(“Hey Ho, Lets Go!” by The Ramones hits the PA. R-Zone walks out as fireworks and smoke fill the entire arena. R-Zone begins taunting as the audience chants his name as if they were in some sort of trance. R-Zone has a huge smile on his face as the titotron shows R-Zone Zone Impacting Dave Jess to the mat and picking up his first win here in EWC. R-Zone then turns around and looks at himself beating up Dave Jess. R-Zone seems proud of what he did and he gets himself into the ring. He then puts one hand high in the air and sparks fly everywhere like crazy. R-Zone then looks at the announcer who throws him a mic.)
R-Zone- Hello… EWC Fans! R-Zone is here, R-Zone is here for you! You see, last week on S.E.X. I proved to you that I am no bull shitter. I proved to you that when I say something I make it happen! I’m not going to just come out to this ring and give you fans a bunch of crap, no way, that’s just not me. When I say I am going to win a match, I am going to win it! This wasn’t my first match in the wrestling industry. I know how this industry works, it only gives back what you give to it! I gave my heart to this match, and it gave me its heart back! I love you fans, so you love me back! You give and you receive! What the hell did Dave Jess ever give to this industry? Maybe he gave some people a headache with his constant bullcrap! Well, after that match, I’m pretty sure he has a DAMN headache. Dave Jess gave this industry nothing good, so Saturday Night he got nothing good in return. People used to ask me, why even bother training for matches? Why put my heart into this? Why come in every f’n morning and practice? Who cares? You know what I did? I threw them out of the business! If you don’t want to give, then you don’t want to get! I’d take a lousy wrestler who wants to give over a great legend who doesn’t any day of the week! I don’t think Dave Jess was any kind of legend, but he gave this company jack shit! He is what I call a failure. I took Dave Jess and let him do to me his best. He hit me with a massive spear, but that didn’t affect me one bit. I lifted that son o’ bitch up and impacted his sorry ass to the mat! I will continue doing that to every man I face until they prove some sort of worth. So far I don’t see too many worthwhile wrestlers here in EWC. Everyone here is just as lazy as that son o’ bitch Dave Jess! Get off your asses and fight you women!
R-Zone- Then this kid Swift Payne does a god damn promo everyday talking about me. I mean god damn, this guy speaks English about as badly as he wrestles. Yo dawg! Check this! Fo-Shizzle your white ass down to the ring and let me bitch slap you back to kinder garden you damn Learning Disabled person! Learn to speak or shut your ass up! You want to talk like some ghetto ridden freak go to the damn circus! Not EWC! You’re no rapper, I’ve seen guys playing Dungeons and Dragons who are tougher then your pathetic ass! You don’t scare me you Eminem white trash wannabe. Go back to your damn suburban life Swift. I mean, come on “dawg” whats the “dilly?” F’ this crap! It’s hard for me to just watch your promos man. You talk like DAMN man! It irritates me! Speak English Swift, then maybe we could communicate. You aren’t some gangster. Hell you can’t even wrestle well, but that doesn’t give you the right to talk like that man! Straighten yourself up. Go get a nice suite on and get yourself some office job… who cares man! Do something with your life! You can’t wrestle, hell you can’t even talk right you son o’ bitch! If you think EWC is going to even consider keeping you on their pay roll you got another thing coming. Now I’ve met your little queer as folk group. Now meet these guys! Smash Face! Ass Buster! Liz Claiborne!
(“Hey Ho, Lets Go” by The Ramones hits the PA System as they come out. Smash Face and Ass Buster look like two guys off uglypeople.com and Liz Claiborne is scary in her own way. They walk down to the ring and get in.)
Everyone- Fo-Shizzle!
Smash Face- My Nizzle Dawg! Haha! Yo man, I got HIGH as a mother fucker back their. I was trippin out on some major dope! Haha! Yo… Yo!
Liz Claiborne- I have a new gadget R-Zone and it keeps track of all the calories you take in a day. Look I’ve taken in 23,700 today, hehehehehehehehe. Looks like I’ve been eating less!
Ass Buster- … Fo-Shizlle…….. That Nizzle! Yo Hizzle!
R-Zone- WHAT THE?! You guys are worse than Swift Paynes friends! What kind of freaks are you? You know what… Smash Face, you resemble Ken Hero! You do… let the fans take a good look! I think they agree! Now, lets show these fans Ken Heros fate at Reloaded!
(R-Zone lifts Smash Face over his head and Zone Impacts him. Smash Mouth is so OD’d he gets up as if nothing happens. R-Zone then takes him to the announcers table and R-Bombs him through it. Smash Face lies there lifeless as Liz and Ass Buster run out of the ring. R-Zone laughs as EMTs come to Smash Faces aid. R-Zone gets back into the ring with blood stains on his hands and an evil grin on his face. “Click Click Boom” by Saliva hits the PA and Barty B Bad walks out as the crowd boos him. He heads right down to the ring and gets in.) Barty B Bad: Oh yeah R-Zone...
(Barty claps)
Barty B Bad: What a sign of manlyness, pure perfection man.....you beat up a retarded guy who looks worse than damn near anybody from this town!
(The arena erupts with boos as Barty grins)
R-Zone- Shut your whole you little whining SOB. That man was a drunk retard! Hey you know what, his friend Ass Buster looked a little like you Barty... but what the hell are you doing out here anyway? Unless you’re here to tell me Ken Hero forfits tell me whats really going on?
Barty B Bad: No Grandad, Ken Hero is still very much in your match, but I'm merely here to insult you, these idiot fans and to let you know just how pathetic you are....you bust up my locker room, beat up geeks and carry a sofa?.....I know old people sit down a lot but man taking the seat with you?....whats next?... a wheelchair?
R-Zone-ha... ha... ha. You know why I'm laughing? I'm laughing because I am younger than most professional wrestlers Barty. And yes... I did ruin your locker... AGAIN! You've got nothing on me! Hell West Side Connection beat your ass! Ken Hero could whoop your ass too.
(Barty stands there looking embarassed)
Barty B Bad: Damnit Westside Connection didn't beat me, they beat Brian Watts!...they never pinned me damnit!!!. Hell I could beat Hero and the Westside Sissys alone!. Now listen up you steroid taking jacked up piece of monkey crap!.....nobody wants you in EWC, ESPCIALLY me!. So why don't you get back in your wheelchair and and go back to whereever you came from, BITCH!
R-Zone- What wheelchair? Man! Get your facts straight! You know what Barty? I'm sick of you I'm sick of looking at you! You are no legend! When I look into your eyes I see a scared little child. I see a boy. You are an athlete Barty, I'll give you that. You could come out to this ring and beat my ass just like I'd beat yours in return. But you have no legendary features! Titles are bullshit Barty! Did you see whose fighting the main event? Ryan Dice, Thorne, Shadow Law! The only man who belongs there is Ryan Dice, the rest are jackasses who should be fighting Ken Hero! I'm sick of your stupidity and your wiseass remarks. You want to take guesses? You wan't to poke into thin air and hope you'll hit me? Keep playing those games Barty... you have potential, but a legend... ha! You aren't even worth a main event spot. You see at Reloaded. I will move my ass up the ladder while you get to sit there as Owens tag team partner and eat his shit! Barty. If you want to become a legend, main event a PPV with ME! And I will make you one win or lose, you'll be famous for losing the most blood in a single match!
(Barty does a yawn and shouts down the mic)
Barty B Bad: Booooooooooooooring.
(Barty then grins)
Barty B Bad: R-Zone, if my titles don't make me a legend, then how about my win lose record?, it's more untouchable than any man in this business....if thats not good enough how about every single guy in the couple having said they looked up to me wheil they were climbing to the top...or some still do...the likes of Brian Graves, Ryan Dice, Sam Van Dam, Psychotic X.....thats bigger than your biceps Gramps!. Face it you are jealous that I'm better looking, more talented and FAR more popular.
(Barty nods as the crowd boo loudly)
Barty B Bad: See R-Zone, they love me!
R-Zone- Well Barty, next time I meet you face to face... be more creative!
(R-Zone turns around and Barty B Bad low blows him. Barty then runs off the ropes and R-Zone catches him and sets him up for a Zone Impact. Barty B Bad then gets out of it and runs out of the ring. He laughs pointing at R-Zone as R-Zone gets mad staring at him. Barty leaves to the backstage area.)
R-Zone- What a jackass! That guy is a real Son o’ Bitch! Once I get my hands on his ass he will be sorry. He gets to face Raw-B and Lee Blades at the PPV. He is going to get his ass kicked pretty bad! Even if Owens and him do progress, Westside Connection will kick his ass again! Either way, Barty is going nowhere anytime soon! I think he is always like that cause he never gets any. He always says about how he’s better looking, but who has the woman? Me! That’s who! Heather Halliwell, the sexiest woman to grace the EWC ring! Barty… beat that… wait you can’t! Haha! It’s alright Barty, just because I am way better than you at everything pretty much, doesn’t mean you’re a loser! It just means that you aren’t a… I‘ll say it… legend! That’s right Barty! I am better than you, and one day you will find that out!
R-Zone- At Reloaded R-Zone faces Ken Hero! I picked this man for a reason! He wants to get somewhere in EWC and so do I. I of course have the better chance, but hell, he’s just a mid carder and I need to beat him to get somewhere in this place! I beat Dave Jess who was pretty much a nobody! Now I have to beat a somebody. Ken Hero is known throughout the wrestling world. It will be a pleasure to beat his ass, but I kind of feel bad, he isn’t in my league, but hell I guess I didn’t feel bad when I humiliated Dave Jess Saturday Night! That felt damn good, just like old times. Whatever happened to Dave Jess will happen even worse to Ken Hero. Ken, I might feel some pity for you, but you will never be my hero or any of that bull crap! The only thing I can see is me being your Hero, because as you and everyone else know, I am the myth, the legend, R-Zone! And Ken, I will make sure you are always looking up to me as you lay lifeless in a pool of your own blood. After I cripple a mid carder, I will prove my point and make BG feel like a jackass! I mean, don’t you think BG feels even slightly like an asshole? He is putting all these men into harms way by booking them against me. Ken Hero I challenged on my own, because I knew if I didn’t I’d probably be stuck fighting Dave Jess again or that loser Swift Payne. At least defeating Ken Hero will prove something and will benefit me. I will move on in this company and it starts with the young talent. He thinks he is all tough because he may have been good at college or high school wrestling, but none of that prepares you for me! I am just a force of nature! I am R-Zone! Ken Hero, you think I will bow down to you, kiss your ass call you a hero. Well if that’s what your thinking, think again! The only ass kissing that is going to happen is going to be you kissing my ass pleading for mercy! Hero, at least when I am cocky and big, it’s the damn truth, with you, you just like to act that way! You never back it up. I can see you now walking to the ring and talking about how you are so great and special! Then you’ll pop a few jokes listen to the crowd boo and then pop a joke about them. You are a little fruitcake like that! It’s alright though. You know of my history, you know I am good so remember that Ken, you’re a smart guy, wait I change my mind, if you were smart you’d never let this match go down. So Ken, if you want, step into my zone, the r-zone!
(Ass Buster and Smash Face run out with R-Zones sofa. R-Zone is taunting to the crowd and they ram the sofa into R-Zones back. R-Zone spins around with anger. He then sidewalk slams both men. He lifts up his sofa and throws it on them and then sits down on the sofa. Commercials Air.)