Its sad...I really liked this fed, and i thought it was going places. I hate to have to do this, but i think most of you know why. You can't run a fed with only 6 dedicated roleplayers (Thats not the exact number). And i can't run it on my own. Thanx for EVERYBODY'S HELP THAT HELPED. A bunch of people on the roster said that they wanted to help. But i turned them down. I don't want members of the fed .. running the fed. Anyways... please don't hate me, and i really am sorry if i have wasted your time, but please .. STAY IN TOUCH. i'm going to be makeing a tribute site on a different server i'm about to pay for. lol. Anywayz.. good luck to all of you, and if any of you want a good fed. IM me and i might be able to help.

IM : HuHuY2J


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