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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The Corel Centre. Holy Shyt Wrestling has made its way here, as we get an overhead view of the arena from the Shyt Blimp. We're then taken inside, where a display of colourful lights swim through the excited crowd. People are on their feet, cheering on their favourite superstars. They hold up signs, while others wear T-shirts and other gear from Shytzone. Suddenly, a loud explosion lights up the stage and the lights grow dim as "Walk" by Pantera begins to play. The fans go nuts, knowing that they're only moments away from a great show. Our cameras show announcers Jack Daniels and Hectar Kanagarajan behind the announce table. I bet they have some pretty wild shyt to say, so listen up!

Jack Daniels: Hello everyone and welcome to HSW's Tuesday Night Showdown!

Hectar Kanagarajan: And what a show we have scheduled for tonight! The first round of the Intercontinental Championship tournament will feature 2 Hardcore rules match ups, as well as a ladder match and a table match!

Jack Daniels: But thats not all! Our main event features former XOW World Champions, Chris "The Mad" Bomber and Mike Trojan. As well as HSW's reigning Hardcore Champion, Pickles! These 3 men will compete inside of a fifteen foot high steel cage for a shot at the HSW World Title at our first PPV event, Bad Blood!

Hectar Kanagarajan: What a night! I can't wait, lets get started!

Hardcore Match
Sean "Bad Boy" Killings vs. Heart Break Kolin

HBK is in the ring waiting for Sean Killings. As Sean Killings comes from the crowd with a chair and slides in the ring. HBK turns around, and is nailed with the chair in the head. HBK tumbles to the ground. The bell sounds, as Sean climbs the turnbuckle. Ego Bliss, off the top rope. "The Bad Boy" makes the cover. 1..2..3!!

Ladder Match
Rampage vs. Flare

Flare and Rampage just stand there looking at each other. Flare walks to the middle of the ring, asking for Rampage to join him, Rampage with no fear joins him. Flare snuck him in that one, Flare ramped his arm into Rampage, as he was walking toward him. Flare then just looks down to him, as he then bounces against the ropes and lands an elbow to the chest of Rampage. Flare grabs Rampage's dreadlocks and pulls his ass up, and then throws him into the turnbuckle. Rampage bursts out of the turnbuckle with a close line, but still doesn't affect the monster, named Flare. Flare grabs Rampage by the neck but Rampage thinks fast and kicks him right in the balls. Flare drops his hand and down to his knees.

Rampage goes outside and grabs a ladder, then throws it inside. Flare still in pain from the kick. Rampage climbs the top, and then stalks his victim, then jumps Flare then hears the fans, and stands and then gets tackled in the back. Flare falls. Flare looks around looking for something, Sean Killings from the crowd slides in, the referee then stops him Sean throws Flare the chair, Flare has a chair, WACK, the chair went over Rampage's head. What a hit! Sean gets out of the ring. Flare sets the ladder up and climbs it.

Flare looks down to the victim. Holy shit, Flare just did a swanton bomb off the tiptop of the ladder, but he missed. Rampage moved, holy crap. Could this be then end of that monster? What a move from that beast, and a life saving dodge from Rampage. Rampage stands up a little staggering, and then lands an elbow to the back of Flare. The beast roars from the pain. Finally Rampage found a weak spot. Rampage climbs the closest turnbuckle and then flies off with another elbow to the same spot. With the elbow in the back of this beast, Flare, Rampage wraps his free hand around the neck of Flare and bridges his body. Flare groans in pain. Flare's big hand grips the bottom rope and then Flare pulls he up and decks Rampage, which Rampage drops fast.

Flare cracks his neck and then climbs the ladder again. Rampage quickly gets up and climbs the other side and they both reach the top, Rampage decks Flare, Flare goes down a couple steps, Rampage grabs the paper but Flare grabs the neck of Rampage. As tosses him off the ladder, Rampage rips the corner off the paper. Flare climbs the rest of the way and rips the paper and grips it in his hand. He just looks at it…staring as if it was his future, well it is. He just stands there on top of the ladder. Sean Killings climbs the ladder and raises the arm of Flare, yet these two have to fight sometime, they will next week.. with the IC Title on the line.

Table Match
Satanic Honma vs. 6 Pac Dudley

6-Pac Dudley makes his way to the ring first, he slowly walks around the ring examining the four tables that surround it. Satanic Honma comes to the ring carrying his steel sickle. Honma places the sickle in the corner of the ring and circles around his opponent. Dudley connects with a right hand to the jaw of Honma, sending Honma to the mat. Dudley then tries to capitalize by applying a figure-four leglock in the centre of the ring. Honma screams in pain, and then starts laughing. Honma rolls over and reverses the pressure onto Dudley until he reaches the ropes and the break of the hold.

Honma stands and delivers a few boots to the stomach of Dudley. He picks up 6-Pac and Irish whips him into the ropes, but Dudley reverses the whip and nails Honma with a kneelift into the abdomen. Dudley then applies an abdominal stretch, he reaches over and grabs the rope to apply more pressure. Honma then connects with a hiptoss and a headlock until Dudley reaches the ropes. Honma then walks over to his corner and grabs his sickle and screams "IT'S TIME TO GET VIOLENT!!!" He runs over at Dudley with the sickle held high, but Dudley ducks out of the way and Honma crashes into the turnbuckle. Dudley then attempts a roll up but only gets a 1 count from the referee.

Honma then stands, a bit groggy as Dudley grabs the sickle and slowly digs into the forehead of Satanic Honma. The blood begins to flow down the face of Honma as his expression is that of extreme pain. Dudley throws down the bloodied sickle and picks up Honma and throws him over the top rope and onto the hard concrete floor. Honma lands hard on his right arm and Dudley climbs out of the ring and sets up a table across the ring steps and the guardrail. Dudley picks up Honma and rolls him onto the ring apron and Dudley climbs up and holds Honma in position for a powerbomb through the propped up table, Dudley lifts him up and runs but Honma flips and hits a hurricanrana through the table onto the concrete floor!!! The crowd starts to chant "Holy Shyt! Holy Shyt!".

Honma gets up and looks underneath the ring for something and pulls out a spool of razor sharp barbed wire, he places it on the ring apron and sets up another table on the floor, he lays out Dudley on the table and then as Honma ascends to the top rope, he wraps his upper body in barbed wire and then jumps from the top but Dudley moves out of the way and Honma goes crashing through the table while he is wrapped in barbed wire.

Dudley stands above Honma, picks him up and throws him hard into the steel ring post. Honma's body covered in blood as he lays there while 6-Pac Dudley looks underneath the ring for more weapons, he pulls out a long thin brown box and slides it in the ring. Honma slow to get up makes his way onto the ring apron and is suplexed back into the ring. Dudley points to the box and the crowd cheers. 6-Pac stands up the box and rips off the top of the box to expose 20 lightbulb tubes. Dudley grabs two lighttubes and smashes them over the exposed bare back of Honma as glass shatters everywhere and Honma screams in pain. 6-Pac then takes the barbed wire off of the body of Satanic Honma and wraps a lighttube in it and then places it in the corner. He picks up Honma and takes him into the opposite corner and connects with three knifedge chops to the chest.

He then attempts an Irish whip into the barbed wire wrapped lighttube but Honma reverses it and Dudley flips sideways into the corner shattering the lighttube and getting caught up in the barbed wire!! Honma goes outside the ring and brings in the final two remaining tables and props them up beside one another and then as Dudley attempts to stand Honma takes another lightbulb tube and smashes it in 6-Pac's face immediately bloodying him as he crashes to the mat. Honma goes outside the ring and retrieves a 15 foot high ladder and a large bag from under the ring. Honma slides the ladder into the ring and puts the bag against the corner He lays down 6-Pac Dudley onto the two tables and stands up the ladder in the corner of the ring facing the tables. Honma then takes 13 lighttubes and lays them out simultaneously onto the table and onto 6-Pac Dudley.... Honma then takes the barbed wire and three lighttubes and wraps the barbed wire around himself once more but with the lighttubes attached to his stomach!!! He then grabs the bag and ascends the ladder slowly and then opens the bag and empties 30,000 thumbtacks onto the prone body of Dudley. Honma then screams ultraviolence and JUMPS WITH A MOONSAULT OFF THE LADDER THROUGH THE LIGHTTUBE THUMBTACK TABLE!!!! HOLY SHYT!!! The glass shatters and the tables break as Honma lands on the now bloodied body of 6-Pac Dudley and covers him for the 1..2..3!!

Your winner.. Satanic Honma!!

Hardcore Match
Conrad Le Strange vs. Eddie Vines

Conrad and Eddie both make their entrances. Before the bell rings Conrad runs his finger down the bite mark on his face and Vines just smiles and licks his lips.

The bell rings and both men lock up, Conrad breaks the lock up with a knee to the mid section and then begins to pummel Vines. He picks Vines up and whips him to the turnbuckle and try’s to follow in with a clothesline, but Vines gets his feet up and kicks Conrad in the chin. The Strange One puts his hands to his face to check for blood but Eddie capitalizes on this and short arm clotheslines him. Eddie picks up Le Strange and snap suplex’s him. Swinging neck breaker by Vines and then try’s for a cover. 1…kick out by Conrad. Face twist by Vines and then he gouges Conrad’s eyes. Eddie picks Conrad up and lifts him up for a vertical suplex but he drops him gut first onto the third rope. Le Strange lies in the center of the ring holding his stomach while Vines goes outside. Eddie lifts the ring apron and pulls out an assortment of weapons including a trash can, a kendo stick, a fire extinguisher, some wooden pallets and a toolbox. He picks up a cookie sheet and goes to get back in the ring but Conrad is back to his feet and The Strange One suicide dives through the ropes onto Vines. Conrad gets to his feet and goes looking for a weapon. He picks up a steel chair and swings at Vines who is using the ring post for leverage. Eddie ducks the chair shot and Le Strange hits the ring post. Conrad drops the chair and Vines kicks him in the gut and then delivers a DDT onto the chair. He goes back to where all the weapons are and picks up a crutch. He then walks back to Conrad who is on all fours and breaks the crutch across his back sending a loud cracking sound through out the arena. The fans go “Ohhhh”. Vines goes looking for another weapon and comes back with a trash can. He places the trashcan on the ground and picks The Strange One up and delivers a side Russian leg sweep onto the trashcan. Quick cover by Vines.1…2…. kick out by Conrad. Eddie looks upset and begins to threaten the referee saying that he made a slow count. He then turns his attention to Conrad and starts to pick him up by the hair. Le Strange starts to punch Eddie in the stomach but Vines counters with a knee to the face. Vines rolls Conrad back into the ring and then starts to dismantle the ring steps. He throws the base of the steps into the ring and then gets in himself. Using the turnbuckles he wedges the steps into the corner. Vines then picks up Conrad and whips him to the opposite corner and follows in with a shoulder thrust. He then whips Le Strange into the corner with the steel steps and try’s for another shoulder thrust but The Strange One moves and Eddie hits the steps with his shoulder. Vines staggers backwards holding his shoulder and Conrad hits him with a jumping calf kick. Both men are down and the referee starts a ten count1…. 2…3…4…5.Eddie begins to move to his feet. He picks up Le Strange and try’s for a scoop slam, but his arm is weakened so he just hits Conrad with a European uppercut. He goes outside and gets a kendo stick and slides back into the ring and stalks Conrad waiting for him to get up. The referee is checking on The Strange One. Conrad is to his knees when Eddie pulls the referee out of the way and goes to hit Le Strange with the kendo stick. Conrad low blows Vines causing him to drop the stick and bends over holding his family jewels. Le Strange stands up and delivers a rolling pile driver to Eddie and covers him for a 2 count. Conrad then goes to the outside and picks up 2 wooden pallets and sets them up on the ramp. He then goes back into the ring and using his knee he gouges Vines face. Conrad then rolls Eddie out of the ring and drags him to the 2 pallets. He picks Vines up and locks in a half nelson, which Conrad modifies into a neck breaker right onto the pallets. Quick cover by Le Strange. 1…2…kick out by Vines. Conrad get back in the ring and picks up the kendo stick and goes back to where Eddie is lying. He then proceeds to batter him with the kendo stick before another cover, almost 3 but Vines kicks out again. Conrad is beginning to look frustrated at this stage. He picks Vines up and goes to Irish whip him into the ring post but some how Vines counters it and sends The Strange One face first into the ring post. Le Strange starts to bleed from the head. Both men are down. The ref starts a 10 count.1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…Conrad begins to get to his feet some how. He picks Eddie up and rolls him into the ring. He then goes to the far end of the ring and lifts the ring apron. Le Strange pulls out 2 tables and slides one into the ring and starts to set another one up on the outside. He positions the table about 3 feet from the ring and then slides back in. He then picks up Vines and bounces him off the ropes it looks like Le Strange is going for a overhead belly-to-belly throw over the top rope and threw the table on the outside. Conrad catch’s Eddie and is about to throw him but Eddie try’s to reverse it but Conrad goes behind and delivers a German suplex. The Strange One says that’s it and pulls Eddie to the corner where Le Strange begins to climb the turnbuckle. He reaches the third rope and positions himself before executing a five-star moonsault on Vines. Conrad gets up and starts celebrating and mocking Eddie, but wait Slash just came through the crowd with a steel chair. Conrad doesn’t see him. Slash is in the ring begging Conrad to turn around. Le Strange turns around and is met by a vile chair shot to the head. The crowd are on their feet cheering as Slash rolls Conrad out of the ring and lays him on the table. One more chair shot to the chest for good measure by Slash. Slash then gets back into the ring and begins to climb to the third rope. Swanton bomb to the outside and through the table by Slash. Vines begins to get to his feet not realizing what just happened. Meanwhile Slash gets to his feet and picks up the kendo stick. He stands over Conrad’s broken body smiling as Eddie climbs out of the ring. Vines extends his hand to Slash and the 2 men shake hands. But suddenly Slash cracks the kendo stick across Eddie’s head taking him down like a sack of bricks. Slash flips both men the bird and walks up the ramp holding the kendo stick above his head leaving both men out of it by the ring. The ref starts to count1…2…3…4…5…Conrad begins to twitch 6…7…8…9…both men climb to their feet warily. Vines and Conrad begin to throw weak looking punches at each other. Vines finally manages to get the advantage with a cheap shot to the throat. He throws a few knife-edge chops across Le Strange’s torso before rolling him into the ring. Eddie follows The Strange One into the ring and signals for the end. He picks up Conrad and sets him up for his own move “The Strangerer”. But wait there was some one under the ring. Its Madness, Conrad’s old run in buddy from G.C.W. Madness gets in the ring and clubs Eddie in the back of the head. Madness begins to pummel Eddie to the mat, he then picks him up and whips him into the turnbuckle. Madness goes to check on The Strange One. He helps Le Strange to his feet and then says something to him. The 2 men then start to go towards Eddie but Vines jumps out of the corner with a double clothesline. Madness gets back to his feet and is met with another clothesline from Vines. Eddie begins to stomp away at both men keeping them both down. Madness rolls out of the ring and Conrad rolls out on the far side. Eddie goes out after Madness and lets fly with a combination of rights and lefts. Vines finally manages to take Madness off his feet and to the ground. Eddie picks up a chair and goes to swing for Madness but Conrad who is back in the ring runs and try’s for a baseball slide but Vines scouts it and steps out of the way. Le Strange lands on his feet and Vines promptly hits him with the chair in the temple. Madness goes for Vines but he is also met with a chair shot. Eddie picks up Conrad and rolls him into the ring and then follows him with chair in hand. Vines stands over Le Strange for a moment and then signals that he is going to bite Conrad. The crowd goes crazy but just as Eddie bends down to bite The Strange One all the lights in the arena go out. The arena is in total darkness and it remains that way for about 10 seconds. When the lights come back on to Eddies horror the 7 foot 3 inch 450lb human wrecking ball called Goliath is standing in front of him. Vines runs at Goliath and hits a clothesline with no effect. He then bounces off the ropes and hits another clothesline but it doesn’t even sway the big man. Eddie then picks up the chair and runs at Goliath but he is met with a big boot. Goliath Picks up Vines and whips him to the corner and follows in with a combination of shoulder thrusts and clotheslines. Eddie drops to the mat so he is sitting in the corner. Goliath then goes to the outside to check on Madness. The big man helps Madness to his feet and Goliath says something to him. Madness and Goliath get back in the ring and start to kick Vines in the corner. Madness then goes and gets the table, which Conrad put in the ring earlier and begins to set it up beside Goliath. When it is ready Madness taps Goliath on the shoulder. The big man then looks at the table and then at Eddie. He reaches down and catches Eddie by the throat. With unbelievable power Goliath lifts Vines over his head with one hand and then delivers a Goliath Bomb (1 handed choke bomb), straight threw the table. The two men then focus on Conrad who is slowly getting to his feet. Goliath goes over and helps Le Strange to stand. Le Strange asks Goliath something to which the big man leaves the ring and picks up a toolbox on the outside and throws it into the center of the ring. Goliath then goes over to the ring announcer’s table and picks up a microphone. He then gets back in the ring and hands the mic to Conrad.

Conrad Le Strange: “Eddie you like biting people? Lets see what we can do about that!”

Conrad drops the microphone and then goes to the toolbox. Le Strange search’s in side the toolbox and pulls out a set of handcuffs and pliers. He throws the handcuffs to Madness who quickly handcuffs Vines to the top rope. Goliath then squeezes Eddies jaw so his mouth opens and The Strange One begins to put the pliers into Eddie’s mouth. Drew comes running out onto the stage with a microphone.

CEO Drew P: What the hell are you three doing? If you do that then you're all fired! I'm not going to have a lawsuit against HSW on our second show since our return just because of you three! This match is officially a no contest! You're both eliminated from the Intercontinental Championship tournament!

Conrad drops the pliers and tells the other 2 men to stop and leave. The 3 men get out of the ring and start to walk towards Drew, Conrad’s eyes are fixed on him. Le Strange stops for a moment staring at Drew but he just smiles at him and leaves, while E.MT.S. and policemen rush down to free Eddie and check on him.

MAIN EVENT: Steel Cage Match
Chris Bomber vs. Mike Trojan vs. Pickles

Chris Bomber, Mike Trojan and Pickles circle each other in the ring. All staying a safe distance back from a possible punch or grapple, keeping their eyes locked in on each other, just waiting for any sudden movement. Mike Trojan turns his head towards Bomber, and lets a loogie fly! Bomber, spit on, comes at Trojan with some powerful right hands, sending Trojan reeling back into the ropes. Bomber grabs Trojan around the neck, bounces off of the middle rope, and nails Trojan face first with the 'Bombs Away' from out of nowhere!

Hectar Kanagarajan: The Bombs Away! Chris "The Mad" Bomber has just nailed Mike Trojan with one of his trademark maneuvers to start off the match!

Bomber stands up, stomps on Bomber and taunts to the booing crowd. But right behind him, SMACK! Pickles slams the HSW Hardcore Championship belt over Bomber's head! Pickles drags the two lifeless bodies to the middle of the ring, and then climbs to the top rope. He leaps off of the top rope, going for the 'Picklator'! But both Trojan and Bomber roll out of the way! Pickles smacks against the mat hard, and all three men lie in the middle of the ring.

Jack Daniels: Whoa! Pickles just about squashed them both like a couple of bugs there!

Bomber and Trojan use the ropes on opposite sides of the ring to make it to their feet. Trojan stands poised, watching Bomber's every move as he turns around, and Mike Trojan walks in with a huge superkick, sending Bomber to the mat! Pickles, on his hands and knees, gets helped up by Mike Trojan, who sends him flying head first into the steel cage! Trojan grabs Pickles by the back of his head and grates his face along the wire mesh.

Hectar Kanagarajan: That doesn't look to good for Pickles!

Bomber makes it to his feet, and goes after Trojan with a fury of right hands, Trojan answers with a few shots of his own. Trojan whips Bomber into the corner, and runs in going for a clothesline, but Bomber gets his foot up in Trojans face. Bomber kicks Trojan hard in the gut, and lifts him up for a powerbomb, but runs towards the cage and slams him into it!! Then he runs to the other side of the ring and slams him against the cage again! He turns around and powerbombs Trojan hard onto the mat!

Jack Daniels: What a move by The Mad Bomber!

Pickles gets up and charges after Bomber, who ducks and sends Pickles flying into the cage with a back body drop!! Bomber looks at the two men lying on the mat, then, without hesitation, begins climbing up the side of the cage. By the time Trojan is back on his feet, Bomber has made it to the top of the cage. He tries to throw his leg over, but can't quite do it. Trojan climbs up after him as fast as he can. Bomber kicks Trojan in the face as he comes up from behind, but Trojan grabs Bombers other foot and pulls it out, leaving Bomber hanging from his hands. Trojan climbs up a little farther, and throws one of Bombers arms over his shoulder, then leaps off of the cage!! Both men fall from the top, and right onto Pickles, who is on his hands and knees, with a sickening thud!!

Hectar Kanagarajan: Oh my god, did you hear the sound of those three mens bodies!?

Jack Daniels: Holy Shyt!! It sounded like an eathquake!

All three men are down, out cold, not moving. The fans are going nuts, as a replay of the collision is shown on the ShyTron. Suddenly, a sign of movement. Mike Trojan, crawling out of the mess of bodies. He lies there for a moment, his head down, trying to catch a breath. He crawls closer to the side of the cage, and uses the mesh to help him get to his feet. Pickles and Bomber are still down, but no longer out, they have both moved slightly. Trojan gets onto the top rope, and taunts to the cheering crowd. He turns around, and realizes his opportunity. Trojan leaps from the top rope, and connects with a huge Trojan Drop!! The fans go crazy!!

Jack Daniels: Trojan flattened both Bomber and Pickles! It looks like he has this match in the bag!

Trojan, up slowly, walks over to the side of the cage and asks them to open the door. The man is wearing all black, and you cant see who he is, but he opens the door for Trojan. Trojan begins crawling through the door, but the man grabs the door and slams it into Trojan's head!! Trojan falls back into the ring, busted open from the cage door. The man takes off his black cloak, and throws it on the floor revealing himself!

Jack Daniels: Who the hell is that?

Hectar Kanagarajan: It's Xtreme!!! He's not on the HSW roster, what the hell is he doing here!?

Jack Daniels: Well, it looks like he's after Mike Trojan!

Suddenly, Brad Trojan comes running down the ramp! He chases after Xtreme, through the cheering crowd!

Jack Daniels: Xtreme has done his damage, now he's getting out of here!

Hectar Kanagarajan: But will it be enough!?

Back in the ring, all three men are still down. Trojan is busted open, and he rolls over to wipe the blood away from his eyes. Bomber begins moving again, and makes it to one knee. Pickles has barely moved since Trojan and Bomber squashed him from almost fifteen feet above. Bomber is first to his feet, he attacks Trojan by stomping on his back. Bomber rolls Trojan over and gets on top of him, then he starts feeding right hands to Trojans open wound as the fans boo. Bomber flips off the audience and curses, as he continues dissasembling Trojan, trying to open the wound some more.

Hectar Kanagarajan: Bomber is like an animal, attacking Trojan's weakness and trying to open that cut on Trojans head some more.

Pickles makes it to his feet, just as Bomber grows tired of beating Trojan senseless. Bomber and Pickles stare each other down, and circle each other in the ring. They move in, and lock up. Bomber puts Pickles into a headlock, Pickles squeezes out and reverses it into a hammerlock. Bomber reverses that into a drop toe hold. Both of them get back to their feet, and again we have a stand off. Again, they circle each other, but this time Bomber hoofs Pickles as hard as he can right in the nuts!! Pickles goes down as the crowd boos and Chris Bomber just laughs. Bomber grabs Pickles by the hair, and brings him to his feet, only to drop him on his head with the Short Fuse!

Jack Daniels: Bomber got tired of playing around, and he just turned Pickles out with the Short Fuse!

Bomber walks over to the lifeless Trojan, and cockily kicks him in the ribs. He then begins climbing the side of the cage once again. But he doesn't realize that Trojan is fine, and has made it back to his feet although bleeding profusely from the gash in his head. Trojan climbs up behind Bomber, grabs him by the back of the head, and jumps down delivering a huge neckbreaker on Bomber! Again, all three men are down in the ring!

Hectar Kanagarajan: My god! Everyone is down again! I don't believe this, these men are giving everything that they have!

Pickles is first to his feet, and he begins climbing the cage. He makes it to the top, and sits at the very top of the cage.

Jack Daniels: Pickles has nearly done it! He just needs to make it to the floor!

Mike Trojan is back on his feet, but realizes he has no chance to make it over the cage before Pickles. He looks over at the cage door, which is still slightly open! Trojan scrambles to make it to the door! Pickles climbs down the other side of the cage as fast as he can!

Hectar Kanagarajan: Who's going to touch the floor first!? It's a race between Trojan and Pickles!

Pickles jumps from the side of the cage and lands hard and akwardly on the ground just as Trojan slides out of the cage to the floor! The bell rings to signal that the match is over.

Jack Daniels: Who won!? They both touched the floor!!

Hectar Kanagarajan: I couldn't tell! It was too close!

There is a buzz amongst the crowd, as it seems that everyone is confused. Nobody seems to know who touched the floor first. Suddenly, Payback by Slayer hits the PA and our CEO Drew P steps onto the stage. The fans give a mixed reaction as he stands there in his black suit, blue dress shirt and silver tie. He holds a microphone in his left hand, and signals to cut the music. He awaits the patience of the crowd, then begins to speak.

CEO Drew P: My my my, such a close match right up until the end. Who touched the ground first? Who is an official contender for the HSW World Title at our first PPV event, First Blood? Is it Pickles, or Mike Trojan?

The crowd begins getting aggravated, not knowing who won.

CEO Drew P: Well, lets take a look at the replay! Shall we?

The end of the match is shown on the ShyTron, but its hard to say who won.

CEO Drew P: There you have it, the winner of this match and #1 Contender for the HSW World Title at First Blood.. MIKE TROJAN!!

Pickles grabs a mic.

Pickles: What are you talking about Drew P!? I fucking jumped off of the side of the cage, and I hit the floor first!

CEO Drew P: You could be right Pickles, but you know something? I don't care!!

Suddenly, another man walks onto the stage area with a mic.

Man: Pickles, you see that Hardcore Title belt in the ring? Say goodbye to it.. you're fired!!

Jack Daniels: What the hell!!? We're out of time.. tune in next week!

Thats all folks!