(“Demonoid Phenomenon” by Rob Zombie hits the PA Systems and the crowd does the classic R-Zone chant. Black and white smoke emerges throughout the arena. A huge man 6’9” 320 lbs. Steps out carrying a sofa and smirking at the crowd. He begins to spin around with the sofa and then holds it with one hand and raises the other one in a taunt. The crowd gets very hyped as R-Zone runs down the ramp and throws the sofa into the ring. He then goes up to the commentators and announcers and gives them a high five. He then jumps into the ring and looks out at the crowd. They continue to do R-Zones classic chant. They then go wild as he takes a rest on the sofa. R-Zone gets himself comfortable and then is thrown a mic.)

R-Zone- EWC! Wow… The Man Is Back! I am back! R-Zone… IS BACK! How long has it been? FIVE YEARS!? Wow, that almost became too long! Now many wrestling fans know me and know what I am capable of! I have done pretty much everything from compete in Japan to competing in United States Wrestling Federations! Hell I even owned one at one point! Everyone knows how good I am, I am just back to remind them! Now, as you can see, I am a lot bigger meaner and hotter than I was back then! After leaving I decided to work out and come back as a powerhouse! A monster! I think some people will consider me one! No one compares to a man of my caliber! Most people don’t even phase me in wrestling matches! It’s pretty damn funny if you come to think of it! I’ve been in so many matches, all the blood, all the violence and to this day I have never had an injury! I left the wrestling world on my own terms! For the past couple of years I had talked with the man himself! Damo! Damo is the reason I am here, Damo is the reason that all will change here in the EWC! You see, I’ve trained superstars all of you know! I trained Greg Hero! I trained Chris Violence! I trained Dragon Kid! I trained Masta Disasta! The list is endless! I’ve done so much for the wrestling world that it’s not even funny! Now I can train some of my opponents to be better wrestlers, because honestly, a place where Thorne is the World Champion must be a hell hole! No good can come of Thorne being a damn World Champion. He belongs in the IC rank. I’m not trying to be an asshole right now! But, Thorne does not impress me in any way, shape or form. He is a wrestler, and he does a mediocre job when he does wrestle! Am I going to tell you he’s the greatest wrestler on the face of the earth? Hell no! He’s far from! This place needs talent and that is where I come in! I need a job this place needs talent, put 2 and 2 together and bam, you got yourself a kick ass wrestler! It’s not everyday a man returns after being out of the ring for 5 years! Am doing that! I don’t mind that EWC put me on the Saturday Night card, maybe I will be sloppy, maybe I am not worth a contract! But, I can bet you I am worth it and Dave Jess will be begging for mercy trying to sign out of EWC! On to Dave Jess! I don’t know much about this man! I’m sure he won’t be too much of a problem though. He’ll run into the ring and get his ass kicked! It’s as easy as that! Look at me, I am not stressing at all, I am just sitting on my sofa chillin out. Dave Jess is just somebody EWC is trying to make a name out of, I understand that very well. Hell, if I were Brian Graves I would do the same! Why not put someone who has been struggling lately against the god of the wrestling industry? Dave Jess can try to win the impossible and I will show BG that I am not just a rusty nail that has been in the closet for a long time! I am still the same man I was! Once BG and Dave Jess realize this, then I can finally make my way to that World Gold! This match is fine and all, but funny in a sense. Actually, VERY funny! Dave, you know you stand no chance against me! Please save yourself the fucking trouble! I mean, how can I get this shit through your head? I am greatness! I have worked out for the past five years! I couldn’t have gotten rusty! I am THE man!

(“My Name Is” by Eminem hits the PA System. The crowd starts to boo as Duckman walks out. The crowd boos him strongly. Duck man stands there and looks mad as the crowd continues their negativity towards him. Duckman then puts a huge grin on his face as he looks at R-Zone who stands in the ring somewhat annoyed. Duckman slowly walks down the isle as the crowd gets worse and worse chanting “faggot!” Duckman finally gets into the ring and looks up at R-Zone who stands still and looks at Duckman in pity. Duckman circles R-Zone and then grabs a mic.)

Duckman- R-Zone! You are back! Wow! I never thought I’d ever see this day happen! I am wow… well thrilled! Well R-Zone, you are much better than Masta Disasta, that guy doesn’t understand true friendship and what having someones back means! You R-Zone, with my managing talent and your skills you can go BIG! Come on, you know you need me just as much as I need you! I know your beloved fans hate me, but that can change R-Zone! You don’t need those assclows! When Masta listened to me he had everything! The second he started believing in others he went down the tube! He became a nobody R-Zone! I want you to be that someone you once used to be. You don’t need to face low rank superstars like Dave Jess. You should be in the ring with Ryan Dice! You should be in a cage with PX! You should be climbing a ladder with Owens on the floor lifeless! I am the man who can do that for you! I have more managing talent then any stupid nerd or nasty hoe! BG was stupid like Masta was for going with Angel! He could have left that dump ECWL! He could have went to bigger things! You don’t understand R-Zone! Trust me, I am the manager you need!

R-Zone- I trust you, I trust you’ll get out of my face by the count of 3!

Duckman- R-Zone listen to me! You don’t want to hurt me! I know what you want! Trust me, I know! You want that World Title! You want that fame you once had! I know… I know! I am here to get you closer to it!

R-Zone- I know what kind of man you are Duckman, you are a jealous self-centered egotistical bastard! Get the hell out of my face! I want nothing to do with you! You never helped Masta, you ruined him! You made him go against everything I taught him! I taught him the right stuff to succeed! Face it Duckman, you ruined him! You just can’t get over that fact! I would never even be friends with you! Now get out of my face!

(R-Zone gets up off the sofa as Duckman starts to back off. Duckman then goes to chop R-Zone. R-Zone catches his arm and hits him with his Zone Impact! Duckman lies on the floor lifeless as R-Zone looks down on him with pity. R-Zone then throws him out of the ring and a few medics run to the ring and take Duckman away. R-Zone takes a seat on his sofa as the fans do R-Zones classic chant.)

R-Zone- That man is fucking crazy if he thinks I would ever work with him! Duckman is a little weasel and that is why Masta didn’t go as far as I’d hoped! No matter now, Masta is not in EWC! I am! Duckman will never get the best of me. If that man thinks that I would ever work with him I will tell him right now that he’s lost his mind! Well I guess it’s already lost if he thought he could beat me up just now. Duckman wants what he can’t have that’s his problem! Sure I want what I don’t have, but I can get it! Now on to Saturday Evening Xtreme! The show I face Dave Jess on! This match up looks to me to be very one sided! I mean who is going to win? A wrecking machine or a construction worker? That’s basically how you can compare us. I am the man who can even put the great BG out of his misery if I really wanted to! No one here can scratch the surface even! I am the big bad wolf who is going to blow Daves house down! It’s like fighting a wall, there is nothing you can do to phase me, even slightly! This will be my night to shine, this will be my night to show everyone I am still as damn great as I was back in the day. BG signed this card booking me in this match up knowing that Dave Jess was going to have to step into the zone! Not very smart, if you want to boost a star whose been sloppy lately, put him up against someone he can beat! Not me! Facing me will just break a superstar for you! If you think he sucks now, wait till after he’s been Zone Impacted! Then you’ll really be sorry BG! I am just warning you that’s all! BG, me and you have an ok relationship I guess I could say, for now. Hopefully we can maintain it. If not though, you will be begging for mercy as well, so you should make sure things stay healthy between us Brian! I sure as hell hope they do! I better not get screwed over by anyone here or there will be true hell to pay! And when I’m mad, lets just say, there is no hope for anyones safety! By hiring me, a fire hazard sign has just been placed on every door and every arena we fight in! I am not one to take jokes or anything! You piss me off then I’m going to beat the shit out of you and literally piss you off! Dave Jess, I want you to give me your best. I know I have been sitting here telling you all this shit, probably repeated myself once or twice! But that is only because there is nothing else to say. If I thought you might be a challenge or you might have some skill, I would have more to talk about, but a VCW background isn’t anything that will impress me! Actually, the more I know about you the less impressed I get! Please, bear with me when I say there is nothing left to say about you. You have no impressive achievements and your place in this federation says even more. You belong in a match up against someone who has nothing to brag about either. Not the bragging king! I can brag on and on about everything I have done, but that will just bore everyone! You need to fight maybe some random jobber who will clearly just come out to this ring and give you false promises! False predicaments! You need that kind of opponent! You know you’ll beat them! You overpower them greatly. A VCW Background will get you far in the low-mid card world, but you need to improve Dave, before you can even hope to give me any sort of challenge! Dave… “Step Into My Zone, The R-Zone!”

(R-Zone picks up his sofa and looks at the crowd as they chant! R-Zone then does a few taunts and heads backstage!)