Jun Akiyama Credit: homeyohmy Updates are marked with * - PROFILE - Name: Jun Akiyama Short Name: AKIYAMA WEIGHT: Normal 243 pounds - WHOLE BODY FIGURES - Width: -6 Height: -40 Depth: 0 - FACE FIGURES - Face: 4 -35 -12 -13 -27 Forehead: -65 -60 25 0 0 40 59 * Eye: -100 -1 -10 0 -26 24 -82 -79 * Cheek Bone: 70 -12 8 * Nose: 11 -54 -4 -36 0 -100 Nose Top: 8 -48 67 -22 0 15 Mouth: 45 -54 2 -8 -26 -24 * Lip Angle: -60 -40 44 * Cheek: 4 Outline: -45 100 -80 * Jaw: 75 -10 80 * - BODY FIGURES - Crown: -19 -7 -40 * Head: 0 -5 -8 * Neck: 11 -10 10 Shoulder: -10 Chest: -45 -21 Abdomen: -30 -16 Waist: 4 100 16 Upper Arm: -5 -9 Fore Arm: -6 -6 Hand: 0 -22 -10 Thigh: 11 4 Calf: 35 15 Foot: -10 4 -22 - CUSTOM COLORS (CC) - CC#1 = H: 330 S:75 B:10 * CC#2 = H: 314 S: 12 B: 48 CC#3 = H: 0 S: 0 B: 85 CC#4 = H: 0 S: 0 B: 42 - HEAD ATTRIBUTES - Head Base (Form): Face Line 01 Head Base (Wrinkles): Wirnkle 07 Hairstyle: Straight Back 01 * -Color: CC#1 Eyebrow: None Eye - Eye Shape: Down Eyelid - Eyelashes: Normal - Iris: Normal Brown 01 Nose: Thick Mouth: Thin Lips 01 Moustache: Beard 07 * - Color: CC#1 * Decoration (Lower): http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y293/homeyohmy/CAWS/DOR2/JunAkiyama/junlogo.gif * - Color: A1 - Position: Head - Texture Repeat: None - Common Setting: 0 -26 0 -85 73 * Decoration (Upper): None - BODY ATTRIBUTES - Body Base: Smart - Color: CC#2 Bottom Wear: Short Tights 01 -Color 1: CC#3 Footwear: Ring Shoes Middle 02 -Color 1: CC#3 -Color 2: B1 -Color 3: A1 - ACCESSORIES - Wrist(Both): Bandage Short -Color 1: CC#4 Knee(Both): Knee Pad - Color 1: CC#3 - Color 2: CC#3 - MOVES - I gave him the Grappling Template and made these changes: Front Grapple: (A) Exploder (A+up) Twirl Pile Driver (A+down) Running Knee Attack (A+left) Northern Lights Suplex (A+right) Dragon Screw 01 Running Strike: Jumping Knee Attack 01 Ground: Facing Up Lower: Walls of Jericho Special: Front Grapple: Sterness Dust Rear Grapple: Wrist Clutch Exploder TB Grapple: Super Exploder MS: Vertical Exploder