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WWF Rampage 91 Review
By USA Icon

I'm really bored at the moment and obviously have nothing better to do so i'd just review this shit Lord Alred Hayes pimps Egomania#6 then they pimp those old WWF Action Figure's that everyone wants and i actually have a crapload of these hehehe & ending the plugs with The Roid Championship i mean WBF.......yeah.They show a couple of golf tips now.....whoopie now i can wear bad pants and win a worthless cup and man i just regained my HATRED for Mene Gean Okerlund once again anyway we go to the "fan favorite match" this should be pretty good

-WWF Intercontinetal Championship Match
Mr.Perfect vs Davey Boy Smith
This all starts with Bulldog mainly just beating Perfect up........boy who'd see that coming *sarcasm has been imployed in the comment*!After stalling Perfect & Davey Boyfinally do the test of strenght and Henning Screams 'YOU SON OF A BITCH' back when no one was suppose to!Then we have davey beating Curt for a while and he finally slaps in a sunset flip and they trade reversals....not bad then Perfect beats him up for a while and hit's a dropkick and Coach kicks Davey Boy when he's down cause he just dosen't give a damn & Bret Comes To Save The Day!They both just brawl untill Mr.Perfect hits the ref by mistake and Davey Boy reverse's a suplex into a small package but horrors of all horros no one is there to count.Coach comes in to whack DBS but get's beaten by Bret Hart then he counts but it's "not official" and it ends in a DQ eh.


-Texas Tornado vs The Warlord
Nothing much here they both brawl & do power moves.match ends in a double count out eh.


-Road Warrior Animal vs Paul Roma
I liked Paul Roma so this should be intresting eh.Roma cheats with Hercules in the match wheepie pretty fun and the referee get's koncked down AGAIN and while Hercules holds on Animal he move's out of the way and missile dropkick's his own partner turns into a powerslam he wins eh this crap is very repetative.They go onto the golf tip's and suddenly i have a smile on my face when i saw the word 'Fast Foward' on my remote control.


-Nasty Boys & The Mountie vs The Rockers & Big Boss Man
Holy Jesus On Toast Boss Man & The Nasty Boys in one match oh this is going to be brutal to watch.The Nastys show their Tag Titles showing you why WWF get's no respect :-/.This match mainly as crappy as i expected no actual wrestling involved damned Nasties & Bossman.


-Ricky Steamboat vs Smash
This should be at least decent here cause it's Ricky Steamboat!They wrestle a little then Smash throws him out of the ring NO!he flips back over and Steamboat hit's an armdrag and by god Steamboat could do it so damn well.They trade offence with Ricky get's technical & Smash just brawls.Steamboat powers out of a side headlock and they do the "I Block You're Punch You Don't block Mine" and he hit's a nicely executed dropkick and a plancha of the middle rope!They both get back in and Dragon hit's the Flying Cross Body and wins the match....this was pretty fun better then i expected.


-Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs The Babarian
Nothing but Babarian doing power move's on Jake Roberts and he snaps in a DDT Earthquake comes in,Jake goes to attack him with the snake....he brings his fat ass to the back and Jake get's counted out....nothing here move on


-Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs Haku
This is pretty decent match they started with mat wrestling then they brawled for a while and Hammer wins with a sunset flip.


-At the home with Paul Bearer Segment
They show a 'Horror Movie" looking house while playing Taker's theme & He does the usual 'Scary deathish' thing & i remember how when i was a kid i was actually scared of this.

-The Undertaker vs Ultimate Warrior
Eh nothing but punch.......warrior "Hulks" up....tombstone.....dosen't job and hulks up again get's knocked with the urn and this is over the usual Warrior shenanigan's.After the match Taker puts him in a bodybag and he once again "hulks up" and those the usual crap and it's over boy this sucked.


Final Verdict:Don't buy this unless you like crap but if you ever see this appear on eBay being sold by me then buy this cause then i can get some other stuff eh.