(Ken Hero starts off the match with right hands that take out R-Zone with two hits. R-Zone lies on the floor and Ken Hero goes off the ropes and hits R-Zone with a quick elbow drop. Ken Hero then looks down at R-Zone and laughs. Ken lifts up R-Zone who kicks Ken in the chest, but it does nothing. R-Zone tries pummeling Ken in the face, but Ken just stands there not moving an inch. Ken then does a jab to R-Zone and R-Zone falls to the ground. Ken lifts R-Zone up and whips him to the ropes and R-Zone falls out of the ring taking the ropes and turnbuckle out with him. Ken then gets out of the ring and lifts up R-Zone. He goes for a clothesline on R-Zone, R-Zone ducks and hits Ken with a Zone Impact, but Ken gets right back up and just take down R-Zone with a clothesline. Ken then lifts R-Zone up and hits them with “That’s Heroic.” He covers R-Zone and the referee covers him for the three count. Ken then lifts up R-Zone and spits in his face.)

Ken Hero- Your hero has just whooped your ass R-Zone! You shouldn’t have ever challenged me for a damn match, you just embarrassed yourself. Your hero put you to your misery. Well R-Zone…

(R-Zone wakes up and sees he is still lying in bed. He throws his pillow at the wall and gets out of bed. He begins to stretch and then looks at his wrestling attire. He then looks back at his bed. He sits down on his bed and turns on the tv. It’s supposed to be a warm day. He then flips the channels until he sees an EWC commercial. He sees Thorne Ryan Dice Shadow Law and BG. He then sees himself beating up Dave Jess. He laughs at the commercial. R-Zone then puts on some sweat pants and a t-shirt. He runs down the steps and goes outside to his Mercedes Roadster. He gets in and drives off. He stops at Dunkin Donuts where he waits in line for a coffee coolata. People begin to whisper comments about him being R-Zone and a great wrestler. Girls smile at him. R-Zone gets his drink and leaves. He sits down in his car and turns on his digital video camera.)

R-Zone- What the… damn I’m tired, it’s like 8:30 in the morning! I need some more sleep, but first things first. Sunday Night is Reloaded! EWCs very first PPV. I am proud to be part of the event, and I know EWC fans everywhere are happy that I am in it. There are so many well… matches at Reloaded. I think they all pretty much suck though. Maybe Owens versus Psychotic X might be okay, but I don’t see the point of the others. If anyone should be fighting for the World Title it’s me! Not Thorne, not Shadow Law! Ryan Dice I guess deserves the shot and will probably win. I don’t see anyone else winning this match. I still don’t understand how these three men made it, it’s still an enigma to me! Thorne is some low card loser and Shadow Law couldn’t even beat Dave Jess! This match is disappointing, but hell what do I care, what do I know? I’m just a great wrestler whose had training facilities and has owned his own wrestling federation. Oh well…

R-Zone- The only worth seeing match on this PPV other than maybe Owens versus Psychotic X is R-Zone versus Ken Hero! I will right now promise everyone that I will do what I can to make this match worthwhile. So for everyone who bought tickets to watch Reloaded, R-Zone versus Ken Hero will not disappoint you! I will do everything in my power to make sure that this match takes wrestling to a new standard. I think even Ken Hero could help me make this match the best it can be. He knows he has no chance, but I know he won’t pussy out. He’s a man and won’t do anything woman like. Ken Hero may be a lousy wrestler, but at least he has morals, or at least I hope so. I mean come on Ken, don’t disappoint me I hope you don’t actually try, because if you do, you will be greatly disappointed. I’ve kicked so much ass during my time as a wrestler. I still am not done kicking ass. I kicked Daves Jess’ ass just last week, I mean come on Ken, you can’t actually tell me I won’t win. That’s just not possible. I’ve beaten bigger and better things then you. You are just another stepping stone to get to the World Title and you damn well know it, so don’t try to act like some tough guy. Whether you like it or not, there is no chance in hell for you. Sorry to make your second match here a loss, but it’s something I got to do. Lil Sons o’ Bitches like you don’t know what it is to have a reputation, to need to win a match because your career depends on it. If I lose to you my career will go down in flames! It’s an embarrassment to lose to a guy like you, you have nothing to offer so when you do win it makes your opponent look like a damn jobber! The only reason you are even participating in this PPV Reloaded is because I gave you a match against myself. I alone made a match so that I’d be able to kick the hell out of a damn mid carder and move up in the world. Ken Hero, if you do somehow magically win against me, which you won’t, you won’t only get a win, but you will have a career highlight.

R-Zone- You know what? I even had a dream about Ken Hero beating me in a match up. He totally dominated me like no man has ever dominated a person before. It was kind of like a cartoon. Every move I did on you didn’t seem to faze you at all! I hit you with everything and you weren’t a bit hurt, you just got up and every hit you took on me just destroyed me. I struggled throughout the whole match and eventually you just dominated completely and won. That was one crazy dream that I would probably not like to relive. That could never happen, if anything it would be the other way around. I would dominate Ken as if he were a little puppet. He’d be begging for mercy as I’d beat the living heck out of em! Ken knows it and my fans know it!

R-Zone- Now we all know that this match up is a regular match, so both Ken Hero and I can use our wrestling skills to win the match instead of using obstacles. In this match, I can prove that I dominate Ken Hero in every aspect of wrestling! Then again, if he thinks he stands a chance, I guess I’m smarter then him too. Well it’s time to go to see Heather.

(R-Zone starts the engine and takes off and drives over to the hotel Heather is staying at. He gets a parking spot and hops out of his car. He then goes to her room and knocks on her door. Heather opens the door for him and hugs him tightly. R-Zone gives her a kiss and she invites him into her room. He takes a seat on the sofa and relaxes. She goes and gets a beer and hands it to him.)

Heather- Hey honey how are you?

R-Zone- Lets just say that I had a bad dream, it was stupid and weird. Ken Hero… well I don’t even want to talk about it. Ken Hero is just a little prick, I guess he was just on my mind while I was sleeping. It’s kind of weird… I normally don’t… dream… about my opponent. Oh well, enough about my weird dream, how are you doing?

Heather- I am doing alright I guess… I’ve seen your occasional run ins on my ex. If he’s annoying you or bothering you I will…

R-Zone- Nah, it’s all good. That guys an arrogant prick! I mean, I’m not scared of him at all babe. Whatever happens between me and him stays that way. I can handle that loser. He can be annoying, but oh well that’s just Barty B Bad for you. He doesn’t know anything about anything and just likes to make wild assumptions. This guy is a dumb ass in my opinion. When I finally do meet him in the ring he is going to feel some serious wrath, R-Zone style!

Heather- Yeah well, I think you could kick his ass if you guys ever fought in a match. Barty doesn’t even phase you baby. Don’t worry about him. Just worry about Ken Hero. You have to beat him Sunday Night if you want to progress here in the EWC!

R-Zone- Yeah I should worry about Ken, but so many others have been getting on my nerves lately! Like that guy Swift Payne. He’s a ghetto bastard who can’t speak English. His friends have retarted names like GhostFace Buster and crap. I mean come on, that’s a pretty sad name. I could come up with a better name then that. Heather baby… these EWC Freaks are annoying me! We have an Eminem/Vanilla Ice wannabe. We have someone who thinks he is THE legend. These people are f’n crazy babe! No doubt! I mean… damn!

Heather- Honey, it’ll be ok. Some people in life are ones you’d like to get to know and some are not. It’s just life you know?

R-Zone- Yeah… I guess you’re right babe. I’m not too big a fan of the ones I don’t like though. I hate Barty I hate Swift Payne I hate Ken Hero, they are all little freaks that I’d like to crush! Barty B Bad is a little kid. He acts childish with his “you old man” when I’m 30. His “get a wheelchair” when I am in better condition than he is. He just wants attention like a whiny little girl. Then we have Swift Payne with his talent in talking in pure slang. Fo-Shizzle and sup dawg and tru dat and whatever else he says! He’s just annoying and weird. Then we have Ken Hero, the man who thinks everyone should worship him like a god! I think not. This man doesn’t even have my respect so how does he expect me to call him my hero? He is just crazy. After Reloaded this kid will see that I am his true hero! After he steps into the zone, theres no going back! Now lets go baby!

(R-Zone and Heather leave the apartment.)