(Masta Disasta is shown at a club. He’s walking around with his bling bling chains and Ecko shit on. Masta then catches a hot girl sitting at the bar alone. He rubs his chin and then strongly approves. He goes and sits next to the girl and offers her a drink. The bartender goes over and she asks for a margarita. Masta looks at her like she’s crazy.)

Masta Disasta- By drink, I meant water, bitch!

Woman- No one insults me like that! You fool! You better get yourself in line before my brother does it for you!

Masta Disasta- Erkle don’t scare me and neither do you Jenny Craig. Now shut the fuck up before I beat you with this fist!

(Masta Disasta goes to punch her, but stops. He then gets her out of her chair spanks her and makes her kiss his ass, literally. Masta then slaps her across the face and spills the margarita on her face. A group of guys surround Masta giving him a dirty look. Masta backs off and clotheslines one guy and runs out of the bar. He runs over to his Hummer and gets in. He then quickly backs out as 10 guys follow him. He looks at them and yells “mother fuckers” as he drives right at them. The guys get out of the way and no one gets hurt. Masta laughs as he drives away in his Hummer. In the back seat a girl wakes up and looks waisted as hell. Masta sees that she’s up and smacks her in the head with a paddle. Masta then does an evil laugh and continues to drive off. He keeps driving until he reaches a Holiday Inn. He gets a parking space. He walks into the registration area and gets himself a room. He gets the keys and goes back to his Hummer. He pulls out the girl and carries her up to the room. The scene just shows the door close. Inside another camera takes over. Masta lies the girl in bed and puts an ice pack over her head. He then hops on the bed next to her and just lies there. He looks at his watch and sees that it is 3 in the morning. A knock on his door is heard. It’s WxWs old interviewer Joey Bells. Masta looks at his watch and then back at Joey. Back at his watch and then back at Joey again. He then closes the door in Joeys face. Joey knocks on the door again. Masta opens it again.)

Masta Disasta- What the fuck, who are you and what do you want? If you’re here about that girl, look she’s a fucking whore like all the rest. It’s true women do resemble female dogs and in more ways then you can count. See they get on four legs and expect you to stick in ‘em a tail they can wave. I mean what the fucking hell! They mostly look like shit too. Put all that damn make up on, looks like they were rolling in a puddle of paint like a damn mut would do. Girls are muts and should be disciplined.

Joey Bells- ???… What the hell dude? What’s up with your new attitude you damn sexist bastard! I can’t stand it anymore I’m supposed to get a damn interview with you, but you curse like a biker, smell like a stoner, and are more sexist then a woman rights leader! I mean what happened to the nice guy Masta who we saw before you left again? Where the hell is that man? The Masta that cared about people and had friends!

Masta Disasta- I have friends… well one. But who gives a fuck? Girls want me and I want them to beat them! They still think I’m a nice guy who respects people. What ever happened to the nice guy Masta? The Masta who was stupid and fell in love with Se7en? That Masta was killed, by me! I gave that bastard a reality check! You dumbass! If you didn’t realize it by now, that one friend is Duckman! You fucking dumbass! I gave him another chance since everyone hates me nowadays! I mean, I don’t even want friends anymore. It’s foolish and only an idiot would! You know what I want? I want the World Title! So I can use it to make that bitch Se7en bleed and spill blood like a little kid spills milk! I’m going to paint Madison Square Garden with her blood. Paint a nice mural or something. Then once she’s weak and she knows she needs me to be safe I’ll hit the spot and leave her ass wet and her wallet dry.

Joey Bells- Whatever Masta, just answer some of my questions and we’ll be through, if you didn’t guess by now, it’s WxWs old interviewer Joey Bells. I am here to do a private session with you unfortunately. Well we already started by covering your new “woman beating” issue. Well that is a unique quality to be REALLY obsessed over. Then again, no one knows with you Masta! You do some stupid crap man. I remember back in WxW you made it a hobby to beat me up and shit, but look at me now Masta, I am buffer and hotter, I could cripple your ass! Ha ha ha!

Masta Disasta- Don’t make me laugh you damn preppy faggot! Yeah you turned some of that flab into muscle. But as you see I’m a lot bigger too. I’m not a little high flying veteran anymore. I am a martial arts king. I have more moves then RVD and less heart than Vince McMahon! Hell you could say I am the devil himself! I beat women, drink, do drugs, and beat a guy to a bloody pulp once a week. You can’t top that shit man. It’s just too many negatives in one. But, at least I’m fit to do those things. I thank god for that even though he probably hates me! I’m a sinner who thinks human law is stupid. I don’t respect those of another sex, but I respect all races. You know what? I’m actually doing something right law wise. Over the years women gained equality, and I treat them equal to how I treat men. I beat the shit out of men and I beat the shit out of women! Week in and week out. I mean hell, I guess I ain’t doing anything wrong after all. Thanks for helping me see that Joey. Well BYE!

Joey Bells- Wait, Masta, I want comments on your match with Psychotic X. Now, you are set to face him on Blackout. P-X is known for his great skills in wrestling upper-midcard matches and winning the IC Belt. Although that seems to be his usual. He can still mix up with the best main eventer in the business. Either way you look at it this man is damn good and could sell out arenas single handedly. Now I know you have a great background as well. You are at the same position for the most part. You were undefeated as Kross Konnection and had 3 tag team titles. You also had a World Title run back in your UCW days. The Tag Team scenario seemed to be your most popular though. Your first tag team was actually with your ex, Angel Baby. You captured the tag titles, but had to forefit them for unknown reasons.

Masta Disasta- I know my history god dammit! So shut the hell up! I don’t need a bio of my whole life or P-Xs either! I’m good man! So you can shut up and listen to what I have to say about P-X. Well, P-X I guess is supposed to be a huge threat to me. He’s supposed to do really good in this match and beat me. Well, I dunno if it’s just me, but I’m not seeing it! I mean, this man might be pretty good and he might have a good past, but past is exactly what it is! I had a good past too dammit, and BG should know better then anyone. Hell I could beat up BG and his girl Se7en all at once, they are no real threat to me. Just like P-X is no threat to me. I mean, they could rot in hell for all I care! P-X is nothing! He’s done with, I just have to show his ass out of the arena. I’m like a damn tour guide. Give him a tour to a hospital bed! Even without weapons I’ll still kick that Womans ass! Yeah that’s right! Woman! P-X has long gay hair and shit he looks like a damn woman!

Joey Bells- Well Masta, your match is no DQ. So weapons and unnecessary help is legal. So you can boast away about that, you know you’ll need that factor to win the match. Hell you can’t beat P-X fairly. You’ll definitely need this stipulation to pull off a win. You couldn’t win this match fairly Masta, no way!

Masta Disasta- Shut the HELL up Bells! I don’t need weapons to win a damn match, even though they do help since I’m a hardcore martial artist! But that’s the only reason why it would make sense for them to help me you dumb ass! You know Joey, maybe after all those beatings I gave you, it affected your brain a little. There is no way I NEED the no DQ rule to win the match, it’s a piece of cake. P-X is just a played out record that I’m going to put a stop to.

Joey Bells- One last question Masta, does Angel Baby have anything to do with this change of attitude?

(You can see the change in Mastas face expression after he hears the name. You can see the evil mad look in his eyes change into an innocent look as he closes the door.)