decade looks at the ref as he knew it was close. But starts pumbling away at the skull of Spaz. He pulls Spaz back to his feet and everyone gets the idea hes gonna try to end it with “The Breakdown” Decade sends Spaz back into the ropes with an irish whip but on the rebound Spaz grabs Decade by the throat and nails “Deception” and rolls and makes the cover.)

Jason Case: There it was “Deception” what a chokeslam

REF: 1………2………3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Xander Jackson: WOW, Spaz pulled it off.

Jason Case: One hell of a fight by both guys, that one coulda went either way Xander..

Xander Jackson: I never once doubted Spaz.

Jason Case: Sure…

(Back in the ring Spaz has went back to stomping away at Decade while hes still down from the match..Axe can now be seen at the top of the ramp applauding Spaz too.. Loan mechanic moans can be heard as Spaz drags Decade outta the ring )

Xander Jackson: Look at that Jason..

Jason Case: The Elimination Chamber, its lowering…

Xander Jackson: Yep its that time my friend.

Jason Case: Well the last match still isn’t over!

(Spaz is still nailing away at Decade and looks as Slayer comes threw the crowd as its to late Spaz is already walking away from Decade and is celebrating with Axe, Slayer starts arguing with them as they walk in the back and he helps Decade back to his feet.. The two of them make their way back stage as you can hear Slayer cursing Axe and Spaz.)


(The Seven Men line up as Followed in the ring.. Thomson V1, Cormega, William Johnson, The Pheonix, Axe, and "The Silencer" James Assassin.. Spaz remains inside the ring after Celebrating his victory.. The other referees are lining up for this assessment, and The Men as followed will be locked inside the single cage.. "The Silencer" in cage 1, Spaz in Cage 4, Axe in Cage 2, and White Pheonix in Cage 3.. The Negotiator heads to the ramp and he begins to take a look at the cage, which is being lowered down..)

Negotiator: Ladies and Gentlen.. This match will determine the Hardcore Champion of the IWWA.. The IWWA's FIRST EVER.. Cormega, William Johnson, and Thomson Version 1..

You are about to begin the triple Threat portion of this matchup.. Remember.. Once you get pinned or submitted, you'll be asked to exit the chambers for the remainder of the match and be asked to report to the locker rooms for the remainder.. Once the match is complete, we'll have a HARDCORE champion going into the Battle Royal.. Gentlemen, Begin the match..

Xander Jackson: I can't believe it.. We're saluting TWO IMPACT PLAYERS in one night.. And the first match begins now..

Jason Case: You're Right but Spaz seemed to prove his point to Decade a while back.. He demonstrated on how he could use that cage from this previous matchup.. Him being in the cage for a few minutes will shape things up a bit..

(The match begins as Thomson punches Cormega with the Brass knuckles twice.. He hits the first in the stomach, yet another punch goes across his face, making him bleed hard.. He then pins the man himself and the ref counts..)



(Kick to the guts by William Johnson.. But then recieves the same blow by Thomson across the face, but Thomson then pins Cormega first.. Ref counts again..)



Xander Jackson: OH GOD, we may have an elimination already..


Ring Announcer: Cormega has been ELIMINATED!!! Jason: Not even thirty seconds into the match, yet Cormega, the huge favorite stepping into the match with skills, got eliminated.. MAN This must be hardcore!!!

Xander Jackson: I can't believe this.. Cormega should have knows what he's up to going into a match situation like this, but instead, he got the Boot from Thomson..

(Thomson collides with William.. William then gives Thomson a suplex inside the ring onto the mat.. He then gets up and gives out an elbow drop.. Then goes across the ropes and gives him a knee to the ribs.. He then works on the Arms of Thomson by stretching out his arm.. But Thomson retaliates with his bare handed punches.. He stretches his arm out a little more, but then gives William Johnson an uppercut into the head.. Then Thomson positions William and performs his finisher..)


(Thomson then goes in for the pin.. Timer reads 10 seconds left..)

ref: 1....

Timer: 9

Timer: 8

Timer: 7

ref: 2....

Timer: 6

Timer/Crowd yells: 5...

Timer/Crowd: 4....

ref: THREE


(Suddenly, Cage 2 errupts, releasing Axe..)

(Thomson gives a Drop kick into the mat.. He then Puts Axe in a tough position.. using the ropes, he chokes Axe as hard as he possibly can... The ref does not give a five count, but just a warning.. Axe Then gets a sigh of relief, but then gets up and clotheslines Thomson, who also drops his brass knuckles.. Suddenly, He gets tossed out to the ring floor and he sees someone familiar under the ring.. He appears to arm himself with a random weapon.. Currently it's too dark to tell..)

Timer: 1 minute left

Jason Case: One minute until another door releases.. Who will come out next??

Xander Jackson: Thomson Made two statements in one match.. Let's see who will make a bigger impact here..

Timer reads 40 seconds

(Axe then positions Thomson and gets a suplex.. Then gets out of the ring and heads to the ring floor for some weapons.. He first finds a steel chair.. However, Thomson also rolls out of the opposing side and gets under the ring himself, He looks at a person that has a weapon.. That person hands a weapon to him.. Thomson signals him in and then Thomson, now arming himself with a krow bar, gets ready to hit Axe.. But Axe Shields the hit with the Steel chair, then changes hand positioning and smacks him right across the back With the same steel chair.. Then He repeatedly hits him across the back at least three times.. Time Expires and Cage 1 opens.. The Silencer James Assassin walks into the ring with a pair of brass knuckles brought into the ring.. However, The person inside the ring clotheslines him on to the floor.. It's DECADE!!! Decade was under the ring since that last match..)

Xander: I thought this man was supposed to be in the locker room..

Jason: No Xander, Decade was hurt, battered and bruised.. Somehow, Decade rolls out unnoticed and Spaz is standing in the cage now a little upset..

(Decade Hits competitor after competitor.. Under the same ring is another person, in which he is also darkened.. The camera locks in and gives Case a closer look)

Xander: Is it who i think it is??

Jason: Maybe.. He wanted a shot just as bad, but it's too hard to tell right now.. Looks like Everyone wants the Hardcore Title as well and they stop at NOTHING to get it..

(Decade body slams James Assassin and then He exits through the cage doors, leaving the rest of the guys inside.. As he exits the ring, A BIG RED MONSTER TRUCK with a cannon, fired up by an IWWA Staff Person is approaching the ring.. Shots of random Items get fired into the Audience.. It also traps Decade, who is going down from the ramp to the flooring of the stage area and tries going around the truck.. Shooting Toy figures of every IWWA Superstar, It also slows down.. It stops about 3-4ths of the way down.. The Driver opens the door on his side and exits the truck with the Bag that was filled earlier..)

Jason: It's SANTA CLAUS... SANTA is coming to give everyone PRESENTS this HOLIDAY SEASON!!!

Xander: I'm Serious, I mean we are in the christmas spirit, ya know.. I mean Santa has Decade cornered..

(Santa claus empties his bag.. He carries out the Bea Arthur poster, Naked.. And gives Decade a look.. Decade then pukes.. Santa then slam throws the poster down, looks into his bag again, and He gets a Wooden practice sword, in which he tosses into the ring.. The Timer expires and another cage opens.. This time, Kenzo Tagara, seeing the sword, gets out into it and grabs it rolling himself over the shoulder and arms himself.. Santa also gets out another weapon, He has a krow bar of his own.. He then whacks the Krow bar at Decade, and then he repeatedly hits him on the back of the head, two shots of which remains in the back.. Decade then falls flat on the floor laying down on his stomach.. The Chamber Door remains open, so Santa claus then gets into the ring..)

Xander: I can't Believe it, For a man that size, I do not SEE how this man who shows the gift of giving, is giving Violence into the IWWA??

Jason: Yeah.. He also gave Decade a run for his money.. I mean Santa Claus just has to show the meaning of Christmas this PPV, doesn't he..

Xander: Yeah, I bet he made a list for all these fans and Competitors in Los Angeles because some have been nice, but he seemed to be naughty to the others this holiday season..

(Santa claus then gives a krow bar hit to Thomson, and Signals The Silencer to give the pin.. The referee, who seemed confused, gives a count..)

Ref: 1.....

Timer: 25 seconds

(Kenzo then gives the signal to the man underneath the ring..)

ref: 2.......

(Santa gives the sword that is wodden to Kenzo straight from his bag.. Then he exits the ring, remaining in ringside..)

ref: THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Santa then unveils his beard and takes off the Santa hat!!)

Xander/Jason: OH NO!!! That's NOT SANTA..

Xander (continues..): MAN WHAT A PERFORMANCE.. This isn't santa claus.. That was the FREAK!!! The FREAK GOT THOMSON FOOLED!!.. MAN What a Suprise by The FREAK..

Jason: I was just as shocked as you were.. Man The Freak came down into a monster truck, cornering Decade and then he enters the chamber, gives someone credit to pin Thomson, and ten Elimated Thomson from his option to become Hardcore Champion.. Man The Crowd was standing on their feet, and we ALL seemed Shocked by this..

Xander: Shocked is to say the least.. Freak gave something good to everyone tonight!!

(Another timer expires, and the next Door opens.. It's Spaz..)

(Spaz stands after the release of the door, and then takes a jump on someone random.. He hits James Assassin into the head by delivering a missle drop kick.. James attempted to retaliate with a spin side kick, but misses.. However, He hits Axe.. Axe still stands but is a little bent.. Silencer positions Axe and then hands him an ASSAULT.. Then plants him on the Steel chair, in which has been earlier placed on the ring mat.. Silencer then pins Axe..)

ref: 1....

Timer: 1:30

ref: 2.....

Timer: 1:26

ref: Thr.... Kickout

Xander: MAN I Can Not Believe this?? Axe Kicked out of the Assault by James Assassin?? Even on to a STEEL CHAIR??

Jason: Miracles can happen in this match.. I mean MAN.. Anyone who would win this will get the Hardcore Championship..

(Spaz then gets to the corner of the ring.. Yet James continues the pressure on Axe.. He then takes Axe to the cage and pressing his head hard inside it, making Axe's Blood gusher out.. James Then places Axe back inside the ring.. And then he enters the ring himself.. He then suplexes Axe back into the steel chair, and the referee looks for positioning..)


Timer: 59 seconds



(Axe then gets up slowly and then reports outside the chamber..)

Ring Announcer: AXE HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!!!!!!

(Meanwhile, Kenzo centers himself inside the ring, and then hands Silencer one of the practice swords inside the arena.. Both men keep their guards up.. They Fight a hard fight.. Spaz Then sits on the high ropes so he can rest up.. Kenzo then attempts a slide side kick to him, yet Silencer Blocks it and then gives in a spin outside crescent.. That hits Kenzo into the face.. The two men hit swords hard and fast.. The Sword by James hits Kenzo into the ribs, but Kenzo retaliates the hit with his own sword into the neck area.. Silencer then gives an inner edge crescent then turns around picks up his other leg and attempts a junp spin side kick, but Kenzo blocks the move with his sword, enabling his sword to break.. Nevertheless, Kenzo then uses the broken sword and attemptes to strike hard on the ribs, but Silencer catches it and grabs.. He then twists his arm and gets Kenzo's arms behind Kenzo, insuring that Silencer cuts in behind Kenzo, and he knee kicks him on to the lower back.. He hits him harder and harder.. He then positions him, but Kenzo retaliates and counter positions and does a DDT.. Timer reads ten while the ref counts the pin..)


ref: 2......

(Suddenly, Spaz interrupts the count and kicks Kenzo, causing the break in the count..)

(Then Spaz Suddenly gets over to the top rope, and then he tries a drop kick, but both opposing men step away from there and Spaz misses.. Kenzo requests a pin from Silencer, Silencer acknoleges and The ref begins to count..)



ref: THR.. Kickout...

(Silencer Then positions Spaz, but Kenzo kicks James into the gut and then gives him the Tallon Strike.. He prepares the pin..)



ref: THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ring Announcer: "The SILENCER" James ASSASSIN Has BEEN ELIMINATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Xander: Finally, down to two categories, Spaz and Kenzo..

Jason.. This is going to be a challenge for Kenzo, but Spaz know what he's doing inside the ring.. The crowd is on their feet..

(Kenzo pulls a punch to the gut, but Spaz Dodges it and gives a clothesline to Kenzo on the floor.. Kenzo rolls around to lay on his stomach, but Spaz continues kicking harder and harder.. He then picks up Kenzo Tagara, but Kenzo counters and wraps his legs around his left arm into a submission-like maneuver, doing an arm stretch.. Spaz is SCREAMING in pain.. But is not tapping out.. The referee checks for positioning.. Spaz is near the ropes, but hasnt reached.. Tagara applies a little more pressure but Spaz is about a couple of inches away.. He then MAKES IT.. The ref forces in a five count, telling Kenzo to let go, but Tagara breaks the hold..)

Xander: Man what a CONTEST!!

Jason: I agree, Xander, These two have taken it to the limit..

(Kenzo then gives a spin side kick using his right heel to hit the ribs of Spaz, then follows it with a ridge hand and a couple of knife hand chops.. Spaz turns a little angrier and his neck turns red.. as are his face.. Spaz then positions Kenzo for a Suplex.. Then he performs it directly from the middle of the canvas.. Then he picks up Kenzo again and places him on the top turnbuckle.. He positions again, but Kenzo somehow inverts his movement and converts into a hurricanana.. He then goes back on the top again.. This time, on his own, but then Spaz gets up quickly, but Kenzo performs a jump side kick.. Kenzo performs a pin..)

ref: 1.....


(Suddenly, The rollover converts and Spaz begins to pin Kenzo this time.. The ref repositions and gives the count..)


Xander: OH NO!! NOT NOW!!!


ref: THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jason: Xander, I couldn't say it any better myself.. Spaz came out of NOWHERE and retained the FIRST EVER Hardcore Championship!! MAN WE HAVE A NIGHT for ALL OF US!!!! Spaz, WELCOME TO THE IWWA.. This night is yours..

(The referees hands Spaz the HARDCORE TITLE of the IWWA..)


Xander: Kenzo came close, and he just got denied..

Jason: Yeah, Kenzo demonstrated a piece of respect, a lot of admiration, and he showed a lot of spirit tonight, but it just came close.. Ladies and Gentlemen, We're NOT finished tonight..

(Suddenly, "Clean" By Incubus walks into the ring and "The Negotiator" Greg Pinney and Sam Swanson approach the chamber, now being raised highly and Spaz remains inside the center of the ring..)

Negotiator: Spaz, Your night to Celebrate will come later tonight, but your task is incomplete as of this moment, Nor is yours, Kenzo.. ALL you guys put a HELL of a FIGHT into this one match and we have had a lot of shocking surprises.. This crowd, The Locker Room, and The Staff, of The IWWA will salute you, Spaz, to become the first champion.. But To you guys, your nights are not yet over.. GUYS, we have ONE LAST BELT TO give to a WRESTLER, so EVERYONE, come on out!!! W're going to see who the BEST MAN in the IWWA IS!!!!

(The rest of the roster comes out freely in two rows of a single file line and they enter the ring freely.. The unknown, who seemed to stare at The Negotiator with some anger, is eyeing also the rest of the competition.. The Negotiator ALSO steps away from the ring with Swanson, and then they make the announcement..)



Xander: Here we go, the referee looks like he is ready to ring the bell. Wait a minute. What's going on. Who is that masked man.

(A masked man comes walked down the entrance way. He enters the ring and all the other wrestlers just stare at him, not really knowing what to do.)

Jason: Here we go....the ref just rang the bell. The match is on!

(All the wrestlers in the ring charge at each other, except for the masked man. The man simply jumps over the top rope and walks back down the aisle heading towards the back.)

Xander: That's it....there is our first elemination.

Jason: Xander, you know who that was? That was The Unknown. He eleminated himself, can you believe that?

Xander: I hope he had a very good reason, because that man looked like he had a great shot to raise alot of hell in this match.

(The camera pans back to the ring as the action is the action is fast and intense. Cormega is seen tackling James "The Epic" Hunter and driving him hard into the corner. He then begins crushing his stomach with shoulder blocks.)

Jason: Cormega is really taking it to "The Epic". He never even saw him coming. I think that's about 9 or 10 shoulders now.

(Decade slams a forearm into Cormega's back then picks him up and delivers a side suplex. David Sanchez jumps over both of them as he hits Ryan Eaton with a flying chlothesline.)

Xander: Damn! I think he just took his head off!

(As Ryan Eaton sits up "White Phoenix" Kenzo Tagara connects with a devastating Shining Wizard. Tagara then picks him up for a running tiger bomb, but Nick Blitz dropkicks Eaton in the back as soon as he is lifted in the air. Both Eaton and Tagara go tumbling over the top ropes as Tagara lands ontop of him.)

Jason: It looks like both men have been eleminate. What a minute. The ref is only signaling one man out. It appears that "White Phoenix" has landed on top of Eaton and has made his way to the apron without his feet ever touching the ground. That was simply an amazing display of physical talent.


(The camera moves back up to the ring as "Magically Delicious" Rich Suave is seen hitting William Johnson with a very nasty spine buster. He gets on top of Johnson and starts throwing devestating forearms to his face. David Sanchez grabs Suave by the hair and pulls him off while hitting him with an uppercut to the face. As Suave staggers, Sanchez turns and runs into the ropes behind him. As he comes bouncing back, Spaz superkicks him in the side of the face and sends Sanchez flying over the top rope and to the outside.)


Jason: WOW! Spaz came out of nowhere with that Superkick. I bet he knocked out a bunch of teeth with that one.

Xander: It wasn't like he was that pretty to begin with anyways.

(Suave is caught with a cheapshot from behind by Johnson that sends him down to the mat. Johnson connects with an elbow to the back of the head. He then picks up Suave and sits him on the top turnbuckle.)

Jason: OH NO! This is going to be ugly. Johnson doesn't want to just hurt Magically Delicious......he wants to paralyze him!

(Johnson climbs on top of Suave to attempt a super hurricanrana, but Suave fights back and lifts Johnson over his head, spins and power bombs him to the outside concrete while falling back into the ring.)


(Johnson lays motionless on the ground as the referee signals for the paramedics from the back. Dahn comes running out from the locker room with the paramedics.)


Jason: This is a very serious moment, folks. We are not even going to show the replay due to the way his head snapped off of the floor. I have never seen an individual take a crushing impact like that.

(Suave makes his way back to his feet in the ring and gives the old Rick Rude gyration to Dahn as she stands over her motionless man.)


(Suave is attacked from behind by Nightmare as the match continues. Nightmare hooks on a cross-face chickenwing and works Suave down to the mat and holds him there. The camera moves over to Nick Blitz as he has Shane Jenkins set up for a Pedigree. Jenkins instead backdrops Blitz over the top rope to the outside. Blitz lands on the ring on the outside. Nick swings at Jenkins so hard that he spins around when he misses. Jenkins dives through the middle ropes and both men go crashing hard to the outside.)


Xander: Another one bites the dust. Blitz's night has been cut short.

Jason: This doesn't look good for Jenkins either as he is favoring his right shoulder. He looks to be in serious pain.

(The Freak capitalizes on this and slides under the bottom rope. He picks up Jenkins and connects with a reverse DDT on the outside.)

Jason: The Freak just hit The Shang Ri La on the hard concrete!

(The Freak then slides Jenkins back into the ring under the bottom rope and follows him in. The Freak picks up Shane Jenkins and ditches him over the top rope back to the outside.)


Xander: Jenkins liked it so much on the outside, he couldn't wait to get back out there again.

(Camera moves back up to the ring to show Thomson Version 1 hitting a brainbuster on Anarky. Thomson bends over to pick Anarky up and Anarky pulls Version 1's chin into the top of his head. Anarky then hits a devastating jumping piledriver and starts to climb the top rope.)

Jason: Anarky better be carefull, it's not a good idea going to the top rope in a battle royal and Nightmare still has "Magically Delicious" in a hold right in front of him.

(As Anarky gets to the top rope, Tagara comes running across the ring, steps on Nightmares back and slams into Anarky as both men violently crash to the outside.)


Jason: "White Phoenix" is absolutely amazing. You have to be just a tad crazy to subject your body to abuse like that. What was he thinking?

(Back in the ring, Decade is trying to dump The Freak over the top rope. The Freak is hanging on for dear life. Axe is in a full sprint behind Decade and crashes into him, but the impact was so strong that all three men go over the top rope and train wreck on the outside.)


Xander: Amazing, the speed and force of the big man just sent all of them to their doom. I guess if you can't have the title, you might as well take out as many people as you can.

(Cormega is shown standing in the ring laughing and pointing at the three men and generally pissing them off. The Silencer comes up from behind and tosses him over the top rope to the three men below. All three men attack Cormega and pummel him to the ground on the outside. The beating continues until the 3 men get tired and just leave him lay.)


(Nightmare is shown finally letting go of "Magically Delicious" as he stands up, he looks around to see who is left. Spaz attacks Nightmare from behind and hits him with a bulldog. Spaz bounces off the ropes and they connect with a double chlothesline sending each other to the ground.)

Xander: This would be a perfect time for somebody to take advantage here.

(Silencer and Suave work together to pick up Nightmare and toss him over the top rope. )


Xander: See I was right, too bad for Nightmare he won't be carrying the gold home with him. Man, he looks pissed.

(Silencer and Suave start to pick up Spaz but he pokes both of them in the eyes. Spaz quickly grabs Silencer and hits him with a chokeslam as Nightmare jumps back up on the apron and pulls Magically Delicious to the outside over the top rope by his head.)


Jason: I guess tonight just isn't the "magic" night for the newcomer.

Xander: That was pretty lame. Look at that, Nightmare and Suave are exchanging shots on the outside.

(The camera stays on Nightmare and Suave brawling on the outside as they brawl the whole way back to the locker room. When the camera pans back to the ring, Spaz is shown getting back up off the mat as James "The Epic" Hunter charges at him. Spaz side-steps him as The Epic goes flying to the outside and over the top.)


Xander: Wow, that was rather embarassing. To last all this time and to go out like that......what a shame.

(Back in the ring, Spaz is slowling picking up the Silencer. He starts to push Silencer over the top rope, but he grabs on.)

Jason: Uh oh....look out Silencer is almost over.

(Thomson turns around, sees the two men and quickly charges. He connects with a double chlothesline as both men hit the outside and lay there in shock and exhaustion.)



(Suddenly, sprinting back down the ramp, The Unknown approaches the ring under no music, and is dressed in his usual clothing.. He Irish whips Thomson, then he gives him a clothesline right on to the mat.. But then He takes the belt away from Thomson, lays it cross side from the ring, and then positions Thomson for a suplex.. He gives Thomson a suplex, and then He hits the top rope.. Going on the top turnbuckle, he gives an elbow drop straight from the turnbuckle to Thomson's abdomen.. He Then picks up the same Belt Thomson has won, and he Slams it on the body.. Thomson seems confused, but he looks up high.. The Unknown then takes off the Mask.. He slams it down on top of the belt rested on Thomson's Body!!!)

Xander Jackson: Is it who i think it is??

Jason: MAN HOW DID THIS MAN pull it off!! IT's KRIS MYERS!!! IT'S MYERS!!! MAN This is the BIGGEST suprise that IWWA's ever recieved.. Talk about save the best for last.. But Why the Powerbomb on Thomo?? Why the Attack on Thomson?? Folks, This has been a GOOD Pay Per View, but Man Time is up.. See ya later.. (Scene fades away as the Timer will say the following before fading to black..) 0:03



(Scene then fades to black..)