(R-Zone is shown sitting at a bar drinking some good old Miller Light. He starts to get a little buzzed and laughs at nothing. An attractive women walks up to him and sits down next to him. He looks over at her with a weird confused look on his face. She gets closer to him as he tries to get farther from her. She then looks a little saddened. She then crosses her legs and R-Zone begins to sweat badly. R-Zone can’t help but look at her. Her dress shows off a lot of cleavage. R-Zones knees begin to shake and he looks right at her. She sits there looking a little bored. R-Zone thinks for a second and then looks the other direction where he sees a Heather Halliwell ad for Blackout. He looks back at the attractive woman and just gets up and walks away leaving her to sit there. R-Zone then exits the bar and start walking down to his car when he is stopped by an EWC Interviewer. R-Zone looks at him with an unstable look on his face. R-Zone then slams him into a car.)

R-Zone- Get the hell out of my personal life bitch! If I wanted a damn interview! I would have came to EWC! EWC doesn’t need to come to me! Who the hell do you people think you are? I never asked you to come here and interview me! Now get out of my face before I break yours! Wait… you know what? You did go through all this trouble to track me down and I know you want an interview with me, so I’ll do it! I just remembered that there is one thing I would like to talk about. That is of a certain someone. No not Barty B Bad, no not Dave Jess! They are just two losers. One is a homosexual, the other is a coward! The person I am talking about is far from either. The person I am talking about is hot, nice, all those good characteristics! Just thinking about her gives me a good feeling. I’m kind of falling for her… what’s your name?

Bob Statland- Bob Statland! That is my name, and I thank you…

R-Zone- Well Bob, today is your lucky day, you get to uncover some big news! And that news is that R-Zone has fallen for a girl! There’s a first time for everything isn’t there? I’ve never really liked any woman until now, usually they just like me and I play along so I can get some, but it’s different this time. My heart beats rapidly and I can’t control myself. Every time I see her walk to that ring it’s like entering heaven. I wish I could live with that feeling in my heart forever, but until she is mine, it isn’t going to happen! I can only dream though Bob! It seems like she is more into the smaller high flying guys like Crusher! Yes I am talking about the one! Heather Halliwell!

Bob Statland- R-Zone… likes… Heather!? Unbelievable!

R-Zone- Shut up Bob! I’ll be doing the talking in this interview! I’ve never felt the same since I saw her walk down that aisle and into the ring. The beast inside of me goes wild and pumps twice the testosterone! I want her so bad now I could beat the hell out of you and then total your limo if I had to Bob! I want her so bad I could put Crusher through 10 tables and taste his blood on my hands! I can taste it Bob! And it tastes great! I could beat the living hell out of anyone to get to that woman! I’d even beat myself up just to have her in my arms! I can feel the taste of her kiss on my lips and the taste of her… well never mind that! But, I want Heather to know, if she is ever in danger! R-Zone will rip that danger apart! Well now that I have that off my chest, ask whatever the hell you want Bob, I owe it to you!

Bob Statland- Well thanks R-Zone… What is your attitude towards Swift Payne? I mean he is very angry with apparently something you did! He’s challenged you to a match and he’s been poking fun at you! What is your response to this man?

R-Zone- What am I supposed to say? This man is crazy! I’m serious he’s a psycho! Anyone who has the balls to face me in a match I will have to give props to! If Swift Payne wants to stand in the center of that ring and get pummeled and beaten like he’s never been before! I give him some props! This man has serious guts! Who else would stand up to a man who is 6’9” 320 lbs? Very few people would! When I say very few, I mean VERY few! This man is an exception, but I don’t like the fact that he has a big mouth! That mouth will get shut and get shut soon! If he wants to leave it open, the harder it will hurt when I stick my boot in it! Sure, I might of made fun of his stupidity a little, but I have the right to, look at me! I could easily crush a man with my bear hands! I could easily crush THAT man with my bear hands! Swift, I’ll make your name come true, I’ll let you feel pain first class! Whenever you want the match you got it! I’m not scared of you, I’m not scared of anyone! People should be scared of me! I am a one man wrecking machine! I could take two Swift Paynes on at once! No one in this business scares me one bit! I know that whatever anyone can dish out, I can dish out twice as much, and more! Swift Payne is no real threat to me! He is going to be even easier than Dave Jess!

Bob Statland- Speaking of Dave Jess, you face his on S.E.X! This Saturday coming up! Are you any what worried about the match? Dave Jess has been a promising superstar and he could be a…

R-Zone- If you like being healthy don’t say it! Dave Jess is one man I wouldn’t even worry about. He has about as much of a wrestling background as Swift Payne! I have nothing to worry about with him as my opponent. He will be an easy victory as will Swift Payne in time! Dave Jess is just simply a coward! He has no redeeming features! Hell he won’t even come out to the ring and cut a promo, because he knows my mics skills over power him as much as my wrestling skills do! There is no way he can hype a whole EWC audience as much as I can! I can make any match be twice as great as it really is, because I am the best wrestler around! Anyone would pay just to see me do Zone Impact! Dave Jess, don’t worry you won’t have to pay with money, you get to pay with your health! I take pity on no one! Not even a simple coward such as yourself! Cowards deserve to be beaten up and manhandled! That is exactly what I plan to do with you! Maybe I’ll have some fun in the beginning of the match, but near the end you will be begging for mercy pleading in front of my feet after you feel Zone Impact! It is the most painful move in the EWC! Nothing compares to it! Dave, after you experience it, you can warn everyone else how painful and deadly it is! You leave me with very little to say Dave. You have no comebacks and are scared to approach me. Well, Saturday, you will have to approach me Dave! On Saturday you will Step Into The Zone for the first and last time, then you will experience hell first class!

Bob Statland- I guess you do have the right to call Dave Jess a coward, he has been gone ever since he learned his match was against you! I mean R-Zone, I guess I would do the same. You are a monster, and there is no way I would ever want you mad. You could rip me in half like I were a simple piece of paper, but then again, I can always give you a paper cut… ha ha…

R-Zone do you want to try to give me a paper cut? Because if you do, I will make sure you get your ass beaten badly! Actually Bob, I don’t think you have the balls! Hit me right now, I promise I won’t hit you back!

Bob Statland- I’m not going to do that…

R-Zone- What are you a pussy or something? Huh?

(Bob nails R-Zone with a punch across the face!)

R-Zone- When did I say you could punch me in the face? HUH!

(R-Zone grabs Bob and throws him through the limos window shattering both him and the window. He then pulls him out of the limo and gets on top of the limo with him. He then Zone Impacts Bob onto the top of the limo breaking the limo and leaving a hole in it. R-Zone then gets in his Mercedes Roadster and drives off. He continues to drive until he reaches the EWC Arena. R-Zone gets out of his limo and walks through the backstage doors. He walks into the locker room and sees Barty B Bads locker that he broke and it seems to have been replaced. He walks around and goes into the boiler room where he finds a sledgehammer. He then goes up to Bartys locker and dismantles it with the sledgehammer. R-Zone picks up the locker and throws it into the parking lot. He then goes back into the arena and goes up to his locker. A camera crew goes up to him.)

R-Zone- I hate Barty B. Bad! That man is a damn wiseass! He told me to watch my back, when it’s me doing all the damage. He will never have another locker as long as I am here, him and his damn fancy ass clothing! He can go rot in hell! Gay LD loser! Barty, I hope Dice beats some sense into you! I can’t wait to see you two finally fight! I can see some tension between you two, and like I said, you are not the best technical wrestler alive, I think Dice is closer to that point then you are and will ever be! Barty, just because you are wrestling youth doesn’t mean I’m an old hag. I am younger than most professional wrestlers and could give even you a good schooling. Barty… you can’t expect me to watch my back until you step into the zone!

(R-Zone storms out of the arena and gets into his Mercedes Roadster and takes off.)