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CEO- Drew P:

President- Dark Lotus: e-mail/msn:

Vice President- Dan Farmer: e-mail/msn:

Commissioner- Dan Kraw: e-mail/msn:

Commentator #1- Jack Daniels: A very drunk man. He will say anything to or about anyone at any given time. He hosts HSWs Tuesday Night show.

Commentator #2- Hectar Kanagarajan: An indian man that is usually quite shy and quiet. However when he's announcing a match, he knows every move in the book. He often has to settle Jack down. He is on the HSWs Tuesday Night Show.

Commentator #3- Tim May: He is known to have his feuds with Jerry. Being a bit dim-witted, it doesn't help him much. He announces the Friday Night show.

Commentator #4- Jerry Walters: A very loud voice behind the announcers table. He's on HSW's Friday Night Pain.

Ring Announcer- Terri-Lynn Blaze: A very attractive woman, she does a good job of announcing the matches and entertaining the fans with her wits.

Interviewer #1- Marshall Wright: He does his job. He is very nervous when talking to the wrestlers as they often poke fun at him.

Interviewer #2- Eric Thornton: A former wrestler and bodyguard. This guy doesn't take any bullsh*t. But if you don't piss him off, he's a cool guy.

Interviewer #3- Ashley Welsh: A very attractive blond woman who has a business mindset. Very intellegent and very fun to be with.

Referee #1- James Sjouwerman: A young referee that knows what hes doing. A good man to have in your match.

Referee #2- Colin MacDonald: This ref calls EVERYTHING. Some love him, some hate him.

Referee #3- Kevin Buckingham: This is quite possibly the oldest referee in sports entertainment. He's legally blind & very slow at counting.