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OOC: Hey, sorry everyone but I didn't have time to write for commentators, or ring entrances or anything. The results are late enough as they are. Anyway, please reply on the OOC board about what you think of the results. The Tuesday Night Showdown card is up, so check it out and get RPing. I'll make sure those results are better and on time. :)
HSW CEO- Xtreme

Kittie Searie vs. Mechelle Hardy

They start out the match by locking up. They both struggle a bit and Hardy takes the lead by connecting with a snapmare. Kittie gets up quickly and hits hardy with a hard DDT. Kittie climbs the top rope as Hardy staggers to her feet. Kittie hits a Missile Drop kick sending Hardy back down to the mat. Hardy rolls on the floor as Kittie paces in the ring. Hardy grabs her head in pain as Kittie runs and does a baseball slide to the outside. Hardy moves just in time and Kittie goes on the outside. Hardy goes on the attack with hard rights backing Kittie up to the baracade. Hardy pumbles Kittie till shes has her head lowered. Hardy moves back and bolts for Kittie. Hardy does a cross body, but Kittie side steps it and Hardy is caught by one of the security men. Hardy jumps the baracade as Kittie is getting in the ring. Hardy slides in and Kittie jumps on her and slams her head to the mat a few times. Hardy gets up and the two circle the ring. Hardy goes for the DDT, but Kittie counters it and whips Hardy to the ropes and hits a huricanranna. Hardy grabs her head as Kittie show boats for the crowd. Hardy gets up and dashes to Kittie. Hardy rolls her up.

Ref- 1!



Terri Lynn Blaze- Your winner... Kittie Searie!!!

GNR vs. Puck

GNR rushes towards Puck who merely steps to the side as if he were a bull fighter. GNR turns back around and is met with a huge clothesline by Puck nearly decapitating GNR. Puck makes an early cover.

Ref- 1!

2!!. Kick out.

Puck grabs GNR's legs and tries to hook up a Texas Cloverleaf, but GNR fights his way out of it, and gets back to his feet. They tie up. Puck gets the upper hand and slaps GNR into a headlock. GNR's head begins turning red as he drops to one knee. Then GNR stands back up and is able to move his arm behind Puck to hit a belly to back suplex. They both get up and GNR delivers a right hand which is quickly answered back by Puck. They exchange a few punches, then Puck goes to whip GNR into the ropes but it gets reversed. Puck bounces off the ropes and GNR meets him with a martial arts kick. GNR stomps on Puck a few times, then kicks him in the head with the Tajiri kick!

Ref- 1!


Th... kick out!

GNR picks up Puck by the hair and kicks him in the gut and goes for a DDT, but Puck shoves him back and punches him. GNR steps back and Puck releases another right hand. GNR answers back with one, but then Puck kicks GNR hard in the gut and sets him up for possibly a piledriver or a powerbomb. GNR's arms flail trying to escape, but Puck then lifts him into a powerbomb, runs half way across the ring and plants him with a hard thud into the canvas. Puck hooks the leg.

Ref- 1!


Thre... no, kickout!!!

Puck shakes his head in disbelief. Puck then picks up GNR by the hair and lifts him onto his shoulders. GNR starts sliding down the front as it appears Puck is going for a DVD, and GNR counters it with a huge DDT!

Ref- 1!


3 No, kickout!!

Puck rolls over on the mat and puts his hands on his head, obviously in pain from that DDT. GNR argues with the ref, bu then decides to go top rope. GNR looks down at Puck and then goes for a frog splash, but Puck rolls out of the way! Both men stagger to their feet and Puck blocks a punch by GNR, Puck then double arm DDT's GNR and makes the cover.

Ref- 1!


Thre... kick out!!

Puck slaps the mat with his hand in anger after GNR kicks out. Puck picks up GNR and whips him into the corner. Puck releases a series of puches & elbows to GNR before setting him up on the top rope. Puck also climbs up and grabs GNR around the throat. Puck then lifts and jumps off the top rope choke slamming GNR hard into the mat!

Ref- 1!



Terri Lynn Blaze- Here is your winner, and official finalist of the HSW Intercontinental Championship tournament... Puck!!

Anarchy vs. "The Outlaw" Shawn Only

Anarchy wastes no time going after Shawn Only and connects with a series of right & left punches to the head as Only backs up into the corner. Anarchy throws a couple elbows, and kicks him in the ribs. Anarchy then Irish whips Only into the turnbuckle at the other side of the ring. Anarchy grabs him by the back of the head & hits a neck braker. Anarchy stomps on Only a couple times & then picks him up, pushes him back into the ropes and whips him to the ropes across the ring. Only is met by a big dropkick to the face by Anarchy. Anarchy taunts to the crowd and gets a loud negative response. Anarchy picks up Only again, but Shawn Only low blows him and flattens Anarchy out with a DDT. This gives Only time to get back up and he goes to work lifting Anarchy up onto his shoulders and spinning him around into a TKO. Only goes for the cover.

Ref- 1!


Kick out!

Anarchy rolls away to the outside of the ring. Shawn Only taunts him to come back in, but finally goes out after him. Only & Anarchy exchange right hands, then Only whips Anarchy head first into the ring post! Shawn Only picks up Anarchy by the hair and suplexes him on the floor. Only picks up Anarchy & rolls him in the ring & goes for the cover.

Ref- 1!


Th... kick out!!

Shawn Only looks up at the ring lights, thinking he had it won. He picks up Anarchy again and whips him into the corner. He lifts him onto the turnbucle, then climbs it himself looking to hit a superplex. But Anarchy begins punching Onyl in the ribs and reverses the suplex. He superplexes Shawn Only to the floor outside!!

Fans- Holy shyt! Holy shyt! Holy Shyt! Holy Shyt!

The ref begins counting to ten.

Ref- 1!




Anarchy starts to move a little, pulling himself along the floor towards the ring.




Anarchy now has his hands on the ring apron for support and hes sitting on his knees trying to climb back into the ring.



Anarchy manages to slide into the ring under the bottom rope.


Terri Lynn Blaze- Here is your winner by Count out... Anarchy!!!

Suicide Kid vs. Pickles vs. Spaz

Spaz & Pickles don't wait for the bell, they simply charge each other and tie up. Rage fills the faces of both men, and Suicide Kid begins punching Spaz in the face. Spaz gets kneed in the abdomen by Pickles, then Pickles punches Spaz with a hard right hand reopening his wounds from earlier. Spaz steps back with a wide grin on his face as Suicide Kid tries to hook up a suplex on Pickles. Pickles kicks him in the gut and pushes him towards Spaz, who moves out of the way and once again charges at Pickles. Pickles drops Spaz with a drop toe hold and climbs on top of him punching the back of his head furiously. Suicide Kid dropkicks Pickles in the back of the head, releasing Spaz. Spaz gets up dazed but quickly snaps out of it, jumping on top of Pickles and feeding him some right hands. Suicide Kid leg drops Spaz across the back of the neck. Pickles rolls Spaz over and begins pumping right hands into his face. Suicide Kid goes to the outside and slides a table out from under the ring. Pickles & Spaz continue wrestling each other, punching with everything that they've got. Suicide Kid slides the table into the ring, then he grabs a steel chair and climbs to the top rope. Suicide Kid leaps off of the top rope and hits a huge splash squashing Pickles & Spaz between the ring & the chair.

Fans- Holy Shyt! Holy Shyt! Holy Shyt! Holy Shyt!

Suicide Kid is the first to his feet, holding his abdomen in pain he manages to pull the table into the corner. Spaz & Pickles both start to get up, onto one knee. Suicide Kid picks up the steel chair and clocks Spaz over the head. Pickles dropkicks the chair into Suicide Kids face. Then he picks him up and dumps him over the ropes to the outside of the ring. Pickles puts his attention back to Spaz and locks him in a dragon sleeper. Pickles face with his bloodshot eyes popping out of his head shows just how much tension is on the neck & throat of Spaz who kicks his feet wildly and clutches onto the arm of Pickles. Spaz's face goes from white to dark purple in a matter of seconds from what you can see beneath the bloody mess. Suicide Kid gets back into the ring and kicks Pickles in the back, but it seems to have no effect. He does it again, harder this time but Pickles wont let go. Spaz's feet stop kicking and he lays in the cutch of Pickles, lifeless. Pickles gets to his feet without releasing the hold and drops Spaz on the back of his head with a reverse DDT. Spaz lies there sprawled out on the mat, as the Suicide Kid gets behind Pickles and german suplexes him. Suicide Kid begins working on Pickles, kicking him in the head and working him into a corner. Spaz begins convulsing and after a second or three he starts gasping for air, rolling onto his stomach. Suicide Kid and Pickles continue battling it out in the corner and Suicide Kid Northern Lights suplexes Pickles over his head. Spaz begins to come to and crawls to the outside of the ring. He stands leaning against the ring apron, trying to catch his breath. He wipes the blood off of his face and shakes it off of his hand ruining some lady in the front row's dress. Suicide Kid picks up Pickles and Tiger powerbombs him hard into the mat. He looks over at Spaz who has now climbed back into the ring. He walks over and delivers a right hand to his face, but Spaz counters and sends him reeling towards the corner where the table is set up. Spaz all of a sudden leaps onto Suicide Kids shoulders and backflips between his legs with a huricanranna. Spaz then pulls the table out of the corner and sets it up on its legs. He then turns towards Pickles who is charging at him. Spaz ducks down and back body drops Pickles through the table!!

Terri Lynn Blaze- Here is your winner... Spaz!!!

The Suicide Kid gets pissed and shoves Spaz, who shoves the Kid back. Suicide Kid lets a right hand go and connects to Spaz's face. Spaz throws a punch back & then they begin trading them back & forth. Pickles begins moving and all of a sudden sits up Undertaker style. Pickles goes to the outside of the ring and grabs 2 steel chairs. He climbs back in the ring with them and hands one to the Suicide Kid. Pickles nails Spaz in the head with his chair and Spaz falls to the ground. The Suicide Kid then joins in on the fun and hits Spaz with a chair while he's down. Back & forth the two beat on Spaz with the chairs until Pickles all of a sudden nails the Suicide Kid with a chair. Pickles hits the Suicide Kid with a chair a couple more times, then he goes back to the motionless Spaz. All of a sudden Puck comes out of the crowd and gets into the ring with Pickles who backs away and has what seems to be a stare a hole in you head contest with him. Then Anarchy comes running down the ramp and sneaks behind Puck with a chair and cracks him in the back of the head. Pickles rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp backstage. Anarchy hits Puck a couple more times and then rips a mic out of the hands of Terri Lynn Blaze.

Anarchy- Like I've said all along, ANARCHY WILL REIGN!!!!

Anarchy drops the mic and exits the ring. He walks up the ramp leaving Puck & Spaz both down in the ring. Puck gets up and helps Spaz walk out of the arena.

Only Hardcore vs. B-Thug

B Thug walks to the outside, away from Only Hardcore, but towards the ladder. B Thug picks up the ladder & turns to go into the ring but Only Hardcore flies over the top rope dropkicking the ladder into B Thug's face! They're both down as Only Hardcore took quite the fall on that high risk maneuver, however he does make it to his feet first. Only Hardcore picks up the ladder and smashes it down onto B Thug several times, then he throws the ladder & picks up B Thug by the hair. Only Hardcore drags B Thug over to the spanish announcer's table. Only Hardcore bounces B Thug's face off of the table, and grabs a chair. He swings at B Thug, but he ducks and B Thug nails Only Hardcore with a right hand. And another, then he grabs Only Hardcore by the hand and whips him into the ring steps! B Thug picks up the chair and taunts Only Hardcore to get up. B Thug CRACKS Only Hardcore over the head with the chair which is nearly bent in half! B Thug then walks back to the ladder, and puts it in the ring. He then climbs in. Only Hardcore makes it to his feet, and enters the ring. They tie up, and Only Hardcore uses his size to his advantage, pushing B Thug into the corner. Only Hardcore kicks him in the ribs and B Thug drops to the ground as Only Hardcore chokes him with his boot. B Thugs face turns red, purple and nearly blue before Only Hardcore releases the pressure, then he stomps him in the face a couple times. B Thug is out cold, and Only Hardcore sets up the ladder and starts climbing. He reaches towards the immitation belt, but by this time B Thug has made it back to his feet and he climbs up the ladder behind Only Hardcore and grabs him around the waist. B Thug jumps from the ladder thrownig Only Hardcore to the canvas with his finishing maneuver Thugged Out! Only Hardcore lays sprawled out in the ring motionless except for the odd twitch. B Thug is slow to get up and uses the ropes for support. The ladder went down during the move and B Thug goes & sets it up again. He slowly makes his way up, and begins reaching for the immitation belt. Somehow Only Hardcore gets back to his feet and leans back against the ladder while grabbing B Thug around the waist delivering a huge powerbomb off of the ladder. B Thug hits the mat and ays lifeless while Only Hardcore drops to one knee and slowly gets to his feet. B Thug gets to his hands & knees, but Only Hardcore takes advantage of this and sets him up for a piledriver! B Thug is down & out. Only Hardcore pick him up by the hair and drags him to the corner, he then sets him up in a tree of woe. B Thug hangs there like a sleeping bat. Only Hardcore positions the ladder and climbs up to grab the immitation belt, thus winning the match!

Terri Lynn Blaze- Your winner... Only Hardcore!!!

Only Hardcore climbs the rest of the ladder and stands on top of it, then he points at B Thug and there is a huge pop from the fans. He then leaps from the top of the ladder and leg drops B Thug across the throat while he's in a tree of woe!

Fans- Holy Shyt! Holy Shyt! Holy Shyt! Holy Shyt! Holy Shyt!

Thats all folks!